Most people don't understand that advertising is what runs this world. The advertising came before the "programing" with radio then television then the internet. Before that it was people with sandwich boards and posters and billboards.

I find it interesting that I'm bombarded with advertising on the home pages from things I've searched for or bought on ebay. And I realize that the home pages try and show me content that they believe might interest me.

Those in power want to make as much as they can out of us as that's the way it works.

I find it interesting that people are still having to go on strike to get what they were promised. We are "given" things and then they find ways to slowly take it away. The powers that be like to keep their share of the pie and make others pay for it.

I realize that this world will stay much the same as it has as the many of the people don't change or advance in their thinking and wants.

As I've stated before, we are all 4 year olds in our thinking. What we wanted and believed then doesn't change much. Most choose to try and believe what interests them.

Fantasy and fictions or deception and lies called good is what blinds and binds the minds and thoughts of most.

If we look at WHAT so called money is we find that it's basically IOUs and credit. And the so called national debt has it's collateral. It's us and everything we have and might have.

When I was a teenager in school they came around with the social security sign up forms as it was a "volunteer" program. These days a baby is given a social security number before they leave the hospital and there is a number on the birth certificate that is for the federal reserve as the baby is collateral. The powers that be have charts and graphs that estimate what a person is worth by what they might make in their lifetime.

I spend most of my time by myself as I'm a deep thinker and I like to analyze most everything to see what I might learn. Friends have told me that I have a great thirst for knowledge.

I watch movies and series and such to see what I might learn from what they are pushing. As I watch and listen red flags go up when I hear or see something that don't fit.

I can see what is being pushed for programing.

The AI is getting very good at doing it's thing as the many of the people are not very hard to program. But things happen that the powers that be didn't expect. The United Nations is still trying to push it's agenda that they figured would be completed many years ago.

And as for social security. It would of been a great plan if the "government" hadn't kept ROBBING it.

I see the so called roundabouts that they are installing all over and think about all the "money" that someone is getting from them.

And when I go over train tracks I think about when they installed the new rubber crossing ties for the old wood ones. The wood ones lasted for many years without problems, but the rubber ones are problem plagued.

And I think about how they are pushing the plastic and replacing the glass that could be recycled. I believe that the plastics are a main reason that so many babies and young children are having problems with cancers and such.

The U.S. uses about 25 percent of the worlds oil supply. Most of it is made into the plastic pellets that the plastic products are made from.

I could go on and on with things that most people are unaware of as they are so busy chasing their fantasy and fictions.

and the nuclear crap. The world would be a better place if they had left it alone.

The reason the bees are disappearing is the towers with the dishes that send their signals around.

If you think about it, there are hundreds of man made frequencies and waves that we are in contact with. What problems might that cause?

These are the type of things I think about.