I was wondering if anyone knows who to get in contact with about a couple dump sites that are on state property in the woods near my house. All of these sites are either in (1) a protected wildlife reserve (2) state forest or (3) public water supply land and they all contain either CRT TVs or old style appliances with lead switches, with one site including about 200 plastic jugs that look half full of oil (!!) and a pile of garbage that is about 8 feet high containing lord knows what. Obviously I am interested in the scrap value of all this metal and waste that has been dumped (illegally) but I am also worried about lead or other chemicals leaking into the water supply here, as all the houses around me have artisan wells and the town has their own wells to supply town water. I was wondering if anyone knows who I should get in contact with about these sites (I'm in mass if that helps) or if its legal for me to remove the waste as it was illegally dumped on government property. Even if there isnt a way for me to remove it personally, is there some state agency I can contact about having them send someone out?