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out look forcast for the next year or two

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    out look forcast for the next year or two

    I'm not the sharpest tack in the box but, I have been around for a while. The following is not a political rant but a simple opinion of how recent elections will effect our near future in our segment of the business world.

    Looking over the past 40 years or so (I do a lot of research) some of you think I'm a fairly wise old man. I'm not, I just have a high interest in History and research. That said here's my take for what it's worth.

    Seldom does the American people turn the entire government over to one Party so our next president will most likely be one of the chosen few who call them selves Democrats, but with the fiasco of "Hope and change" any thing could happen (Christie or Bush) in any in any case all are different sides of the same coin.

    In any case, I learned a long time ago, it is not what is true that counts but what people believe true that counts. Depending on what view the mass media takes (yes people still believe what the talking heads are told to say) they will either think the world is coming to an end and the dollar will continue to fall and gold will go up or we will have another dose of "Hope and change" and the dollar will rise and gold and every thing else will fall (except the price of necessities, food , fuel, shelter) will continue to rise.

    In about a year, two at most, people will see, with out knowing or understanding, nothing has changed and the dollar will drop again and our prices will rise again.

    American politics Does still affect the entire world, China, Russia, and others are trying to change that but at this point they have had some effect but not as much as they want. The world bank is still controlled by pro western elitists not eastern block elitists so the dollar will remain the worlds Reserve currency, at least for now. The dollar will gain in strength and our scrap prices will continue to be depressed.

    One bright spot is, the pipe line WILL be built so, steal may make a small come back but, unfortunately I don't see the same come back for Gold.

    This is just my opinion, I hope I'm wrong. mcw
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 11-10-2014 at 02:55 PM.
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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Seldom does the American people turn the entire government over to one Party so our next president will most likely be one of the chosen few who call them selves Democrats, but with the fiasco of "Hope and change" any thing could happen (Christie or Bush) in any in any case all are different sides of the same coin.

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    I live in the bluest state in the country , we just elected a republican in a state that has 80% democrats . After the last 8 years of supposed hope and change I'm thinking other regions have seen the light . I agree that our dollar is inflated on the world market .
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    The "Talking Heads" have a huge effect (unfortunately). Their main goal is to influence the "Bobbling Heads", just like the bobbling head little doggies in the back of the car, they are just going for a ride (unfortunately)! The "Truth" is 90% perception and facts to hard for most to comprehend (unfortunately). That's a fact from my perspective and my $.02 for what it's worth.

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    My fear is the pendulum will swing to far in this correction, just as it did six years ago. Did we just create a pissing match between skunks? Yes I am a conservative financially, socially, and politically. Many strong convictions provide this perspective. At the same time, no one has all the answers. We need balance and need to return to the basic concepts our country was founded on.

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  9. #5
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post

    I live in the bluest state in the country , we just elected a republican in a state that has 80% democrats .
    Same thing in Massachusetts >> also a VERY Blue state

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  11. #6
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Although we just re-elected a very democratic governor here in NY. I was honestly surprised at that. I really thought Astorino had it locked up but Cuomo rode the blue downstate wave once again.

    I won't say whether I'm happy or not about the results...just that I am surprised.
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    Even Illinois has a Republican governor, now.


    I agree with Olddude. I think that the metal prices will be down. As the dollar gains, though (If it does), people may become a little looser with their money, so that may help those of us that do More than Scrap Value items.

    I don't think the world's imploding yet. But, the future doesn't look very good. We have high employment, low spending, and a large group of people with no motivation to work.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  13. #8
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    The world economy is being propped up by the world bank which is controlled by western bankers and printing counterfeit currency called money. in the next year or two people will be told things are better. most will believe it. just watch your Ps & Qs carefully. do the home work by watching the commodities markets daily, along with future predictions. We are buyers of foreign goods and sellers of scrap to make those goods. That is not going to change in the near future. Right now the world is still feeding off us and will prop us up until they see this change then it's Katy bar the door for real.

    I will keep my eye close and try to give my opinion if you like.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 11-10-2014 at 02:52 PM.

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  15. #9
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    < Sigh> I dunno .... it just seems to me that all of those politicians left of center and right of center have been doing their darndest to ignore the 600 lb gorilla in the room.

    Different people have different ideas about the correct role of government. Some say that we should level the playing field so that everybody gets a fair share. They want to provide bread to the people.

    Others say no ! It's the government's role to provide for the common defense,provide a system of roads & bridges, and provide a system of law courts.

    I guess it really doesn't matter whether your priority is bread or bombs. It takes three key things for every human undertaking to succeed. They are Money,Management, and Manpower. If you lack any one of these three key elements your endeavor is sure to fail. Let's take em' one at a time:

    Manpower: That really doesn't seem to be the problem. We have enough people to do the work that needs to be done.

    Management: I think it's fair to say that the Federal government has grown so large & complex that it can't be effectively managed anymore. We have some good people and far more than a few complete idiots in positions of leadership.

    We, as a nation of people, really need to stand up and demand better. Doesn't matter whether you're red,blue,or pink. When you're a servant of the people just walk into your office in the morning just park that stuff at the door. Ditch all of the political agendas and start making rational well thought out decisions for the rest of us.

    Money: That's the 600 lb gorilla ! We're spending about twice what we're taking in every year.

    This is simple. Get that straightened out first. Once that's done go back to arguing over bread and bombs.


    There is an alternative: Keep the skunks so busy pissing at each other that they can't get anything done. It would give the rest of us some breathing room and maybe we could get this mess sorted out ourselves.

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  17. #10
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    If you count up everything you have you still have everything that you have. You can only make what you make. You can only get what you get. It is all up to you...

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  19. #11
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    I hope this isn't turning into a rant .....

    People don't seem to understand that you ALWAYS have to pay for the thing you get from the government.

    Want a road ? .... you gotta pay for that.

    Think global projection of American military power is essential to national security ? .... you gotta pay for that.

    Free college education for everybody ? ... you gotta pay for that.

    The list of things that the government does is endless. The problem is that if you have to BORROW the money for the thing you want then you really can't afford it. That's especially so if you're spending twice what you're making every year.

    Wouldn't it make more sense to live within our means ?


    < facepalm > We have a balanced budget amendment here in Maine but in the last election we passed ten bond issues by a large majority.

    D'oh !

    Then people complain about taxes ................

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    Oh yeah, everyone pays, even the ones that get stuff, or are here illegally or in jail or prison. But it still is up to them on what to do...

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    Living within your means is no fun, though! I want to stay at home and play video games! And, I want a shiny BMW outside!

    What do you mean? What is this work thing?


    Some people....

  24. #14
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    Okay ... well ... getting back to the old gent.

    We're spending well beyond our means and racking up a huge debt. We know that you ALWAYS have to pay.

    One way of bringing the debt back under control is to inflate / devalue the dollar. It's an invisible tax !

    Let's say that you've got a million dollars in the bank and they devalue the currency by ten percent that year. Here it is 365 days later. Your bank statement still says you've got a million bucks but it's been devalued by ten percent. You just paid 100 grand of invisible tax to the government.

    Maybe you own property or a business and have a net worth of 500 grand. They just took ten percent of everything you own.

    Maybe you are working for an hourly wage and living paycheck to paycheck. You go to the grocery store and you want to pay your rent but there just isn't enough to make ends meet anymore. It's because they took ten percent more out of you in taxes that year.

    Maybe you're a retired person living on social security. They just reduced your monthly check by ten percent.

    Maybe scrap gold goes up because of currency inflation. You're still no further ahead because they're paying you in devalued dollars.

    Maybe you're living on food stamps. You've gone from living at the poverty level down to living in grinding poverty. Life gets very hard.

    As near as i can tell just about everyone is affected in one way or another by the invisible tax.

    What this means for the future i couldn't say for certain. I guess it's all up to us.

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    Sure it's up to us! Who else?
    Last edited by hobo finds; 11-10-2014 at 06:52 PM.

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  28. #16
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    It doesn't look promising H.F.

    This is just as much an economic problem as it is a political one. If the average person doesn't understand the problem then how could we ever go about fixing it ?

    Sure ... we're "feeling" the pain and because of that we're trending to a more conservative approach to things but let's not forget that the groundwork for this mess was laid early on in the GWB administration.

    If you judge them by what they do, and not what they say, you begin to see that there's little difference between the left and the right.

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  30. #17
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    If you study historical, financial, wage, corporate profit, and other statistical charts and graphs you see this all started in the 70s. Not with GHB he was just one of those in a long line of elitists. The Bush family is easily tracked back to his father who was a wealthy banker along with the Harimans who supported and financed Germany during WW11. He was also one of the elitists who tried to get Smedly Buttler and the army to over through the U.S. government. It is not about Bush,Clinton,Obama, Democrat or Republican it is about them and us. Until the American people understand that, NOTHING will change, Just my .02.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 11-11-2014 at 11:00 AM.

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  32. #18
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    I'm somewhat familiar with the The Creature from Jekyll Island & the Rothschild line but the logic of it doesn't seem to fit old gent. There's something to the conspiracy theory, and we should definitely pay attention to what those folks have to say, but it's a viewpoint jaded by cynicism. Follow it a bit more and it might lead you to think that the Nazis were right when they destroyed the power structure in Europe during WW2. Might not want to go down that road ...........

    If you look through our history as a nation there have only been a few years when we weren't running a deficit. It seems to be a habit with our politicians to consistently spend more than they're taking in and rack up a debt.

    I'm not saying we should put the binders on and demand a balanced budget tomorrow but we need to realize that we're living way beyond our means.

    Currency inflation isn't anything new. Governments have been doing it for centuries as an indirect means of taxation. The earliest known example of it that i'm aware of was when the Japanese royal mint started alloying their gold coins with lead. Ever seen one of the old pirate movies where they bit into one of the pieces of eight as a way of testing it's purity ? They've cleaned up their act since then. Most any gold coin issued by a reputable government these days is at least .999 pure.

    Inflation of the paper money supply isn't anything new. They started inflating the U.S. dollar during the Roosevelt administration when we made the first step toward decoupling it from the gold standard. We've all heard the story of having to take a wheelbarrow full of German marks to buy a loaf of bread post WW1. Most recently ... the government of Zimbabwe inflated it's currency by one million percent almost overnight. If you had been holding debt against that government, in that currency, you would have been completely ripped off.

    Nope .... currency inflation is good for governments but very bad for the banking system.

    That's why we had the global banking system meltdown and the necessity of the big bank bailout right at the cusp of the GWB / Obama transition. From yr 2000 thru 2006 we were inflating the money supply at a phenomenal pace .... so much so that " The Fed " stopped reporting the M3. They were trying to keep it on the down low.

    It was blatantly reckless economic policy.

    Judge them by their deeds ?
    Last edited by Scrappah; 11-11-2014 at 04:37 PM.

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