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Electric wheel chairs / hovaround style

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  1. #1
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Electric wheel chairs / hovaround style

    I got a call today about picking up 2 electric wheel chairs. Told her I had to pass because of the distance and the current market. She offered to pay for a pickup, but really needed them out tomorrow. Due to a full time job and family, I still had to pass. I gave her the name of another local scrapper that may be able to help her.

    Now I'm wondering if I blew this big time. Has anybody resold these? If so, what condition were they in and how much did you sell for? She indicated that 1 did not run and she was unsure on the other. Now I'm wondering if it was as simple as the battery needing to be replaced.

    She did say that if she couldn't get anyone before the weekend that she would call back.

    If she does call back, then I've got another problem (no storage space due to other scrap) if they are worth something.

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    Two months ago I would have said there is no resale value on electric wheel chairs because anyone who needs one would get it free from the government.

    After speaking to my neighbor whose aged uncle lives with her she stated that the government has tightened up on the chairs. Even getting replacement parts and repairs seems to be getting difficult.

    I would spend some time checking out sold ebay listings for parts from the model of wheel chairs you are offered. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    I can't remember the details exactly, but Medicare wouldn't approve a power scooter for my mother. I think it was because she was in the nursing home.

    My Father-in-law has told me the same thing as what miked said. He had to replace the batteries in his and I think he payed $600 installed.

    I bought a used one my mom for $2100 a couple of years ago. Maybe I got ripped off. It's in nice shape tho and it allows her to go to church and go to the gift shop and whatnot.

    I guess I would go get them if they are in nice shape.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Last year I sold just the "Joy Stick" control to one of these chairs for $75 and the wheels for another $40 to a company in LA that repairs them. I don't remember the name of the chair, the guy that bought the parts, seemed very happy to have the parts with no haggling over price!

    Forgot to say, so edited to add: the chair was built like a "tank" and really heavy, so pretty hard to lift one by yourself.
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 10-07-2015 at 09:55 AM.

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  11. #6
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Did the caboose really just flip me off at the end?

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  13. #7
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Yes she did! LOL

  14. #8
    ryanw's Avatar
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    I also parted out a power chair once. I didn't want it lying around so I rode it for a bit, and then took it apart. All of the parts sold over a year (most in the first few months) for over $1500 total. Plastic covers, wires, wheels, everything..even the seatbelt!

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    My grandpa had one I parted out a couple years ago. Dang thing was heavy as lead. The wheel motors are handy being 12v I used them for other projects. It also had those fancy gel batteries in it. Same size as a car battery, which is what I used them for.

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