Looking to learn a few ways to earn a few bucks. If you had to replace 600.00 per week like yesterday where would start. I am in Florida. I have tools and trailers.
Looking to learn a few ways to earn a few bucks. If you had to replace 600.00 per week like yesterday where would start. I am in Florida. I have tools and trailers.
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Sucks about the job. The best way to make anything in this industry is to jump in with both feet and grab any opportunity that comes your way with both hands. I could spend a week summarizing how to do that, but I don't have the time to do that, so you should read the other posts here. Feel free to ask questions about anything you don't understand.
There's nothing more fun and more effective than hitting something repeatedly with a sledgehammer
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Grab any and all metal you can legally, the more stuff you get that a maganite won't stick to the better. Then learn how to seperate your stuff to be the most profitable without taking to much time. There's a learning curve ang I'm not there yet but it's not rocket surgery.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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The magnetic stuff is still worth money, though. Don't just pass that by.
Thanks for the info. I know when I was working I remember when I was working all these electrications leaving all the scrap wire around the job sites. It's just amazes me how much stuff we threw away on an average home. Being a carpenter I seen a lot of stuff. I can see that one needs to train there eyes to see it.
If you have a truck and trailer, I would get on Craigslist ASAP and put up "Free Scrap Metal and Appliance Removal Services" ads immediately in the "Labor and Moving" "Household" "Appliances" "Farm and Garden" and similar sections. Write a descriptive, coherent ad, include contact info. More than likely you'll start getting a few calls. A trailer load of appliances (I'm talking a 16' trailer) can easily turn into $250 at the yard. Do that twice a week (which, trust me, is very easy to do), and you're almost back to where you were (minus gas/lunch, etc).
It ain't easy, but it's honest and is VERY addictive! There are probably thousands of broken/dead/working appliances that people want to get rid of right now, within a 60 mile radius of you. Obviously, resell the working ones for more $$. All it takes is a few working appliances (I get a couple good working ones each week) to make your weekly take very respectable!
Anyway, lots more...and you'll find it in this forum. Keep reading, and more than anything, get out there and just do it.
Oh...take business cards (print up some cheap ones if need be) and even some flyers to pass out/tack up.
Good luck!
I will post some ads. I am going to run to a few scrap yards to see what people are buying. I did meet a guy yesterday that has a bunch of signs buying junk cars. Talk about a niche.
Everyone is buying cars...
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what part of florida are you in, im looking for a partner/apprentice 50/50 split. i am 60 miles straight west of Tallahassee in Bay county.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 06-07-2011 at 09:01 PM.
Vero Beach-Fort Pierce. Long ways from you
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yup fraid so, your commute would be a little much. but here is an idea dont tell any one tho dont want any other scrappers to hear this. In your area while all the attention is on cars, look for farn and processing equipment on the farms and at the groves.
bet there is a few old coolers, and various machienery arround.
lots of stainless used in that industry too.
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Olddude has a very good lead there; also I made a small sign out of a donated(hehe) reality sign that says I buy Batteries for xx
and when I take them in I get more than double out of them, I have 5 in the trunk of my car and that'll be around $55.00. I double my money and they bring them to me. I won't get rich there but added to the other things we're doing, it'll add up. Like they say; everyone is scrapping cars cause there's bigger money there. You just gotta find the other stuff their leaving behind,,,
OLDDUDE; you posted it on a scrapping forum,,,lmao,hehehehehere is an idea dont tell any one tho dont want any other scrappers to hear this.
PS; Jon, My cards right now are costing me about 3.50 per 100 from Walmart.(do it yourself Avery28371) You can see them here.![]()
Last edited by Mechanic688; 06-08-2011 at 12:44 AM.
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Jon; You could also go to all the HVAC companies in your town and bid on there scrap units.
It takes a lil' time to learn what each one is worth in scrap as each unit is different, (some have bigger coils then others, some have a lot of copper others have less, not to mention the units with aluminum coils). But there is some good money to be made from them!
you havent seen nothen yet, the things that people throw away will blow your mind!
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Hey Jon! Greg here. I live in Port St Lucie. I have not been in the area long, and therefore I know very few people in the area. If you have been there a while and know lots of people, you have a leg up. Let every friend and relative know what you are doing and they will help out a good bit.
I am sure you know that Fort Pierce has the yards for you. They are a 33 mile round trip for me.
I just turned down a large job in Melbourne that I could have swung your way.
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