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Bracing for Yard Closures Due to Metal Prices

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    sledge started this thread.
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    Bracing for Yard Closures Due to Metal Prices

    As with any animal that is this big.. The Scrap Metal Industry.
    I am crossing my fingers that the smaller guys- the Core Buyers who are family owned and the small feeder yards will be able to survive this recent economic downturn.
    Once the storm blows over.. I'm really hoping the "little guy" will still be standing!

    If not.. a lot of us will have to make new connections as to where we purge off our wares. Or some of us may be forced to sell to places that are bigger and a lot less kind or caring about us as customers.

    Let's hope they can survive!!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  2. #2
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    "I will survive, I will survive, as long as I buy low, sell high, I will survive, yeah, yeah"

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  4. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    No, not I, I will survive
    Long as I know how to love
    I know I'll stay alive
    I've got my life to live
    And all my love to give and I'll survive
    I, I, I will survive

    Gloria Gaynor

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  6. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I was wondering about this as well. We've had calls looking for scrap to buy from us, nobody has anything it seems. I noticed we aren't getting many shipments in either and we are down to bare minimum staffing. I know we will survive but at what cost you know?

    Myself, with steel prices so low I have cut wayyyy back on curb shopping for now, its just not economically feasible. However, I'm gonna give folks time to take in this new market and go out again hoping many of teh small timers gave up. I can at least stockpile.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  8. #5
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    if my local yard were to close I would just start buying from everyone myself and then retire next year as for curbco its been so busy with everyone dropping out I have had to try and work longer in the freezing cold just to get out ewaste faster to make room for other stuff its like Christmas this past week and with gas so much lower at $2.07 was $1.84 its so much cheaper to drive around. even hitting old dump spots I could not get to before it gets picked.
    even more people are passing up wire I have seen now not all the cord cutting and leaving behind if this keeps up I will double my income this year just from regular scrap let alone ewaste

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  10. #6
    sledge started this thread.
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    It has already turned Curbco Bonanza.. Yesterday.. just driving from places I needed to go I picked up nearly a truckload.. 4 microwaves and other goodies. Then I went out for a bottle of milk last night and snagged a dishwasher.. normally these things wouldn't last 2 minutes on the curb.. but there they are.. and I'm thinking if I just take a trip on a Saturday and don't kill any of my billable time.. I'll make a little scratch.

    About 2 days ago One of my favorite yards sent a text to me saying they have new hours. I believe they shaved an hour off their start time during the week and Saturday as well. So they save labor costs for "X" number of guys for 6 days a week. I can see the writing on the wall sadly!

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  12. #7
    ElectricLiquidators's Avatar
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    Just hoard stuff. I keep saying we should rent a building and stack it deep.

    We can be on a episode of hoarders or something. If I had like a 30,000 SQ ft building, I would stack so much stuff that the concrete couldn't hold it.

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  14. #8
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Yep, it's slowly creeping around here... called around to a few places to see how their doing and Bodow said they might be closing by the end of February and so might Empire. Metallico said their just barely getting buy. When I called over to Weitsman just to check they said people are flocking to their yard like it's Christmas and project the same reaction when the Oswego yard is up and running. I give it a few months and they'll be the only yard in the area. Nothing's changed with them though: hours, pricing or labor's the same. They doing something we don't know about? Curbco around here stopped when NY passed the EScrap bill, which I thought was going to benefit scrappers but it actually hurt us instead. It took the ball and put it into big corporate's court.

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  16. #9
    sledge started this thread.
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    They are opening a yard in Oswego?? Where is that supposed to go? My brother in law would be thrilled.. he just did a massive clean out in Palermo and hauled to Syracuse.. Oswego Location would have netted him a bunch more profit on the gig!!

  17. #10
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    logansryche, you said there was a scrap yard up there that is business as usual. What is their name if I may ask?

  18. #11
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    They are opening a yard in Oswego?? Where is that supposed to go? My brother in law would be thrilled.. he just did a massive clean out in Palermo and hauled to Syracuse.. Oswego Location would have netted him a bunch more profit on the gig!!
    Nice! Their site lists the Oswego location at 15 West Main Street but they have locations there, Solvay(where I go), Allegany, Ithica, Albany, Binghampton, Jamestown, Liberty, Scranton, Rochester, New Castle, Hornell, and Brant.

    Quote Originally Posted by sakurtz View Post
    logansryche, you said there was a scrap yard up there that is business as usual. What is their name if I may ask?
    Ben Weitsman/Upstate Shredding.

  19. #12
    matador's Avatar
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    It's happening here. Our town stopped taking electronics (Of any kind) at the end of January, and we had two yards. One closed.

    I've been hauling out of state, though. The only local yard left doesn't take electronics as shred.

    I'm putting all of my effort on the more-than-scrap side of things. When prices rebound, so will I. I'm not leaving it behind. But, I'm not going to invest a lot of money when prices are down.

    I think a lot of others are doing the same.

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  21. #13
    ryanw's Avatar
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    I am really liking the steel downturn myself. I can purchase appliance and electronics on the cheap now.

  22. #14
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    It has already turned Curbco Bonanza.. Yesterday.. just driving from places I needed to go I picked up nearly a truckload.. 4 microwaves and other goodies. Then I went out for a bottle of milk last night and snagged a dishwasher.. normally these things wouldn't last 2 minutes on the curb.. but there they are.. and I'm thinking if I just take a trip on a Saturday and don't kill any of my billable time.. I'll make a little scratch.

    About 2 days ago One of my favorite yards sent a text to me saying they have new hours. I believe they shaved an hour off their start time during the week and Saturday as well. So they save labor costs for "X" number of guys for 6 days a week. I can see the writing on the wall sadly!

    Thanks! I'm hoping when I go out tonight I score big. I actually picked up scrap on my way HOME from work today!

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  24. #15
    SuperDave's Avatar
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    Not worried about the yards, there is still scrap everywhere and it has to go somewhere.

    More worried about my bottom line IMHO, although I can see your point, if there is less competition...

  25. #16
    F350scrapper's Avatar
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    Less competition on the curbs doesnt really help with prices this low. Like i saw earlier you got 4 microwaves and a dishwasher. All together that might weigh 200 pounds. At 4 cents a pound like it is here thats 8 bucks add the gas to get it and take it in plus labor you just lost money. With prices as low as they are curbco is essentially not feasible.
    Explain to me if Im wrong?

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  27. #17
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    Isn't this where you dismantle to maximize your return?

    Those microwaves and dishwasher may yield 200lbs of shred, but there's copper wire, motors, circuit boards and the like.

    There's also selling microwave turntables and even bits of the the dishwasher on ebay if they are still usable.

    Lots of stuff on SMF regarding stripping microwaves safely and other threads talking about selling the parts on ebay.

    May not be a lot, but you sure can maximize what you get out of the piggies, even sell the squeal!!


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  29. #18
    sledge started this thread.
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    I'm going to give them a shot.. once a member here told me that as long as I don't try and dismantle it plugged in.. I'm fine.
    Always had this weird fear of radioactivity in microwaves since growing up my dad always used to say "Nuke it"

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  31. #19
    F350scrapper's Avatar
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    Ive always been a dismantler to maximize profit. I guess it comes down to what level your trying to be on. A guy that does it to make 20 bucks or make a living and pull 100k. I believe the abuse on my equipment and time is worth more than all money involved in stripping curbco products at this time.

  32. #20
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    At the yard today. The new yard 1 year old always paid more than anyone else, stocked piled in every corner with stuff... empty now few employees and owner running one of the heavy machines in the yard. Hot chick still at pay window! So the moral of the story is, if you work at a scrap yard and are worried about losing your job due to low prices, be the hot chick at the pay window!

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