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hey mthomasdev, could you please detail how you buy from the electricians; I am trying to get into the same deal with local electricians but they have not messaged me back yet. I figure I should ask rather than "reinventing the wheel". Thanks
I'm currently only dealing with 2 electricians. One found me on the internet, the other is a friend from high school. At some point, I need to find some more to buy from.
In order to land clients like this, you need to provide them with one or both of the following:
1. Higher prices than the yards
2. Convenance.
I do both. I offer to pick up at their place or offer them to drop off after hours. I also sort Their stuff so they get the maximum value.
You need to be able to secure dealer or broker pricing.
You also need to look into equipment to add value to the material. Start looking at strippers and if volumes warrant a small granulators.