Thank you Olddude and Yunkman for your kind words. Some additional information about Olddude and Yunkman.
Olddude can smell the difference between brass and copper from a mile away. We stood outside one of my job sites and he was able to identify different portions of the plant, location, types of metal, and the machinery used in a 900,000 sq. ft. ten story tall power plant. He did not even step inside the facility. Olddude was dead on with his assumptions and although I had spent four months inside the building, I had no idea what he was talking about until I followed his recommendations. We were not able to do business because I was only a consultant and the powers to be had other plans.
Yunkman came to a job site with his wife and I could quickly tell they were a team. We toured the area where he and his wife pointed out things I had not seen. There insight and strategies were right on target, but once again the decision makers went a different direction. It was hoped that Yunkman and his company (wife) would take care of the non ferrous while I concentrated on the steel.
The knowledge these two individuals provided on these projects was invaluable and made the difference between success and failure. Although I was honest with the owners about where the insight was gained, the owners thought I was very smart. The owners were impressed by the network I had and gave me the credit where credit was not due. So these two individuals deserve credit for my success and SMF deserves credit for our connection.