I was looking at Scrap Monster this morning to see if there was any new
E-Waste news and came across this article for Houston TX.
Houston firm reaches new milestone in E-waste recycling after I was done, I realized that's the direction I want Rycon Dismantling to head to. To the best of my knowledge Onondaga county has no one to handle E-Waste past the bill that went into effect this morning. I'd like to see Rycon Dismantling get a foothold on this and do NY a service.
Just down the road from where I live is the Will & Baumer Candle Factory(yes it's still standing). A company came in, bought it, and converted it into a business park so there's another candle factory in one of the buildings. There's an L shaped building in the front that totals over 12,800 sqft that would be perfect for this endeavor. It's a vision and a dream because there's no way in heck I'd be able to make enough to sustain the $25,000/yr lease. I might try to get some sort of funding but anyhow, that's the direction I want to take Rycon Dismantling.