It's the THICKNESS of the metal:
General guidelines for taking
scrap metal for sale to a scrap yard
Ferrous (magnetic)
#1 iron ( prepared) iron or steel scrap ¼" or thicker and 2’ x 5’ or less
#1 iron (unprepared) same as above except over 5’ to 18’
#2 iron (prepared) 1/8 inch to ¼" and 2’ x 5’ or less
#2 iron (unprepared) 1/8" and 5’ to 18’
Torch material is any iron over 18’ long and 10’ wide
Cast-iron is the same as Breakable Iron. Guidelines are that they should be 2’ x 2‘6” or under and weigh less than 150 pounds.
Light iron is less than 1/8". Examples include sheet-metal and bicycle frames.
Your yard may vary in some stuff, so check with them.