Bear with me please. Here's the thing. There is/was a 5 story really large and really old building with a couple elevators in it not far from my house. A salvage company that gets alot of the big jobs in the area because they have all the equipment came in and tore the thing to the ground. Piles of wood with mixed copper and wire and appliances, etc were all over the fenced off property. I drove by everyday for a few weeks and it appears after getting everything torn down they just loaded everything in roll off dumpsters..... NOW they haven't been there in weeks and weeks and theres still about 20% of the rubble there still all mixed with good non-ferrous material. Do you think a company like this would be willing to pay my small 2 man operation to go and finish the job. I can get my own roll offs from the scrap yard and of course we'd pick out all the copper and brass and wire, etc etc. I think maybe they just got a bigger job to go do and have put this one on the back burner. Anybody have any experience with anything like this?? thanks