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New Website!!

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  1. #1
    Scrap808 started this thread.
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    Talking New Website!!

    The domain will take a day or so to register but we've officially launched our new website today! Below is the temporary URL:

    Sustainable Solutions Hawaii

    There is still a lot that needs to be done but this is the general look of everything. What do you think? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    It looks good. The only recommendation I would make is to replace your 'Products We Recycle' page with pictures instead of words.

  4. #3
    Geiser093's Avatar
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    I like it very much. I would add a phone number to the top of the page.
    "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

    Albert Einstein

  5. #4
    Electrowaste's Avatar
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    To me the most intriguing thing is the tracking tab. What type of back end are you using to support that technology? Very interesting and certainly something that we would consider implementing here in our shop.
    Jeremy Burrage - Founder & CEO
    Electrowaste Recycling LLC, Guntersville, AL

  6. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    I like it! It's clean and efficient. I can't think of anything to recommend.

    Great job!

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  8. #6
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    The website looks nice, but one thing in the first paragraph raised a question for me. Okay. This is probably going to be considered the stupidest question and you will probably send the Hawaiian mafia to lei may ass out, but.... Why don't you just dump the trash in one of the lava tubes that is not active at this time and just let the lava turn the waste into a new paradigm, Earth + plastic and electronics?

    If you don't know the Earth + plastic reference, enjoy...

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  10. #7
    logansryche's Avatar
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    nicely laid out - good job.

  11. #8
    Scrap808 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    The website looks nice, but one thing in the first paragraph raised a question for me. Okay. This is probably going to be considered the stupidest question and you will probably send the Hawaiian mafia to lei may ass out, but.... Why don't you just dump the trash in one of the lava tubes that is not active at this time and just let the lava turn the waste into a new paradigm, Earth + plastic and electronics?

    If you don't know the Earth + plastic reference, enjoy...
    There are so many things wrong with dumping it in the lava tube haha. First is cost: The Big Island (where the lava is) is home to only about 18.5% of the entire population. This means that the trash for the other 800,000 or so of us needs to be shipped there. Not worth it.

    Second is the environment: The toxins from burning all that plastic in the lava would wreak all kinds of havoc.

    Lastly, it'd be a cultural and political disaster: Lava (and volcanoes) are extremely sacred in Hawaiian culture. Volcanoes and lava are the embodiment of the Goddess of Fire Pele and any politician who even suggests burning the trash in the lava wouldn't see another election.

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  13. #9
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap808 View Post
    There are so many things wrong with dumping it in the lava tube haha. First is cost: The Big Island (where the lava is) is home to only about 18.5% of the entire population. This means that the trash for the other 800,000 or so of us needs to be shipped there. Not worth it.

    Second is the environment: The toxins from burning all that plastic in the lava would wreak all kinds of havoc.

    Lastly, it'd be a cultural and political disaster: Lava (and volcanoes) are extremely sacred in Hawaiian culture. Volcanoes and lava are the embodiment of the Goddess of Fire Pele and any politician who even suggests burning the trash in the lava wouldn't see another election.
    Gotcha! So I guess my other idea about turning lava tubes into huge lavapipe bongs is right out, too.

  14. #10
    Blue414's Avatar
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    I had to put in alright. You need more "pop" in the add. They company name does not really stand out on the page and to me that was an eye cacher. The info bok kinda blends in to the background also. like someone else said on the home screen it might be good to have dropdowns on the selections. Some folks dont want to dig or even take the time to click so that way the info would be instant. Think about it your looking for a recycler to use and your add is on the screen. When the pointer comes to products accepted the have to scroll down the page its so extensive. For what it's worth just a mainlander Howlie .02
    miss that crazy a## green flash as a kid it amazed me and now I just cant wait to get to see it again. Take care

  15. #11
    Randerson's Avatar
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    I like the simplicity of the website... Just my suggestions, I would recommend putting your logo above your motto instead of the name in text. Like Blue said it doesn't "Pop". Also you should make a FB page and put a follow us link in the footer of the website and on the contact page.

    Now to some things that need to be fixed.

    On your "Home" Page "contact us" goes to
    "Products We Recycle" page "Contact us" goes to
    "Contact Us" page your e-mail address is not linked and your phone number is not able to be clicked on from a phone to call you.

  16. #12
    Scrap808 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randerson View Post
    I like the simplicity of the website... Just my suggestions, I would recommend putting your logo above your motto instead of the name in text. Like Blue said it doesn't "Pop". Also you should make a FB page and put a follow us link in the footer of the website and on the contact page.

    Now to some things that need to be fixed.

    On your "Home" Page "contact us" goes to
    "Products We Recycle" page "Contact us" goes to
    "Contact Us" page your e-mail address is not linked and your phone number is not able to be clicked on from a phone to call you.
    That's strange that you get that. When I tried out the links, I am redirected to Sustainable Solutions Hawaii - Contact Us and Sustainable Solutions Hawaii - Products We Recycle, respectively. And I'll be looking at the coding to fix the linked phone number and email. I assume you're accessing the site through mobile? The site has both a mobile and desktop version and I've mostly worked on the desktop version.

  17. #13
    Randerson's Avatar
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    I looked at it with chrome on my computer first, then i looked at it through my mobile for the # link. Your home page "contact us" link points to "" which auto forwards to the contact us page on your website, but you should clean up the link address so that it's easier for search engines. and the second one goes to a dead end for me... it's the contact us link on those pages, not the links to the pages.

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