I live in a small town in a remote part of Montana. There is no scrapyard in town (the one we had shut down 2 years ago). The closest yards are 2.5 hours east or west of me. I was thinking of starting an aluminum can recycling business. Lots of beer drinkers up here. I don't have the funds or the know-how to start a full fledged scrap yard. The can recycling would be in addition to the scrapping I already do. My question is who do I sell the cans to? The closest scrap yard? If I got enough volume who would be the next guy up the chain to approach? Who do the scrapyards sell to? I guess I could just call up the yards and ask them, but they may consider it proprietary information. Any ideas?
This post may belong in the
Scrap Room Forum. If so, I will move it. Thanks.