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  1. #21
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I would. I like big macs.

    An yea..I wish i was making 12k a month, but I'm sure he has the headaches an stress to go along with it.


    Sirscrapalot - No more dollar big macs.

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  3. #22
    BilboScrappins's Avatar
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    Another idiot who thinks the world owes him something. He's gonna have a real tough life with that attitude.

  4. #23
    spinroch started this thread.
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    "I wants my walkin' time!"
    New York State Hospital employees demanding to be paid for the time it took to walk from the bus to work in the 1960's
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  5. #24
    crazyguy1710's Avatar
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    we actually had a guy that was in his early 20's quit after 6 hours. What we do to see if they are a fit and can hang is the first day or so that they start we normally put them with a crew that is doing a tree removal. Nothing huge but something that can be hand loaded in the back of a chip truck or bucket truck. Yes we own loaders but this is a quick and easy way to weed through the guys that don't have the work attitude that we are looking for. I still remember when i graduated college and starting in this proffesion and having to do this and thinking to myself how crazy am i? 10 years later i don't work on the production side i am stuck behind a laptop or in my truck all day doing consulting but would love to hand load a truck or drag brush for a couple hours. To many kids today want everything handed to them and have a excuse for anything that gets them out of work. don't get me wrong there are some that are fantastic but that is only because there parents have taught them to work for everything and don't take the easy way out.

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  7. #25
    phred59's Avatar
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    well, i can say with legitimacy that i can understand the working a part timer for other reasons.

    you guys know that i am a part time scrapper, I do auctions and very little actual hunting on the streets. I have a full time 8-5 that brings scrap to me via our voice/data/security install customers. I have a 2 car garage and a storage unit that I work out of and that's really it. I also run my vinyl graphics business out of the same garage (it takes up 1/4 of my garage space)

    I work 2-3 nights a week (6-8 hour shifts) cooking for Outback Steakhouse, not because I have to, but because I want to. We all know the winter months are a little slower. I know the owner and he pays me $12/hr and I use that for Vacation/Christmas/play money. Could I use the time I spend there and earn the same cash to play with doing more scrap? Probably. But I like the stability and guarantee of it, I know that there are no peaks or valleys in my play stash. Will that change in the spring? Who knows?

    All in total, I would say I work about 80-90 hours/week. 40-45 at my office, 15-20 at the restaurant, 15-20 cutting/installing vinyl, and another 10-20 doing E-Scrap. So even at the low end of each of those, I'm looking at 80. I will say that the vinyl and e-scrap are a little balancing act. If I have more hours on vinyl, I spend less on the scrap and vice versa. But I have 4 completely unique and separate income streams. And they all serve a purpose.
    Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana - Bill Gates

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  9. #26
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    +1 crazyguy
    You can turn a lump of coal into a diamond,
    but you can only polish a turd so bright.

    That kid was a turd.

    I am more than willing to work with less than perfect workers ... but it's up to them if they're a diamond a coal or a turd.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 12-02-2014 at 05:42 PM.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  11. #27
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Also...look at it from an employees perspective. 9-12 bucks an hour is par for the course in most manufacturing jobs in this country with a complete benefits package. I'm not making excuses for this kid in particular, that would be the wrong approach, BUT I would not hire anyone at 9-12 an hour and sit him down to perform break downs all day long. Most of these kids are pretty smart and generally overqualified for menial labor tasking, at least in my area. There is value in a hard days work but the mind needs more these days with video games, facebook, and everything else making our daily lives more "engrossing". Work needs to have variety. Yes mostly I need things broke down, but then I need help on pickups, I need incoming boxes tested, and help boxing things up, doing inventory, taking pictures for ebay and craigslist stuff...working ebay especially....and that's how you keep a guy, because he knows he has value that he's not a machine.
    WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!

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  13. #28
    spinroch started this thread.
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    After 1.5 days, There was no opportunity for variety to occur

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  15. #29
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    I meant in the future, not with this guy.

  16. #30
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spinroch View Post
    After 1.5 days, There was no opportunity for variety to occur
    LMFAO......I actually Laughed OUT loud a little on that one

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  18. #31
    spinroch started this thread.
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    I know, army...
    It was just too good of a line to pass up!

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  20. #32
    LarryB's Avatar
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    Cool Bang on bro...

    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    $20/hr? For a 40hr week? Where are you? Wouldn't have to worry about me missing any work.
    Yup, and I second that, no problem. lb

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