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Texas Scrappers - Page 3

| General - Let's talk business
  1. #41
    Kris Kringle
    Kris Kringle started this thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHoss View Post
    Refer to my first correspondence with you.

    GFY I will Put any comment I want As long as I Ain't Bashing no one Drama Seeker

  2. #42
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    boys, let's be's very hard to have a good debate on line 'cause you can't see facial expressions, hear tone of voice, etc and so it's easy to misinterpret things. I think we should try a little harder to discover what the other member really means before we loose our tempers and write things we may regret. And make others uncomfortable....

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  4. #43
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Agreed i may have inadvertently led this thread into politics i apoligise for that, politics and rekigion discussion only serve to divide. We all need to hang together or we shall shurly all hang seperatly. Patric Henery

  5. #44
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    Most of us started out as "vagabond scrappers" so I try not to judge. However, if all scrap buyers must "register" what is the registration fee? Seems like just another tax to me! And just who is going to write the regulations that go along with this new law? Seems like if someone "Holds" something of mine that has a value of $100.00 for ten days, what kind of interest do I get? Follow please; So they hold $100.00 worth of my copper. And say, that corporate recycler holds $100.00 from 10,000 other scrappers. So what is the interest rate on all that money in a weekend money market?
    So big daddy government has created a whole new way to make a quick buck and it's the individual scrappers out there who suffer because of what some thief has done!

  6. #45
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    No apology here! This issue is neck deep in politics! And if we look down the road at the "natural progression of events" we'll see taxes deducted from every load we sell.

  7. #46
    stephenholseberg's Avatar
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    A very interesting conversation,i see both sides and find my self agreeing with both sides to some degree,thank,s for your thoughts!!!

  8. #47
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    history goes round and round

    those who ignore history are destened to repeat it.

    the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

  9. #48
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    my 2 cents.........the whole "hold" period is just bs trying to keep small time folks down.....when i first started there were several times i took a 100 #s of metal in the back of my wifes 4 runner in....why??i had truck and trailer...2 save gas and get that little cash for dinner...couldnt of survived with a ten day hold....Sh*t...i have over a ton of #1 copper in my yard now and still have a bucket of clean brass and copper in my basement 4 hard times....dont know what i would do if things w/ south and i had to go cash in and they told me it would be 10 days.......this game is changing alot....cold hard cash in hand is what got me onto this....wouldnt do it any other way.....even when i take my big loads in and they give me a check....i always go to bank and get the cash..hell thats the good part........

  10. #49
    learning more's Avatar
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    Just wanted to update this:

    SB694 Last Action: Signed by the Governor 06/17/2011

    "This Act takes effect September 1, 2011, except Sections 1956.032(a)(5) and 1956.040(b)(2), Occupations Code, as added by this Act, take effect January 1, 2012, and Sections 1956.003(f), 1956.004, and 1956.038(b) and (e), Occupations Code, as added by this Act, take effect March 1, 2012."

    If I read the bill correctly, SB 694 does not have the hold on cash or check payments. The only way you won't get cash for regulated material is if the yard was caught not complying with the regulations. The bill also adds to the list of what is considered "regulated metal", adds lots of reporting requirements for metal recyclers (including registering with the state), and states what the criminal and civil penalties are as they relate to the regulations.

    HB1933 Last Action: 04/28/2011 S Received from the House

    This bill (HB1933) is not going anywhere anytime soon so I didn't read it.

    SB694 link
    Last edited by learning more; 09-01-2011 at 01:07 AM. Reason: added link

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