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Appliance recycling

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  1. #1
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Appliance recycling

    I have a freezer and refrigerant being picked up today for a utility company rebate for turning in older working units. When I was cleaning them this morning, I took the shelves and door baskets out. Decided to look up these parts on Ebay. Was surprised at what they were going for.
    Now if I could only get myself to do Ebay, or find someone to list items for me. Where is Logan when I actually might consider trying his services.

    Last edited by mthomasdev; 04-23-2018 at 03:26 PM.

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  3. #2
    auminer's Avatar
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    Funny... I just found a W132W JennAir yesterday as I was headed to the grocery store. I pulled 2# of 6063 trim off of it, about 1/4# LGC, and about 1/4# BBcopper (once I strip it). Just now I listed the light bulb cover and the racks for way MTS... even though the post office will make way more off the sale than I will, it's still a bit more than the $5 that it would fetch throwing everything into the shred pile.

    Best case...

    ~50# shred= 3.50
    2# 6063=$1
    1/4# BBcopper= .60
    1/4# LGC wire= .15
    Light cover. Listed for $25, after paypal takes $1, my donation charity takes $2.50, and Ebay takes $2.25, and USPS takes $7.95, I'll pocket about $12.
    Racks, listed for $50. I might clear 20 if they sell for that.

    Still, that find quite likely paid the $35 I spent at the grocery store last night.

    Can't beat that with a hick'ry axe hannle!!!!!!!!!!

    Edit... and I betcha someone reading this is shaking their head wondering why I left money on the table not re-selling ??????????

    Post up & tell me what I missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by auminer; 04-23-2018 at 06:35 PM.
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  5. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    If you don't have much skin in the game you might as well give Ebay a shot. I will rarely list anything that I have paid for so if there is a problem all I might lose on is shipping.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  6. #4
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    If you don't have much skin in the game you might as well give Ebay a shot. I will rarely list anything that I have paid for so if there is a problem all I might lose on is shipping.
    Already getting $50 a piece on the units. After looking things up, thier is the potential for at least $60 in ebay sales.

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