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  1. #21
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    Well, it's being sold online from what I understand. I've heard a few stories from guys that have worked here for a while that have seen scrappers buy the pile and come get it to take to sale. It's only done every five or six years or so. Apparently it's quite profitable.

    Needless to say, I want in on it!
    Adding this, not to throw cold water on your idea and ambition, but to maybe provide an opportunity for a reality check.

    Have you read this thread? :
    High metal prices are bad for business

    If the last time the pile was sold was six years ago, you may find that today's market is going to attract a whole slew of bidders that weren't interested last time. A large number of bidders means a more competitive atmosphere, and the result is going to be a higher price, and quite probably a thinner profit margin. Don't let your enthusiasm come back to bite you in the butt, and don't let it ruin your day if you're outbid. The winning bidder might just be somebody who's biting off more than they can chew. You don't want to be that guy.

  2. #22
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    If you win the job, the mower blades are good #1 may have to cut them to length. The gaurd rails may be #1 after ctting...maybe not. Different yards have different definitions of #1 or "prepared" iron. Where I go, prepared iron is at least 1/4 inch thick, and is no bigger than 3 foot in any direction. Also, check with your yards. You may find that the price difference is not worth processing the bigger iron. For me, it is not worth the $10 a ton difference to cut it up. I just keep 2 separate piles for #1 and for "tin". Other yards have different rules & prices. A friend of mine who lives 350 miles away, prepares his, because the price difference for him is $65/ton.....well worth it.

    And of course set aside anything that a magnet does not stick to for further processing. That is where your $ per pound will come into play.

    Instead of renting equipment a second time, an old used trailer purchase may be the way to go. I can't say though. I don't know your situation or future do.

    Like Mick said, avoid auction fever. Establish what you think it will be worth....always UNDER guess a little, make your bid, and stick to it. If that means not getting the job, then so be it.
    Last edited by c4f5; 05-15-2011 at 09:26 AM. Reason: added comment

  3. #23
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    great starting trailer is this...find a old moble home frame with axles. Get some tires for 35bucks (rim an tire cost about that fairly new..they are like 14ply) cut frame up some to cut out unneeded weight an then slap some wood on it make a metal tong with the metal you cut off. Keep it as a flat bed or build some sides. Then a simple homemade trailer title is all you need. You can build a nice flat bed trailer with duel axles for around $700 or so.

  4. #24
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    I have 2 that are made from scraps...a 14' open deck car trailer, and a 26' gooseneck, flat with a dovetail...and of course the infamous pickup box trailer. I am in the process of making another one out of a busted up horse trailer for auto cores. After that, a 16' camper is gonna be a bigger, nicer car trailer for me

  5. #25
    ITSANSS started this thread.
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    Thanks so much for the all the advice thus far. It really helps!

    Yeah, it's hard sometimes to not get ahead of myself. I occasionally get an idea, such as this one, think about it a bit and if I think there's a possibility it could work out for the better I can get crazy over it. For instance, not being able to sleep last night thinking of the possibilities of this scrap pile. lol

    My dad has a trailer we use to haul our four-wheelers on. I believe it's 8' x 16' or so. It's just a regular old trailer, but it certainly hasn't been abused. Actually, this past January I just sanded it down and did a quick black single-stage DuPont paint-job on it. It really turned out quite well, if I do say so myself. Especially considering the time I invested in it. I worked on it for about four days. Haha Anyhow, short story long, as nice as it is, Dad probably wouldn't let me bang it up to haul scrap with it.

    HOWEVER! I just so happen to have a 1976 Champion trailer. 14' wide x 68' long. It was a meth. lab. (as I said, people love meth. down here!) and it caught fire. It's being used for storage and is mostly gutted out. Well, since I've bought this property that included this trailer I've had plans of tearing it down. I was gonna' sell the frame to a farmer for haulin' hay (most hay trailers around here came from mobile home frames), but I've since decided, after borrowin' dad's trailer multiple times, that I'll keep it and build a car hauler/anything and everything hauler for myself.

    Also, a few weeks ago we had a wind storm (like I said, it's The Great Plains) and it tore that trailer up a bit. Took quite a few shingles off the already junk roof and it tore about a 3' wide x 10' long piece of sheetmetal off the trailer, exposing the insulation and wiring. So, it really needs to come down ASAP before it comes apart more and tears up my good stuff. Even before the shingles came off a few weeks ago, there were a bunch of buckets and pans in there because it leaked water. I can't imagine how much worse it is now. lol

    I don't have a welder, but in my shop I have a 240v outlet and a MIG welder ain't all that expensive and I can make a decent bead with one. I could probably figure it out with a little eyeballin' and a tape measure.

    I'd like it to be long and strong (that's what she said) enough to be able to tote a vehicle. I think I may mount a tool box (the kind that sits in the front of the bed of a pick-up) on the front of the trailer to hold tools, coolant, oil, chains, etc. My 1988 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS is 18 feet long and pick-ups are probably about that same length, so a vehicle and a tool box, this thing'll have to be at least 22' long or so. I reckon 8' wide would be fine... It's triple axle, which should be great, and I've got the rims and tires for it inside a shed ready to go.

    Ya'll know of anywhere I can get pictures and/or detailed instructions on converting a mobile home a utility trailer?

    Last edited by ITSANSS; 05-15-2011 at 01:47 PM.

  6. #26
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Scrapping the things in the trailer(wire, copper pipes etc) that you don't plan on using could very well cover the costs of converting it into what you want. I don't have any plans but I would suggest starting simple and basic...hitch, lights, road worthy tires, deck, title and plates then add to it as you start using it to meet your needs. Rails are nice to keep stuff contained but even nice if they come off easy for loading purposes.
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  7. #27
    ITSANSS started this thread.
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    Right. There's quite a few windows in the thing and they all have aluminum frames. Not sure how much wiring there is, but it appears to all still be there and intact as near as I can tell. Two aluminum storm doors, sheet metal exterior, etc. etc.

    I figure I'll do a flat bed, metal would be nice, and rig up some slots on the outsides of the trailer to be able to put in a removable 2"x4" block with 2"x12" rails or somethin'. Instructor back in high school had a trailer like that with removable sides, it was neat. Haulin' a car, don't want the doors to bang on the sides. Haulin' scrap, want sides to help contain the load. Best of both worlds with removable!

    Also, when ya'll say I need a title for it, do all utility trailers have a title? I've never heard my dad mention he has one for his, however, I've never asked. I DO have the title to the trailer as a mobile home. Would I have to get somethin' special for it once it's a car-haulin' road warrior? I've never heard anyone say anything about that in my lifetime, not around here...


  8. #28
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I think in most states you can get it titled as a home built.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I think in most states you can get it titled as a home built.
    That's the way it is here in Colorado, they are not near as anal about trailers as motorized vehicles. You may have to rivet a tag on there with a VIN for ID purposes. I think once you convert it the moble home title will be void...ask ur pappy about his trailers.

  10. #30
    c4f5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    That's the way it is here in Colorado, they are not near as anal about trailers as motorized vehicles. You may have to rivet a tag on there with a VIN for ID purposes. I think once you convert it the moble home title will be void...ask ur pappy about his trailers.
    That was accurate until recently. The last one I registered here in CO, I had to get it weighed. Now any homemade trailer that weighs more than 2,000# has to get a certified DOT inspection before they can issue a title. Also, you now have to produce receipts of some sort to prove the cost of materials, so they can tax you for it. My bigger homemade is about 4500#. It was all kinds of fun, but still not overly difficult.

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  12. #31
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    Good to know c4f5.

  13. #32
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    No problem. Like I said, it's a recent thing. I have made several in the past and never had to go through that til the past year or 2. I'm sure DMV is more of a PITA in Denver metro than it is out here in the sticks. They try to keep it pretty simple out here.

    The DOT inspection basically just covers proper lighting, safety chains, brakes, and elec. break-away.

  14. #33
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    Up here in northern Ind. is the RV capitol and a few years back they did a crackdown on the electric break-aways. Before that nobody ran them on their toters. The ticket for not having one was somewhere around $350.00. It would take a big chunk out of the paycheck.

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