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High metal prices are bad for business - Page 2

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  1. #21
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Still worried low prices will shut down yards, less yards lower prices for the average guy...

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  3. #22
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I found a big difference from lower prices.
    . First my local 'Scrap drop off place' (dump metal scrap here for free) shut because there was no money in it for him.

    From that I do not get metal to pick thru to get the nonferrous from. A large part of my nonferrous was fridge compressors.
    While I was getting $6.50 for the 1Kg of Copper in them, now its $5... and a lot less of them. Inc grinding disc costs, $4 +.
    A lot of work for two McDonalds cheese burgers.

    Actually, I pay NZ$10.40 for.....
    "A large Triple cheeseburger combo, swap the Coke for a large Strawberry milkshake, and a $2 Sherbet McFloat Please".

    I get good Aluminium prices here $1.20+ per Kg. But Ali comes with the work I do scrapping (less work = less Ali) and you need a LOT to get serious $.
    Mostly its turned into petrol right away.

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