Howdy y'all, I am in need of some advice. Last night I got an email from my Craigslist ad asking if I would be interested in removing 10,000 feet of "Pole fence" and the sheet metal from a barn and a shed or something. I have never been offered a scrap opportunity like this and it sounds like a super simple job, just a lot of material to deal with which will ultimately be my bottle neck. He says that it will be "cut and laid down" which could mean really anything. I haven't gotten to talk to him yet but I will be speaking with him this morning hopefully. My plan was to negotiate a higher price for Unprepared HMS at one of the scrap yards near me, rent a uhaul trailer, and (if cut into sections I'm thinking its cut into) just stack them on the trailer until the job is done. There are a lot of unknowns with it and I'll update tomorrow but what do yall think about this plan? I was doing some quick math and I assumed the fence is cut into 10' sections, and assumed they would weigh 100lbs a piece so, if my thinking is correct, I should be bringing in a minimum of 100,000 lbs or around $6500 (thats using my current price for shred steel so it could be higher) before expenses. Any insight or advice would be awesome! Thanks yall