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  1. #1
    Mississauga started this thread.
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    Question Anyone set up a co-op instead of taking scrap to the middleman?

    Most scrap collectors are small one man (often part timers) businesses, so they just take the stuff to a place they heard of. This middleman sells it to the people who really has the huge equipment to transform the scrap into something useful.

    How about some of us getting together and set up a place where we act as the middleman? I cannot be the first to have suggested this, and of course most people will just point out why it cannot be done.

    Has anyone formed such a co-op? Please post some details.

    I am seriously thinking of forming one, if it succeeds others can learn from me and set them in their local area.

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  3. #2
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    I think it is a good idea. Even the simplest pooling of scrap to get a volume great enough for higher prices would work. I've been in those type setups in my farming for example to have enough sesame seed to fill a minimum contract. I think it can and should be done if you have an area with several scrap guys close together. The accounting wouldn't be hard and would only require a notebook, scales and a trusted seller. The hardest part could be storage.

  4. #3
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    imagine doing this with not so much of an issue as you can put a couple of tons of high grade broken down items in a storage locker or garage. \

    More volume means higher $$$ for everyone (lower shipping cost too).

    Just a thought.
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  6. #4
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    If there aren't any legal issues in your area, I'd try it. What do you have to lose? Everyone's scrap will still have value, and you'll likely be able to negotiate better prices. It seems like a good idea to me.
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  7. #5
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    I think travistemple mentioned he does something similar to a coop with steel

  8. #6
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    yes indeed when prices started to tank all over I looked for about everything I could to make more money and found a few people of like minds. all the light tin and garbage steel I still take in local but all my heavy steal things min. like posts and such no thinner we load onto rail gondolas to get 75-100ton to ship at a time. I don't run this mind you I am a mid range producer and small by comparison to these guys I still load in my truck. the place changes were we load because over various factors but its kind of like the scrap yard I pull up weight unload and tally it up.
    I carry this over until were about ready to ship and then get paid out. there is a few middle men still in that sense but nothing over bearing and this way even as of today when prices are lower and after shipping I am getting $0.065lb/ which here local best prices are $0.0325 at best and in my town $0.02 tins a penny

  9. #7
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    I am unlikely to want to join such a co-op. Why? How could you determine my percentage? Ewaste is so non homogeneous as material can get. Now if you can pool only one kind of material then maybe you have a chance. Let everyone put in small socket mobo's I guess then it could work.

    In the example above with the prepared steel then its all the same price wise, so everyone is equal on the material.

    If you come up with a way to over come my concerns let me know, I won't be the only one interested. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  11. #8
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I am unlikely to want to join such a co-op. Why? How could you determine my percentage? Ewaste is so non homogeneous as material can get. Now if you can pool only one kind of material then maybe you have a chance. Let everyone put in small socket mobo's I guess then it could work.

    In the example above with the prepared steel then its all the same price wise, so everyone is equal on the material.

    If you come up with a way to over come my concerns let me know, I won't be the only one interested. Mike

    In the ewaste case scenario, you would only pool sorted ram, small or large socket motherboards...stuff that can be graded easily. I mean gold ram is gold ram...unless it is really old suff..and you would be selling that privately at a premium anyways. You would do this more for the lower priced things where you can get a better price.

    Yes you have to have a business arrangement or form a LLC or whatever...either way, everyone should be able to see the record keeping and say at least 2 people sign off on the weights when they ship. Your % would be x pounds out of total pounds shipped...pretty simple math.

    Again with a bit of checks and balances (2 signatures on shipping, open records and payouts within X days) could work just fine.

    It just is an alternative way to pool items to get higher prices without having to have access to a large credit line or whatever to be a middle man (especially in the case of higher prices stuff like ewaste components).

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  13. #9
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Agreed on E-Waste. Steel is straight-forward, but you would need to be able to weigh E-Waste separately. How you would sort telecom is beyond me.

    If you have the space and resources, a Co-op seems like a great idea to me!

  14. #10
    bcrepurposing's Avatar
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    In theory its a very good idea as it allows you to cut out a small yard and get better pricing but it still requires leg work in finding best deal / brokering best price, logistics in transporting it and warehousing it, now what happens if one of them needs to cash out early to to raise funds for a great deal / equipment repairs / etc... What happens if someone wants to leave coop and go on their own?

    Each person and type of scrap adds a variable to the equation here and it isn't adding in complexity but growing exponentially with each one. As others above have stated it is much more complex than make a few notes. I wouldn't say it wont / cant work, but will say I do not envy you the planning and migraines to come with making your idea reality.
    "Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle..." - BC Repurposing Motto

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  16. #11
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    From what I heard grandfatherd scrapyards are all that can keep going in some states
    PA is open , NY not . Regardless Gov imposed regulations are the stumbling bloc.

    America's wings are being clipped each year. Enterprising individuals who want to create a co-op would represent
    some of the true original American / Canadian push for economic independence but really Gov laws will be hard to
    handle .

    What would work is a larger scale of what we already do , we are under the radar . We have to stay that way.

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  18. #12
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    I might work until the first screw up.

    One problem I think is that most scrappers that would benifit from it are too dependent on week to week $.

    One would need comercial space again the $ thing.

    In order for it to be big enough to work you would be basicaly a pirate yard.

    Isn't what your talking about already in practice, i.e my 20 yard roll off yard sells to a 40 yard roll off yard who sells to a trucking yard who sells to a yard near a rail head who sells to a yard near a port etc,

    Not being critical just bringing up some issues that came up back when I was buying scrappers e scrap.

    5 tons of ewaste takes a lot of space.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  20. #13
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    What middle man in ewaste are you trying to eliminate?
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  22. #14
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    I'm all for entrepreneurship and trying different things to gain a better result, and I think it would be a good exercise to delve into this more. It might provide you some information useful for future purposes even if this doesnt work out. But, to put in my 2cents, you should already be able to figure out that there is going to be a lot of time, effort, details and trust involved to get a group of independent people to agree on a co-op type program, all for the sake of avoiding the "middle man" and sell directly to large buyer for greater profit. I think you will find in the end that it is easier to sell your goods fast, pocket the money, and move on to the next project. Yes, the "middle man" makes more per pound than you, but he is also handling all the difficult aspects you would encounter with a co-op. All along the chain, each person is earning their money based on their business model. No one party is hoarding the lions share of the profits, so there isnt really a golden apple to grab that would improve your bottom line dramatically. If you go for this, i wish you the best and please keep us updated on results. I'm not wanting to discourage you and be a naysayer, i just think the operational logistics might be too big to overcome.

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  24. #15
    DFM92's Avatar
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    Definitely Interested!

    One can always invest in one of those U-Haul storages until the E-Waste gets picked up . Just my 2 cents

  25. #16
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    I'm actually pretty close to you, can you explain better how this would work? Seems like there would have to be some kind of contract in place. What kind of material are you thinking about storing?

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  27. #17
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Figure these days I except .05 a pound for mix .
    If I could bring product and have it weighed and get a slip . I'd be willing to wait
    as other scrapper also bring in metals . But what are we talking here
    .10 a pound
    .15 a pound
    .25 what price is paid for volume .
    Sounds like the creation of a yard with expenses
    equipment a permit would be needed . How do you prevent theft wile in storage.

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  29. #18
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    Im in for this I have the whole thing set up in Central MA, scale docks truck fork truck racking etc etc I use to do crazy business out of here I got sick with MRSA and its been costing me 300 a day to just maintain and im starting to fall behind, ever try to make 300 bucks profit a day plus your own paycheck when you have no money each day. I cant believe its lasted the last three years.

    Please call me, wait I have no phone, send a note, wait I have no mailbox, try to email me, my net is getting shut down, stop by Stillwater REcycling 44 MEad street Leominster MA, Wait my landlord locked my doors at 32 days late on my rent. What the ......................... Now Im almost 3 months in and do that math Ive never been so broke. How did that help me pay you! This co op would work, actually scrap works, Just keep it safe.

  30. #19
    manuelding's Avatar
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    i support! then we can purchase scrap with lower price.

  31. #20
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stillwaterrecycling View Post
    Im in for this I have the whole thing set up in Central MA, scale docks truck fork truck racking etc etc I use to do crazy business out of here I got sick with MRSA and its been costing me 300 a day to just maintain and im starting to fall behind, ever try to make 300 bucks profit a day plus your own paycheck when you have no money each day. I cant believe its lasted the last three years.

    Please call me, wait I have no phone, send a note, wait I have no mailbox, try to email me, my net is getting shut down, stop by Stillwater REcycling 44 MEad street Leominster MA, Wait my landlord locked my doors at 32 days late on my rent. What the ......................... Now Im almost 3 months in and do that math Ive never been so broke. How did that help me pay you! This co op would work, actually scrap works, Just keep it safe.
    I honestly think you need to have a good talk with the man upstairs and maybe it'll help open some doors for you,,, Here's hoping for you.
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