I generally agree but ..... ?
There are plastic liners inside aluminum cans. Add to that ... the plastic ball shake em' up sales gimmic thingie they sometimes put in em'.
A glass wine bottle with cork is the option for the wealthy purists. Right or wrong it is what it is.
Totally stupid thing at our bottle recycling center yesterday.The driver that picks up the bottles and cans that have been processed through our reverse vending machines comes in waving a new law that the legislature passed recently. We now have to separate our glass according to color. Brown, clear, and everything else. Jeez ... Louise ... those guys in the state house are way too far removed from the reality on the ground.
Grumble ... grumble .... grumble .... dam*ed granolas. Totally clueless. They would do a lot better job of writing laws & regulations if they came down and got their hands dirty from time to time.