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imported scrap

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    imported scrap

    How many of you know that the U.S. actually imports non Ferris scrap. for some resion, while we are the worlds largest exporter by far we also import about 1/2 a million metric tones from Mexico, Canada, Sweden, and Norway. Sweden and Norway???????.

    Just as we are the worlds largest importer of foreign oil we also export oil?????

    I October this year the U.S. imported more scrap then since 2012. October is traditionally the month importers stock up for the winter months causing a seasonal drop in metal prices. This makes no sence to me but thought you would like to know.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Canada and Mexico scrap would come by of rail maybe we send something back on the empty train cars? Not sure Norway and Sweden cant be by rail! LOL

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