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  1. #21
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kss View Post
    Yes everyone is taking it differently and parts of the country that are sparsely populated are less effected. However in the more (or even mildly) populated areas of the country it is an issue. Most people around me know someone who has had it and either been hospitalized or died, so it is a very real threat, even if your anecdotal evidence of one person not getting it makes it seem otherwise. People say

    "oh well if you don't want to catch it just stay home, Im not wearing a mask"

    But when people say "if you don't want to wear a mask, just stay home" the no-maskers get all angry. Or when businesses say you cant come in my store without a mask, the no-maskers feel like its their right to be able to go into any private business they want, when it is not. This is America, and if business doesn't want you on their property or as a customer, tough-luck (assuming the reason that they dont want you is not discriminatory/a protected class, which in this case, it is not).

    I already had corona so I don't really care one way or another, Im less likely to re-get it and if I do Ive proven I can fight it off. But I still wear a mask when out in public just so other people around me arent uncomfortable. I dont need the attention of being the only person in a place without a mask.

    It doesnt seem like a political thing to me it seems like a machismo thing to me "look how tough I am with an unobstructed mouth, Im not afraid of no virus".. or "No ones gunna tell ME what to do! Im the most important person around!" ... but everything now-a-days is a political statement so... meh
    And for the record, I agree with you, if a business or home wants you to wear a mask, I will wear a mask. If it is something I need or want that justifies me going through the trouble of wearing a mask, or if proximity to others would warrant wearing a mask, I will put one on. But if it is just fine for Burning Looting Marxist mobs to go about their rioting maskless, it is okay for me to go about my life unhampered by having to wear a mask.

  2. #22
    hills's Avatar
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    Whew ... i dunno guys.

    I quit my job awhile back and took a month off to clear my head. Those were happy days. It was so refreshing to be able to step out of the mix and just concentrate on my own stuff for awhile. It gave me a different perspective on things. I finally came to an understanding that would be best summed up by an old quote:

    The wise man knows that he knows what he knows.

    He also understands that he doesn't know what he doesn't know.

    The fool doesn't know the difference.

    Another quote that comes to mind:

    He thinks he knows but he doesn't.


    There's so much B.S. flying around these days. I guess you could call it the fog of war. There's no really good information available to make rational decisions with. It's just all these crazy people running around like daffy duck going quack,quack,quack ... politics ... quack,quack,quack.

    If this isn't a matter of the head then it's got to be a matter of the heart.

    The thing is that most people don't listen to their heart very often. It's that tiny little voice inside. Folks get so preoccupied with all of the noise and confusion of their everyday lives that they just can't hear it.Your heart speaks to you in those quiet moments of perfect clarity.

    ~ Your heart will steer you true.~


    I thoroughly enjoyed my time off. Wished i could have had more of it, but a good job opportunity came up. I'm back to working with the public everyday.

    I'm seeing a lot of variety in the ways that people are dealing with this Covid-19 thing. Some of those ways are amusing while others are disturbing.

    That's about all i can say on the matter. Can't say for certain that there's any right or wrong to all of this. I only know that i've got to forge ahead regardless of the difficulties and hope for the best.
    Last edited by hills; 07-16-2020 at 02:26 AM.

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