I try not to turn down loads. As Auburn said, sometimes small pick ups turn into future big ones, or money loads as I like to call them..higher value stuff. Now if you call me an tell me you got 20 32 inch tube tvs you can expect me to throw you a dumbassly high number to discourage you, but hey..if your willing to pay it I'll come pick it all up.

I don't charge for my pick ups tho unless it's crazy like the above mentioned 20 tubes.
Second thing I'd like to touch on...Someone said you can judge based on the area. This is not always true. I've had folks who live in what I'd call..the older an..ah..economically challenged neighborhood, call an it's been..a high value pick up. It's like yard sales..go to one in a pricey neighborhood an it's going to be higher priced items then your average run of the mill yard sale. I think yard sale..I think cheap. It's why I'm having a yard sale. LOL. I need some money or I need to get rid of my crap. Ha!
Hell here on my sandbar, a lot of the locals live in the older sections..why? Cause we don't want to put up with the tourists, or it's a nice older home, or the newer ones are ridiculously over priced rent wise. These folks live in houses or trailers, an yet own businesses or have electronics they no longer want..I happily oblige them all an take it.

If i based on the area..I'd never get nothing. High end homes here sit empty 9 months out of the year...not exactly repeat business. is my list of things I say no to when folks call:
1. If it's out of my area, I won't go. I have a big area I'll drive,'s gotta be worth my gas an time. I won't drive an hour for a vcr. I ask questions tho an am honest if they have nothing else. "Sorry, that drive is just way to far for me to justify it at this time, but time I head that way I'll be glad to give you a call or a drop you an email in case you haven't found someone else.."
2. If they are fussy. I don't do fussy. DON'T BE FUSSY! I've done retail for many years, I've also done call center work..I can tell most of the time if your going to be a pain in my ass. If you that other guy you keep threatening to.
3. We can't come to terms on pricing, or at lest a ball park. "How much will you pay me for the tower?" "Hrrm..usually, between 3 an $5. Depends on the tower, whats been removed, etc" "Cool! See ya soon!" I go..if they start asking for anything above 5 bucks an it's not a working up to date tower..I just wish them a good day an good luck. I'm not a refurber. I buy, I smash, I profit.
4. Time of day. This is a factor for me as I live on a sandbar in a tourist mecca. To go north between the hours of 9 am an 5pm is just stupid if your me an live here. A 20 minute drive turns into 1 hour to 2 hours depending on the levels of stupidity. An I'm being nice. LOL. The area I speak of is the north end of my sandbar, an during summer months with all the tourists, the two lane road in an out of there is basically a parking lot due to all the lights, low speed limit an people. So if your in Duck or Corrolla an you want me to come do a pick up, it'll be very early or in the evening. I'll not make the drive during that crazy mess. This is unique to me an folks on my mainlanders will likely not have to deal with such.
5. It bears repeating...I try not to turn down loads, small or large. When I do, I try to have a good reason for doing such.
6. I ask questions. If I don't like the answers I turn down the pick up. "So what kind of stuff we talking?" "Oh a box of toasters, 4 waffle irons an a ram stick". always..YMMV.
Good luck!
Sirscrapalot - If the pen is mightier then the sword..I just slaughtered an army with that novel!