I have been reading about yeti's new stance on the NRA. And I must say I am very dissapionted. They became one of the top makers of coolers on the backs of sportsman everywhere, and if there a demographic that holds our 2nd amendment moredear, I don't know who they are. That being said and yes I believe in our 2nd amendment and the NRA, so I'm here and now going to keep and open mind and take other people's feelings into consideration. So coming from my very liberal next door neighbor who says now everyone should get yeti products to support them. I say go ahead, I think everyone should have one. And for all my conservative friends out there who are cursing yeti, please feel free to pm me, as I wil pay for shipping if you would like to get rid of your yeti products, and I will make sure they are disposed of properly and not go into any landfill. You may as well leave the beer in it when you ship it, I only ask that you add enough ice for the trip, I don't like warm beer, but I'll make do if you can't afford it, since you spent all your money on the cooler in the first place. In short, if you no longer wish to be associated with yeti I will take them all off your hands. And just remember a 300$ cooler will keep my beer cold no matter who sends it to me.
P.S. I only use k2, but I am always willing to try new things. Peace be the journey. And I love beer.