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A corner stone under the table of sucess

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    A corner stone under the table of sucess

    I haven't done one of these in a while soooo for those of you who think I just rant and bi**h about newbs this is for you, also all of the established scrap related business people out there.

    There are three main legs to the stool of success
    1. communication.
    2. understanding
    3. mutual benefit.
    (this is going to be long so get your coffee, beer or what ever .....wellll maybe the beer isn't a good idea this one is to important.

    Let's take #1 which I feel is the most important one from the get go.
    none of us would be even trying to do business with out it. It is how we start, it is what this forum is all about. With out it, nothing happens.

    Most of us THINK we are good communicators and , most of us are but we all slip. even the best of us. We slip because once we reach a certain plateau of success we become complacent. what ever we are doing we tend to take on a the assumption every one else understands exactly what is what.

    Every time the phone rings or the email or message center tries to communicate with us it is a test, a test of our true desire to remain at the top or to reach there , which ever applies to you your circumstances and tour position on the ladder of success.

    Every time some one tries to communicate with you they are trying to give you their business and make you money. Return those phone calls, e mails and messages. TODAY, FIRST THING TOMORROW, OR FIRST THING MONDAY. Communication is the first thing, the last thing and, the only thing that can stop you from being successful.

    Communicat,e it is most important in getting you there and then, keeping you there. mcw.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  2. #2
    1956's Avatar
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    Those are words of wisdom, you can spend untold sums of money on websites and search engine Ob, making flyers, doing email marketing, or what ever you do to market your business but if the phone rings and it is not answered all that effort is lost commuacation is the key.

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  4. #3
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    A corner stone under the table of sucess

    I learn as I go. I failed in business once as a performance tuner for cars and it happens lots of diy stuff going on now and it ran me out of profit. This though....Im in complete control of my success and I very much enjoy it and learning from guys like old dude.
    WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!

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  6. #4
    pjost's Avatar
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    Tell you what olddude. I just f&€ŁEd my self out of about $3000 per year. I think my example would fall under #3.

    I had a client that I cleaned up twice a year. They had a safety inspection, and the inspector told them they had to get their scrap off the ground. Get a dumpster or a huge tub or something. So I was there 2 days after the inspection cleaning them up. Heard this story about how they needed a dumpster.

    I thought to myself, I may be able to find a dumpster for them...oh well, their problem.

    Wrong answer. I just called a couple weeks ago to see if they needed their scrap cleaned up before the snow hits. Guy tells me "No." I'm like "what? I know you got stuff there this time of year."

    I finally got it out of him that someone (I think it may be a relative) parked a trailer there. Well this someone will let the trailer sit there if they can have the scrap.

    I've been beating myself up over this ever since, and it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it. I should have found a dumpster and delivered it the next day.

    Maybe typing it out here will make me feel better lol. Or maybe it will help someone else in the future.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  8. #5
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Olddude I agree with you 100%. Communication is probably the most important in any type of relationship. I know for myself I think I'm a god communicator, only to find out from others that it is not what it should be. So I keep aware of my need to improve in that area, as well as many more inadequacies of mine. My grandfather always said: "The best place to start with your problems, Is Yourself".

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  10. #6
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Old Dude, agreed. It must be pointed out that # 1 and # 2 are related, no pun intended. Many think communication is the ability to get your message across. To the contrary, communication is a two way street and the most important part is listening. This is the key to understanding and creating mutual benefit for both parties. Just my .02 cents worth.

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  12. #7
    beardo's Avatar
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    A corner stone under the table of sucess

    And good communication is almost always forgotten. I have turned mistakes into long term customer because of communication. Also how hard is it to show up on time and if I'm going to be late I communicate. No one has ever said "well they do good work but they just communicated too much, I just don't like it when I know what's going on."
    "And if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay. If you ever get annoyed, Look at me I'm self-employed
    I love to work at nothing all day" -BTO

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  14. #8
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Old Dude, agreed. It must be pointed out that # 1 and # 2 are related, no pun intended. Many think communication is the ability to get your message across. To the contrary, communication is a two way street and the most important part is listening. This is the key to understanding and creating mutual benefit for both parties. Just my .02 cents worth.
    ZZackly without all three each is useless.

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  16. #9
    harsas's Avatar
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    After 35+ years in the remodeling business, the one thing all my customers would rave about was my habit of answering and returning calls. Even if I don't have an answer or I have the wrong answer, a simple conversation is always appreciated. No one like to be ignored, and if you do ignore them, they will go elsewhere every time.
    Have Fun,

    I hate rules, but I love junk.

  17. #10
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Networking has been my best asset to this day . Talking shop with a few guys and boom I have a guy trading me computers for TVs or monitors . Yes it can happen I meet people all the time that actively search out items that I hate to break down .
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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