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    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    I am not a professional. I will make a good faith effort to assist you in developing a business plan. While this will be free of charge my time is valuable, at least to me. I will work with you to define your goals. We will then develop strategies to achieve those goals. It will be up to you to implement those strategies.

    I propose we work from this thread and discuss it out in the open. I will send a plan and forms, help with logo's, branding, marketing and advertising, anything we can come up with that will help you.

    I went to University of Pittsburgh. Studied Comp Sci. and Business. I have been self employed most of my life. I think I have something to offer and hope to help.

    If anyone wants to give this a try post and I will post the questions we need to answer to get started.

    "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

    Albert Einstein

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    aright geiser it's go time. first thing her I spell really bad and need to post read lol

  4. #3
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Look for the first post in the AM.

  5. #4
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Last edited by AdmiralAluminum; 02-26-2015 at 10:13 PM.

  6. #5
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    cause the good works pays off on the end.

  7. #6
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    Geezer says what? If your time is valuable why volunteer it??
    Hope I didn't offend with the comment all I meant was if we are going to work out a business plan and I spend the hours to put it together and suggest strategies I would only hope that the person will commit to take advantage and implement what we decide is the best course of action for them.

    Money makes the world go round. It should not be the sole source of happiness. Although I never seem sad when I have money to blow.

    When I was willing to work hard it always seemed as though someone smarter, more successful, with greater experience seemed willing to help me. For this I am grateful. The best way to show my gratitude is to pay it forward. Yes I could use the time to make cash. I believe the payoff of helping someone over a hump will be more satisfying at this point in my life than the money.

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  9. #7
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Sorry, I didn't write that. Kids....

  10. #8
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Thank you for offering it to the forum. I hope that it'll really help someone!

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  12. #9
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Savannahsworld: Conversation Notes from3/26/2015

    Simple Goal:Earn enough from scrapping to focus full time solely on business.
    (We can decide on what that number is later)

    Time Available:40 hours minimum next 2 weeks.
    What is the most profitable way to spend this time?

    Break down current stockpile. (estimated time)
    Keep track of hours spent and resulting breakdowns.

    ? Maybe we cold create a breakdown paper form to record daily results. Perhaps other users reading this have forms or spreadsheets they would like to share. Moderator is there any chance we could start a section to post downloadable forms or templates. The real estate forum I use has a section for this and it is very useful. Look for a post to see if there is an interest among users to do so. This will give you an idea of the Return On Investment, (ROI) of the time you dedicate to breakdowns. This will enable you to set benchmarks for performance and to estimate time for future breakdowns. The end result will be you will see how you made the money and if the time is worth the effort or better spent pursuing some other work. For example I personally don't see a huge ROI for the time it takes to get the boards off hard drives. I just sell them as is however if you are willing and can market all the pieces the ROI may improve. You have to really look at all the angles. Boards, Alum, Magnets, Platters, etc. then decide for yourself. Find out what works best for you. Keeping a record or journal will give you a reference.

    Network with current clients:
    Keep track time spent and results.

    Are you waiting for calls? Perhaps a proactive approach may work better. If my phone doesn't ring I make calls. Often you will hear "I've been meaning to call you." Mostly I simply tell them I am just touching base anything I can do for you? You will want to manage these contacts in some manner. What method you use is up to you. The best method to start may be a phone list, you paper database. Go down the page as time allows and check each name as you call. A cheap calendar or date book will help you keep track of when you last called and allow you to note specifics. You can also schedule future calls if they request a call in two weeks. When looking at the results you achieve they may not be as immediate as breaking down stock. The ROI will be measured of the life of the relationship. I would review this after say 3 months.

    Prospect for new clients:
    Keep track of time spent, area worked, and results.

    In an effort to achieve scrap independence you will need to generate new leads for scrap. You may decide to devote a certain amount of time to different areas. Finding new ways to get e-scrap, cars, or whatever scrap niche you want to focus on. Since we talked about e-scrap who generates it in your area. Computer repair shops, IT departments, Schools whatever you can come up with will work. As you go will hopefully continue to identify new targets. I came up with paper maps. Local cities have them, or you can buy a cheap one. Use it target area for maximum saturation and increase efficiency. Google the target play with search terms and make lists. The phone works best for me it allows the greatest number of contacts in the shortest period of time. Keep track of contacts and you will see your Law of Averages which will clearly define the number of contacts you have to make in order to achieve a new customer. If you make 15 contacts and get one new client the 150 contacts equals 10 new clients. It may be higher 25, 40, whatever it is if you make the effort over time the results will build. 40 calls a week for one year could potentially provide 52 new clients.

    Work Area: You said your shop is 120-150 Sq. Ft. with the option to expand.

    Vehicle:Chevy S-10

    Do not neglect maintenance. Check fluids, tire pressure, lights etc. Five minutes could save you a few bucks for a turn signal ticket or get you extra mileage before you have to repair or replace something. I know this is obvious but easy to overlook. Any professional driver walks around the truck before leaving so I got in the habit of doing so. This might not seem like part of the business plan but the trucks the business without no way to execute on the plan.

    Tools and Equipment:Scale, Sawzall, Hand tools

    What you need to do is decide what you enjoy the most and what you do the best. Then focus on doing that. Eventually you will see a clear picture of where your efforts are best spent. If you can generate the material the time will come when you will have to decide how to maximize your potential. If you can pay $10 an hour for a breakdown guy and generate $30 an hour in material then you should focus on generating material. For now you are the CEO and Janitor as well as everything in between.

    I believe that finding ways to generate enough material to bury you in that work area is the most important thing you can do. Balance that with breaking down stock to keep the cash flowing and you will have the resources to grow in whatever direction suites you best. If you can get a 30 yd. dumpster delivered for $50 for steel I don't see how you could pass that up. No way could I haul 30 yards of steel to the yard for that money considering the time. Every trip you don't have to make to the yard is time spent marketing.

    TAKE SOME TIME TO CONSIDER THE ABOVE. What question do you have?

    The Next Step:Marketing Plan

    Take a little time and think of all the ways you currently market yourself. All of your advertising, print, internet, and social media to name a few. Once we identify what you are currently doing we will decide what is the best way for you to proceed. Also what can you afford to devote to your marketing budget?

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  14. #10
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    this is great. I could never of for all this on paper. I'm just washing up now. I'm going to be heading to warehouse prob within the hour. first thing on going to do is build that budget list.

  15. #11
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    so here's a budget....

    rent $700 month
    gas $400 month
    auto insurance $350 month
    works space $60 month
    lights power $100 month
    gas heat $100 month.
    daily coffee, $350 month
    smokes, extras

    so I rounded this number up $2100 this total number I have it's $1,930
    I included my daily habits in this list also. I did this because I feel that in order to get an HONEST number NOW need to use a list that included yesterdays.

  16. #12
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Our first goal is to gather the resources to met your budget demands. Secondly we will look for ways to expand past there to provide the means to support growth. A nice round number to shoot for could be $2500. This will give you an extra $100 per week to devote to marketing in the short term. I tend to break things down into smaller parts in order to better gauge progress.

    $2500 per month income
    $625 per week x 4 weeks
    $130 per day x 5 days
    $15.00 per hour x 40 hours

    This is a very realistic number to achieve. No matter where you are now it is an obtainable goal. What we have to focus on is getting all of our efforts to meet that baseline figure of $15 per hour. We make sure your efforts are concentrated on activities that create that much income or profit. This is why w want to keep some form of record of what we are doing. We do not want to look up and see we are short and not know why. Failing short of this goal is not a problem in the short term. It will simply allow us to look back and see where we fell short. By refining your daily activities you can home in on the things that are working and do more of them. It will also allow you to eliminate those things that work and do less of them. Maximum efficiency.

    A journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step.

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  18. #13
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savannahsworld View Post
    daily coffee, $350 month
    Good Lord Man...get yourself a coffee maker and buy a nice truck with the savings.
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    I do attempt to bring my coffee cup in every night. so I can bring a cup with me. that $350 is for what I call my daily extras. things I can weed out by need to plan for now.
    don't think I can build a real budget if I don't include them.
    every time I think about that number I yet to make it smaller. but that a different thread. lol

  21. #15
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    If I average 2 energy drinks and one pack of smokes per day that's $235......Consumption usually goes over that LOL

  22. #16
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    ads up quick

  23. #17
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    marketing umm well curbo and word of mouth. I also shop cl. I haven't spent time advertising at all.

  24. #18
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Just so I am clear you have no marketing or advertising in any form. No business card, no printed flyer. If I were to meet you in person you would give me your number on paper or verbal?

    If this is the case our job will be very easy. There are a bunch of simple things we can do to get started.

  25. #19
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Good thread, I look forward to following it.

    Its kinda funny. The things that will eventually kill us all, are on all of our budget lists.
    Smokes, chew, energy drinks, Alcohol, etc

    Mine is about 200 a month for chew and beer.

  26. #20
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    that it's correct to be honest.

    I'm honored to build this thread with guesier for all those who have helped me learn how to do this, now time how to learn how to create the business it self nor just the work.

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