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  1. #21
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kss View Post
    *Disclaimer: dont take investing advise from random strangers on the internet, especially on a forum that has nothing to do with investing*

    Index investing is the easiest, safest, and most tried and true way to steady wealth. Everything else (individual stocks, options that are not a hedge against your index investments, etc) is just gambling. Even index investing carries a risk of going to nothing, but if that happens money wont matter in the world that that happens in anyways. Picking individual stocks sometime works out, sometimes it doesn't, much like a lottery ticket. Some people say they do "research" or "technical analysis" for their stock picks, but the people at the horse racing tracks say the same thing about their bets....its still gambling. I do have some individual stocks in my play money accounts, but only invest money I am willing to lose 100% of into individual stocks. All other investing is in index funds, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX) being my main one.
    I think you can learn how to use the stock market to make money. Overall, I have made more money playing stocks on my own than I have lost, and I have lost more than I have made listening to 401K advisors and their buy and hold, dollar cost averaging and investing in mutual funds advice..... And I lost A LOT like that.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 06-11-2020 at 07:51 AM.

  2. #22
    matador's Avatar
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    KSS and I pretty much do the same thing, though he uses Vanguard funds while I'm in similar Fidelity funds. That said, I did buy American Airlines, Halliburton, ConocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil during the crash a couple months ago. It's totally a gamble, but those companies were beat down so much that I felt it would out-perform the mutual funds. Will it actually? I have no clue. I don't need that money (And my portfolio is pretty small anyways) so I can take the risk. For me, I just like investing, because I can watch my money grow. 40 or 50 years down the road, it'll have grown into a large portfolio. But, right now- seeing growth and knowing that I'm on the right road just brings me peace of mind and more motivation to work even harder so I can invest even more. What can I say- investing is one of the most addictive drugs there is
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    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Well, on my gut, I bought two inverse funds this morning. I will either get stopped out by my trails or I'm going to bail before the bell. I was going to post something here but was at the car shop and didn't have a chance.

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    Well, on my gut, I bought two inverse funds this morning. I will either get stopped out by my trails or I'm going to bail before the bell. I was going to post something here but was at the car shop and didn't have a chance.

    I dabble with individual stocks and options, but purely for fun/gambling. I do it like some people do the lottery/casino....

    I have some SQQQ 3/21/2021 calls that have done very well today.... I have some AUY and some F calls that did not do so well today..... its all a gamble, and gambling can be fun and exciting.... I just wouldnt be betting my whole retirement on any one play (or on any 100 plays..... thats why I buy index funds for that to buy the whole market for that)
    Last edited by kss; 06-11-2020 at 06:22 PM.

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  7. #25
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    Financial guru's, advisor's, and experts provide a needed service. Some are at the top of their game at any given time and others are in the trough (for those with financial or economic backgrounds.) So how do you pick the right one at any given moment. If I was right 50% of the time I would be a millionaire.

    Some have highlighted the addictive nature of investing, much like gambling. I respect those that buy and sell stocks, but I am in the arena of KSS and Matador. I am willing to gamble with the country as a whole instead of individual companies. My first priority is land, something I can see, appreciate, and survive on. For some reason they are not making any more. Next is U.S. based mutual funds. If the US markets tumble, I still have my assets for survival in land. I do own individual stocks, but they are all in companies that I believe in, use their products, and interact with regularly. Something about reading public opinion instead of spreadsheets gives me comfort.

    I would take investment advice from Warren Buffet, but I do not think he would offer it. I would take financial advice from Dave Ramsey, but instead of investing 15% in international funds, I will invest all of mine in the US. My choice for investing in precious metals is copper, brass, and lead over gold and silver. I also take consumer advice from Clark Howard because it is common sense and down to earth. Since Warren Buffet will not be my advisor, I will adhere to low cost mutual funds based on the US market. I may not make or loose as much money as those trading stocks, but I will still be able to sleep at night.

    Once again, I respect those trading stocks, but have to believe for every winner there is a loser. For the record a lot of time is spent studying the markets and individual companies and will not bet on my understanding. That's my 2 cents worth and I just bet it on GE in 2021.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 06-11-2020 at 09:25 PM.
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  9. #26
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kss View Post
    I dabble with individual stocks and options, but purely for fun/gambling. I do it like some people do the lottery/casino....

    I have some SQQQ 3/21/2021 calls that have done very well today.... I have some AUY and some F calls that did not do so well today..... its all a gamble, and gambling can be fun and exciting.... I just wouldnt be betting my whole retirement on any one play (or on any 100 plays..... thats why I buy index funds for that to buy the whole market for that)
    I am assuming I am conversing with people who are sharp enough to know not to bet the farm on a lark. I am assuming I am letting people who are sharp enough to listen to information and learn from it know about a source of information that has made a difference in my ability to pick stocks that are most likely to realize gain after I purchase them. I was hoping others had screeners and strategies that they relied on and would be willing to share.

    I'll share a couple more....

    1. Decide what you are willing to lose and put in a stop when you buy the equity. Personally, I am at about 5%. I will stop out at a 5% loss.

    2. Decide what satisfies your goal for a gain of the equity you purchase. I will be happy with a 5% gain. That is what I got from the inverse funds I bought and talked about. One day, 5%.... Not on everything I had. Not on the money allocated for my grandchild's dinner. Money allocated as money set aside to use to invest with the goal of beating the 0.1% interest I would safely realize keeping the money in a bank savings account or the 0.2% I can get from a Cert of Dept. If I can do that once a month with 25% of my warchest, that would be a 15% gain on the whole in an year.

    3. If I say I bought something, it does not mean I took every dollar I had and used every cent of it to buy a stock or equity. I have a portion I have decided is worth investing in stocks and I buy stocks in portions of that. I keep it spread out to about three or four stocks at any one time. Right now I am mostly cash and am waiting for the stocks to give a clear indication of their direction.

    4. So, I was letting people here who have successfully managed to acquire a refrigerator and is able to figure out how to keep the inside cold and has at least managed to have a bottle of ketchup AND a bottle of mustard INSIDE the refrigerator and a home to keep it in and have enough money set aside that they do not use for cigarettes and beer every week and understand not to let their children die in a hot car rather than leave the AC on to save gas or wind up in a cardboard box on the street because you spent your last cent to buy a pallet of NIB pet rocks,.... Something that has helped me.

    So, please, use your head. I am making an assumption I do not have to let the people here know not to dart into the road without looking both ways, or trying to eat 86 hotdogs faster than anyone else, or touching your private parts after dicing three pecks of jalapeno peppers or running with scissors to school, uphill, both ways.<----- for any here who do not know, DON'T DO THAT SCHITT! ...And, I do realize that sometimes, occasionally, someone does put their eye out with that stick.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 06-12-2020 at 08:00 AM.

  10. #27
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Financial guru's, advisor's, and experts provide a needed service. Some are at the top of their game at any given time and others are in the trough (for those with financial or economic backgrounds.) So how do you pick the right one at any given moment. If I was right 50% of the time I would be a millionaire.

    Some have highlighted the addictive nature of investing, much like gambling. I respect those that buy and sell stocks, but I am in the arena of KSS and Matador. I am willing to gamble with the country as a whole instead of individual companies. My first priority is land, something I can see, appreciate, and survive on. For some reason they are not making any more. Next is U.S. based mutual funds. If the US markets tumble, I still have my assets for survival in land. I do own individual stocks, but they are all in companies that I believe in, use their products, and interact with regularly. Something about reading public opinion instead of spreadsheets gives me comfort.

    I would take investment advice from Warren Buffet, but I do not think he would offer it. I would take financial advice from Dave Ramsey, but instead of investing 15% in international funds, I will invest all of mine in the US. My choice for investing in precious metals is copper, brass, and lead over gold and silver. I also take consumer advice from Clark Howard because it is common sense and down to earth. Since Warren Buffet will not be my advisor, I will adhere to low cost mutual funds based on the US market. I may not make or loose as much money as those trading stocks, but I will still be able to sleep at night.

    Once again, I respect those trading stocks, but have to believe for every winner there is a loser. For the record a lot of time is spent studying the markets and individual companies and will not bet on my understanding. That's my 2 cents worth and I just bet it on GE in 2021.
    Just for the record, GE looks like it is in an uptrend and was where I was going to park a large potion of the money I had dedicated to a safe long investment. If the chart changes and it starts to look like a loser, I will bail and look for another safe, long equity.

  11. #28
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    GE is a day late and a dollar short. They have very little of their original core business. Problems with CEO's in the past haven't helped. The reason it looked so good for so long was what they had in assets. Now that they've sold most of it off in the past 4 or so years, it made the P and L sheet look good, but they have no assets left, and they are picking up crumbs. It would be a crap shoot, but what I've read and seen is that it's a 2 dollar stock in the long term once everything corrects. I hope I'm wrong, GE has been arouind forever, but what do they really have left?

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  13. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    GE is a day late and a dollar short. They have very little of their original core business. Problems with CEO's in the past haven't helped. The reason it looked so good for so long was what they had in assets. Now that they've sold most of it off in the past 4 or so years, it made the P and L sheet look good, but they have no assets left, and they are picking up crumbs. It would be a crap shoot, but what I've read and seen is that it's a 2 dollar stock in the long term once everything corrects. I hope I'm wrong, GE has been arouind forever, but what do they really have left?
    GE seems to be following a strategy that has proven successful for many corporations. They downsize to focus on their bread and butter divisions. As far as what they have left, the military contracts for their motors is as good an anchor a business can have. They have kept their most valuable components. Sometimes we cannot see the forest because the trees are in the way.

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  15. #30
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    I would take ge over m at this point , retail is crippled and even after the stores reopen their sales will not rebound , only retailers with strong online sales will hold as the markets continue the slow bleed . Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see m get bought out or shrink in market share . I am not a financial advisor but you can throw charts out the window with the current global climate . I hope you do well on both , good luck

    Hey patriot , own any vnq ?
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  17. #31
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Sometimes you can tell that the market is going to drop. The other day, looking at futures, there was a pretty goodchance the market was going to go down significantly and I bought two inverse funds and walked away with a few $$$ as the market plunged. At one time, I did not know about inverse funds, I knew about shorting stocks, but had no idea that there were actually funds that shorted the market.

    So, feeling that a down market could soon be in our cards, I thought I would post a search I did of inverse funds for you to consider as an option to just putting your money into cash.

    Just for the record, these are short term funds. DO NOT keep your money in them any longer than you have to as when the market goes up, these funds evaporate. DON'T let them just sit!
    Last edited by t00nces2; 06-13-2020 at 07:55 AM.

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  19. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    I would take ge over m at this point , retail is crippled and even after the stores reopen their sales will not rebound , only retailers with strong online sales will hold as the markets continue the slow bleed . Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to see m get bought out or shrink in market share . I am not a financial advisor but you can throw charts out the window with the current global climate . I hope you do well on both , good luck

    Hey patriot , own any vnq ?
    No, but I do have other Vanguard mutual funds. My real estate investments are physical.

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  21. #33
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    GE's military contracts aren't that big. They were making more money off the locomotive division. Granted, they still partly own that...

    Not all retail went down hill with the virus. DG actually hit new highs during it.

  22. #34
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Well, last week was a bit of a bust. I sat it out in cash for the most part because there seemed to be no clear direction one way or another. Anyone have an idea which way the market will go this week? If I had to bet, I think the fed will be pumping $$$'s into the market and we will see it go up a bit, but that is just me trying to choose one way or another.

  23. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    Well, last week was a bit of a bust. I sat it out in cash for the most part because there seemed to be no clear direction one way or another. Anyone have an idea which way the market will go this week? If I had to bet, I think the fed will be pumping $$$'s into the market and we will see it go up a bit, but that is just me trying to choose one way or another.
    I know, 100% for sure, that the market will either go up or down next week. Or it may stay the same.....

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  25. #36
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    "no clear direction one way or another". I absolutely hate this statement. If it was a clear way, everybody would be in the market and nobody would work. YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE CLEAR!!!! Just like your scrap accounts, you don't want people to know the end result. Just like saying 10% is what should be expected from the market. So many people like to brag about big returns... until you read all the numbers.

    And as a side note, if any of you guys are part of the FaceBook scrapmetal page, quit bragging about 1000 dollar loads. All you do is hurt yourself by showing proof "that worthless junk" is worth much more. Such a big pet peeve of mine.

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  27. #37
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    I have noticed that every response to the thread you insult or diminish another poster or you talk down or act like you are so far above anyone else. You have not contributed one positive comment or one positive insight....

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news.... but if his system was so good why would he need your 50 bucks? And that is way too much money, it should be 50 a year. Not per month. Motley Fool is only 200 a year.

    Since this is the second time around you're just throwing good money after bad, I can see the one thing you're not doing that's free. Research. You'd be better off throwing that 50 a month at the stock market on different options, and seeing how they pan out.

    Slow and steady wins the race. You DO NOT WANT RETURNS OVER 10 PERCENT.
    So you know way more and no one else could have a system that could help others.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    Odd that you are steering clear of 5 dollar and under stocks. 6 weeks ago Ford was under 5 dollars.

    All my stocks I bought this cycle of 6 weeks were all under 5 bucks. I just looked now, 73 % return. (unrealized). Most will disappear. Out of 9 stocks, I've got one that isn't hitting. I didn't take a course. I just throw money at stuff and see what happens. Luck? Maybe. But I read a lot. And in this day and age, every broker has an app that lets you do a heck of a lot. In another thread, we had talked about ABB. And that is coming along nicely. But there wasn't enough risk in that for me.
    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    Usually volume doesn't mean safety. It means people bailing, in my opinion.
    I tell others how I am narrowing down the stocks I buy that has helped me, and you know more and I am short sighted for using this parameter.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    NE and OAS are pump and dumps. This is why you don't subscribe to private newsletters.
    Two stocks I found on a list of stocks reporting earnings, and you just happen to know they are listed on stock news letters and are "pump and dumps,"

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    How did NE and OAS turn out? I hope you got in before the spike, just to watch it fall today.
    Shatenfraud anyone? I mentioned two stocks I found that my charts said were in an uptrend, and you seem to take glee in hoping that someone lost money.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    GE is a day late and a dollar short. They have very little of their original core business. Problems with CEO's in the past haven't helped. The reason it looked so good for so long was what they had in assets. Now that they've sold most of it off in the past 4 or so years, it made the P and L sheet look good, but they have no assets left, and they are picking up crumbs. It would be a crap shoot, but what I've read and seen is that it's a 2 dollar stock in the long term once everything corrects. I hope I'm wrong, GE has been arouind forever, but what do they really have left?
    GE? No, the equity savant says GE is no good.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    GE's military contracts aren't that big. They were making more money off the locomotive division. Granted, they still partly own that...

    Not all retail went down hill with the virus. DG actually hit new highs during it.
    Another member says he would take GE over M, and you poo poo his comment. I must have missed where you pointed out that DG was set to gain ahead of time.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    "no clear direction one way or another". I absolutely hate this statement. If it was a clear way, everybody would be in the market and nobody would work. YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE CLEAR!!!! Just like your scrap accounts, you don't want people to know the end result. Just like saying 10% is what should be expected from the market. So many people like to brag about big returns... until you read all the numbers.

    And as a side note, if any of you guys are part of the FaceBook scrapmetal page, quit bragging about 1000 dollar loads. All you do is hurt yourself by showing proof "that worthless junk" is worth much more. Such a big pet peeve of mine.
    A few weeks back, even someone who talks down to others could predict stacks were in an uptrend and could be counted on to go up. A couple weeks before that, one could clearly see the market crashing for a couple week. People crow about a good take to the yard, you are so much more enlightened

    I see no original thought from you , just criticism of others. I may not be the best ever at picking stocks, but I would love like heck to buy you at what I think you're worth and turn around and sell you for what you think you're worth.

  28. #38
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    Go ahead and point these out. I don't mind. BUT I refuse to sit here while you push things that aren't tested. Phil's gang, if you look up the reviews, has many many bad ticks in the "against" column.

    You're two stocks that shot up over night? That's a pump and dump. They didn't show great earnings. But everybody said they showed great earnings. Any time a penny stock goes up that much in a day, is not correct. That is a pump and dump pattern.

    GE over M. Two different worlds. GE is a company that is dying. It's a natural progression. They've had problems with CEO's. M is retail. If you want retail, go DG. It shouldn't be going up like it is, but it is. WHY? Very interesting case study.

    You say I have no original thoughts. Your thoughts are based on a system that makes Phil money. My thoughts are all based on research.

    And I really, really know you don't do research. Shall we bring up the Silver incident? If it's too good to be true....

  29. #39
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamTheGreatest View Post
    Go ahead and point these out. I don't mind. BUT I refuse to sit here while you push things that aren't tested. Phil's gang, if you look up the reviews, has many many bad ticks in the "against" column.

    You're two stocks that shot up over night? That's a pump and dump. They didn't show great earnings. But everybody said they showed great earnings. Any time a penny stock goes up that much in a day, is not correct. That is a pump and dump pattern.

    GE over M. Two different worlds. GE is a company that is dying. It's a natural progression. They've had problems with CEO's. M is retail. If you want retail, go DG. It shouldn't be going up like it is, but it is. WHY? Very interesting case study.

    You say I have no original thoughts. Your thoughts are based on a system that makes Phil money. My thoughts are all based on research.

    And I really, really know you don't do research. Shall we bring up the Silver incident? If it's too good to be true....
    So, I was right. You got nothing.

  30. #40
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    You act like a rat backed into a corner.

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