Seems the "Scrap" value of these is going up.......What exactly is being recovered or are these just being shipped overseas for parts??......Inquiring minds want to know.....LOL
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Seems the "Scrap" value of these is going up.......What exactly is being recovered or are these just being shipped overseas for parts??......Inquiring minds want to know.....LOL
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Really, where? I get pretty good rates on ewaste and my yard downgraded flatscreens (except plasma) and rear projection to shred pricing about 6 months ago. I guess it all depends on whose buying on the other end...
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All these Flat Screens now being trashed just like CRT's! I would like to know as well what people are doing with them other than shred...
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ummm...WHY? Oh wait, they didn't think anyone would notice LOL.
There are some higher grade boards in those. They ae easy to get to and pull out as well. Now LCD monitors are somewhat more work. I have always gotten $2+ each for the panels on LCD monitors unless they are cracked/ I put those aside after stripping EVERYTHING else out to sell (note these have to be 15' or larger)....also a great extra income from stripped laptop screens.
I would LOVE to see prices on these go higher. I know there is some recoverable things in the screens (not sure the exact makeup), so hopefully this will be a trend. Same for the screens from LCD/LED TV's and even the small screens from all the electronic items out there. ::CROSSES FINGERS:: please be another source of $$$$
PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell
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Indium is in flat screens. Electrode material
Last edited by greytruck; 05-19-2015 at 11:13 AM. Reason: Better wording
I think some are refurbished too
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I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
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I pull everything including cutting the 2 power wires that go to the panel (I even pull the flat long board that has the gold mylar) and sell all that is yeah the front panel with the metal surround I guess for $2 each. Unless something has changed since I took my last set, I still should be getting that.
Last edited by webuyselltradestuff; 05-20-2015 at 12:25 PM.
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Are they aluminum holding the pannel
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They can also be reused. Since "More than Scrap Value" buyers are looking, that gives the recycling places an outlet to resell. If the screens are working (Just the LCD), they can be used to repair a cracked LCD monitor.
That's not done for a lot of them, but for some....
More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:
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I think most of them go overseas
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Any I can sell as useable I do...the issue is that the last 15" ones I had, I barely could get $8-10 for them and that was after they SAT for some time. People want at least 17" widescreen now and rightly so (I have a 27" and a 24" on my main rig). I am sure they get refurbished/reused to some degree. I sell **** near any laptop screen that works on ebay as replacement parts if I can. At some point, I just need to move them out of the way, so they get scrapped. I have to make room for new stuff and he money is just sitting there.
Just wanted to be clear. I reuse ANY equipment I can, but some things no one wants...what can you do. ::shrugs:: You take the $2 and the rest of the boards and move on.
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I do refurbs as well but sometimes cost to refurb is more than value .....I have around 50 working dells with bases all 17"+ I save for cheap refurbs but would part with them for right price
One thing to think about is depending on monitor, parts do sell like bases, power boards, etc on ebay. All depends on monitor and grade. Cheap 50 dollar walmart monitor, probaly not. But a 200 dell or samsung, then hell yea lol
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After attending a speaking event at the E-Scrap Conference in October, I learned that there is a net negative value for shredding or manually breaking down LCDs, the Indium is so fine most of it is often lost in the plastic shred which also becomes contaminated with mercury (one of the highest costs) if shredded. They are purchasing them for parts, reuse or both. There isn't much investment in Indium recovery as it is still in such small quantities that 100% recovery isn't going to boost the value much. Couple this with the advent of LED TVs, which if I am not mistaken do not use Indium, so the demand and price has come down. LCDs will be the new CRTs as LCD demand is overtaken by LED units. Good news however is there is no toxic materials in LEDs and are shred-able, albeit at a small positive value.
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LED vs LCD is just a difference in BACKLIGHTING...LCD using CCFL mainly (contains MERCURY SO BE CAREFUL)...LED just uses led's instead of the CCFL. ALL that to say, the panels themselves DO contain does all touch screen items.
The average lifespan of LCD's in the market are approaching the time they will be phased out, so look for MANY more of these to enter the recycling stream. IE be prepared and hopefully this will allow them to be recycled at a net positive $$$ amount.
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I've been scrapping flatscreens for awhile now.
an I take great joy in doing so.
So since the flatscreen according to some of you is about to become the new tube, this mean I can count on everyone hating flatscreens as much as tubes? I'm ok with that. Lord knows I've done well enough on tvs an monitors of all shapes an sizes.
Oh an I will scrap every single one. No ebay, no amazon, no yard the yard or a buyer it shall go. An I will laugh an evil laugh while doing so an twirling my non-existent bad guy mustache.
Flatscreens are bad. Don't deal with them. /coughcough
Sirscrapalot - Yes, I said I'd scrap it. Here's a tissue.
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