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  1. #1
    irondale started this thread.
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    Need help with 3 semi loads of crt monitors,projection tvs

    An associate of mine lease is up on his warehouse.He has 3 semi loads of crt monitor,tube,and projection tvs to gt rid of. He has offered me to buy each piece for 40 cents.Im guessing each trailer has around 1200 units.He has his own trucks and will cover all shipping costs he said that he just needed a dropoff location.He told me that I can pay him after 2 weeks.He is in atlanta,Iam in jacksonville,fl.If anyone out there has the space and equiptment for something like this let me know.I would like to partner with someone on this,and we can come up with an agreement that will work for both of us.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    As hard as it is to get rid of the tubes he'll be lucky if someone doesn't charge him $5.00 each. No way I'd pay even .10 for TV's when I could get all I wanted off of Craigslist.

    With the copper prices being down there's not the money in them that there used to be.
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  4. #3
    logansryche's Avatar
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    CRTs are still a scrappers worst nightmare and aren't worth moving or even attempting to move unless the price is right.

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  6. #4
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    I would run away from that offer and not look back. Crt cost money to recycle properly. Most companies charge 20 to 40 cents per lb to recycle. Just figure 10 dollars a unit to recycle. You are talking about 36000 dollars to recycle the right away. Meaning it will cost you 36000 dollars . Not make you 36000.

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  8. #5
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    Don't do it. Take it from me, I've taken about 400 for free at one time. Never again. They are NOT worth it. CRT disposal fees are terrible. If anything, I would charge him $5 a piece.

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  10. #6
    matador's Avatar
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    I wouldn't even touch them for $5 a piece. Your trucking them across state lines, which is a red tape nightmare. When you break them down, you have hazardous waste that is expensive and difficult to dispose of. No matter how rich your partner was, if I was in your place, I don't think he'd have enough money to get me to take that deal. If he did, he'd need deep pockets, though.

    If you want to recycle CRTs and TVs of that style, just offer free drop off. Two towns with 15k people total completely overflowed the collection bin at the local ReStore. I owned a 15' box van at the time. Volume wise, there was at least 10 loads there- at one time! If you really want CRTs and TVs, you can get them for free. I wouldn't pay for them!
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  12. #7
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    RUN! Forrest RUN!

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  14. #8
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    Sounds like the beginning stages of those stories we read ever so often about abandoned warehouses full of CRTs. Either your associate is clueless, or he hopes you're stupid and plans to bend you over. There is NO WAY I'd take this deal. And he wants to charge you?!? Run from this as fast as you can.

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  16. #9
    sledge's Avatar
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    I'm coming into the thread late.. but the answer has been covered.. Run.. Run like the WIND!!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  18. #10
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    ::waves hand:: this is not the ewaste you are looking for...move along..."

    Seriously, like everyone has suggested, this is stuff you CHARGE, not pay for. There is really NO worth even stripped due to time and disposal cost of the tubes.....if ti were LCD/LED TV's and they were damaged in shipping items AND you felt fine about doing massive reselling of the boards, then ok we could talk...

    Someone, somewhere is going to get screwed in this from the next state with some popcorn
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  20. #11
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Go cut the cords off! LOL!!!!!!!!

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  22. #12
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    Go cut the cords off! LOL!!!!!!!!
    Not worth the time or the backache these days LOL

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  24. #13
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Three semi loads of CRT's, that will become a "pain" and not a "gain" for you! As you live in Florida, I copied this one paragraph from Florida's Department of Environmental Protection, just to put the problem in perspective.

    By 2014, the market for recycled CRT glass has become limited. Very few new CRTs are being manufactured since flat panel displays have almost completely replaced CRT displays. The demand for CRT glass by lead smelters has also fallen sharply. Recycling markets for CRT glass are limited, costly and far away making CRT glass recycling a challenge to e-scrap recyclers. As a result, some e-scrap recyclers have been “stuck” with quantities of stored CRT glass for which they are hard-pressed to find cost effective, large
    quantity markets.

    ​That would be a lot of contaminated "LEAD GLASS" for you to pay for, with little if any financial gain. As everyone has suggested to you,Run away from that "associates" three semi loads of "LIABILITIES"!
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 10-27-2015 at 02:11 PM.

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  26. #14
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Find a way to get them to Canada! Still .08/lb here stripped of wire and yoke. Just turned in a big Sony for 14.00 plus I keep the yoke, Al heatsinks and wires from inside. The board only fetches .10/lb so its not worth the bother to pull it out.

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  28. #15
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    I wouldn't take them for FREE. He wants to get rid of them for a reason, and its not to be a good guy. DO not take them, you will be stuck with 3 semi loads of the same stuff minus what you take out of it. Which will not cover what you paid for them. Listen to what everyone has said

  29. #16
    irondale started this thread.
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    Thank you all for the advice. One of my plans was to get 1 trailer have him park it in one of those month to month trailer and rv parking places for around $100 or less/month,resale most if not all for $1-2 each to my fellow recyclers I have contact with in the area,I believe they would be happy to double or triple their money,plus this would spread the workload and disposal per person.In the past I have gotten a free 26ft boxtruck full and made about $600 ,that was about 6 months ago.It took me a week to finish by myself.Sold the plastic for 5 cents/lb,the unstripped low grade for 10-15 cents/lb ,copper steel,alum.I spread the tubes a little at a time in various dumpsters that allow for haz/waste.I even know a guy that works at the haz/waste facility here in town,even done business with him in the past.A good percentage of the projection tv I will sell straight out to a few repair shops that usually buy these from me. There are a few good boards in most of these.More than likely I may pass on this,but I'm not afraid I'll lose money on it.Too many scrappers in the area that wouldnt mind doubling their money on these.I agree that I should charge him,because I know this is costing him money in rent each month.I would like to make some sort of deal with him though because he has 100lbs of chips with ceramic mixed in,along with about 20 lbs memory, a few thousand server hard drives,and 100 computers I would like to buy from him.He does recycle drives and business pickups throughout the southeast so this will be on going.

  30. #17
    irondale started this thread.
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    If I can convince him to ship to Canada,would you Admiral look after these loads and split profit with me?

  31. #18
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irondale View Post
    Thank you all for the advice. One of my plans was to get 1 trailer have him park it in one of those month to month trailer and rv parking places for around $100 or less/month,resale most if not all for $1-2 each to my fellow recyclers I have contact with in the area,I believe they would be happy to double or triple their money,plus this would spread the workload and disposal per person.In the past I have gotten a free 26ft boxtruck full and made about $600 ,that was about 6 months ago.It took me a week to finish by myself.Sold the plastic for 5 cents/lb,the unstripped low grade for 10-15 cents/lb ,copper steel,alum.I spread the tubes a little at a time in various dumpsters that allow for haz/waste.I even know a guy that works at the haz/waste facility here in town,even done business with him in the past.A good percentage of the projection tv I will sell straight out to a few repair shops that usually buy these from me. There are a few good boards in most of these.More than likely I may pass on this,but I'm not afraid I'll lose money on it.Too many scrappers in the area that wouldnt mind doubling their money on these.I agree that I should charge him,because I know this is costing him money in rent each month.I would like to make some sort of deal with him though because he has 100lbs of chips with ceramic mixed in,along with about 20 lbs memory, a few thousand server hard drives,and 100 computers I would like to buy from him.He does recycle drives and business pickups throughout the southeast so this will be on going.
    Uh might as well just pull off all the good stuff and dump the rest wherever you can, as that is what these $1 tv/monitor buyers are goanna do with it...

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  33. #19
    irondale started this thread.
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    I agree ,all I can do is ask them to do the right thing and dispose properly .Sell a gun some will hunt with it some may murder.Sell a car some may go to school with it ,some may rob banks with it.What can you do, but hope for the best.

  34. #20
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irondale View Post
    I agree ,all I can do is ask them to do the right thing and dispose properly .Sell a gun some will hunt with it some may murder.Sell a car some may go to school with it ,some may rob banks with it.What can you do, but hope for the best.
    Then I would have to pass on this, even for a friend. Figure out a way for someone to buy it all or nothing, can't part it out... pass it on!

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