Yard sales and thrift stores I'm not super into, even though they could be good money makers, I don't think I have the time to really be able to find the good/best deals on those.... I am thinking about doing some storage unit actions this year just to try it out and see what that's like. - Kss
They aren't really thing either, but...free is free.

I don't go to them for resale, I go for the contact an free stuff that is usually nearby. I don't care if it's broken, I'm just going to smash it anyhow. Ha! I don't do resale like a lot of folks. That's time I could be building a sand castle, messing with my dogs, aggravating my wife, emptying an filling my cooler...posting goats, etc.
I find this line of work takes a little time. Developing contacts, etc. I'm not in a big city though, we move at a slower pace here on my sandbar.
Good score on the computers. I remember my first big load of towers. Good times.
Either way good luck, an remember what works for me, or others might not for you the other side that applies to what works for you an others may not for me. YMMV.
Now pardon me...I set off to invade Florida tonight. Will be down that way for the next week or two, cooler will be tagging along.
Sirscrapalot - Will be wasting away in margaritaville by the weekend.