Where there is a will, there is a way.
Use discreet or easy to store containers. Learn to sort/grade your wire. $hit wire in one, better wire in another, boards in another. When any are full, than sell that one. Research/read/learn than profit. Even as a hobby, trying to sell 1 lb. of wire just does not make sense.
Go to a scrapyard and ask questions. Really.
Not knowing anything other than what you stated in this thread, you still have an opportunity to make $. Here is my .02: A shoe salesman was sent by his company to an undeveloped country by his boss to get more sales. Upon his return he stated that the journey was useless because the natives don't wear shoes. His boss replied you silly man, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Use your "in" to your advantage. There must be many people you deal with that can help you obtain more bounty. There is no scrapping school other than here and self learning.
Good luck. This is my last response to this thread. Many have given advice. The rest is up to you.
Edit. Where abouts are you located? Just curious, as the US is pretty big.