June is re-evaluation month for many large corporations and it is so with one of my main suppliers.
This brought to mind the idea of applying re -evaluation to us small fry.
Basically re-evaluation is where all of the supervisors from the custodial staff to the board room conduct a meeting and submit reports on their area of the business. suggestions of improvement, more efficient work habits, etc.
Most of us don't need all of that except for 3 main areas. Efficient work habits, increased profit and cost saving.
I suggest in these hard times we do the same in those areas. sit down with the significant people or just you, Make your self take an hour and force your self to go over every minor detail of your methods looking for ways to improve your co and each employee. Improvement =profit. Even to the amount of air in the tires of your truck.
In the case of employees often they will utter the proverbial groan when they hear the word evaluation. Make them an important part of this movement.
making their job easier most times improves their efficiency and production.
Last week we had a Gaylord of blades containing a board 16x1 1/2 the wall of this blade was 8" tall by 1 1/2 inches and took a .0Z Phillips head driver ,a bit** to get at. after a day of frustration I went down to the machine shop and had a precision screwdriver head and shaft welded on to a bit that fits my Hitachi driver. the special tool cost me $25 but enabled me to do the Gaylord of blades in just over a day a production improvement of about $350 per day.