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I have to wonder if those companies were management heavy, meaning their upper echelon got paid in the millions salary while the worker in the yard got close to minimum?? Happens a lot and that kind of stuff is kept hush -hush.
Thats EXACTLY what happened to the NZ company that was to recycle
escrap. They even got in a fi-nant-u-al adviser who has never worked for a company that has not gone bust. And had his qualifications taken away from him, so he was not allowed to do any paperwork at all, but he was "just advising, not actually doing the paperwork..." they said afterwards....
I had talked to a guy while I was scrapping a CRT tv about how they do have some value, but theres no one who buys escrap yet.
So he 'gets on the web' and finds a company thats just starting up, just got a govermint grant etc,
They give him some signs and advertising stuff.
Next thing hes got hundreds of CRTs and stacking them up. Getting $5 cash for each one (thats his profit/income)
6 months later he finds they are bankrupt... And now hes got hundreds and hundreds of CRT's.....
So a year ago he asks me if I 'could break some down as he needs the space' . So I scrap the computers and such and the big good CRT's and he sells the 'sheetmetal scrap' to someone, for far less than it was worth (I think) but we couldn't work the numbers out because he didn't remember what it weighed in the first place..
Like, I told him EXACTLY what to do..... And he does EXACTLY what I told him what NOT to do......
Oh well, he got NZ$100. And I spent a lot of time getting that lightgauge real clean and tidy... But that was where he was to get his $$...
I see a shipping container on his property so I think some guvmint grants paying to take his CRT's away. I should really help him shift them too, I guess.