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My business cunundrum

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  1. #1
    Dumpster-Dee started this thread.
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    My business cunundrum

    Last week I made up some flyers to pass around my neighborhood just to get an idea of what kind of response I'd get. I first showed it to my closest neighbor who is an english teacher....just for proofreading. I told her that I was just going to pass them out on our street. She said, "Well our neighborhood is not zoned for business and I'm afraid if you pass these out someone might report you." I told her that I had already talked to our police chief and he recommended renting a bldg zoned for business. He said as long as nobody reported an "eyesore" or he couldn't see the "junk", he'd look the other he does when he see's me "shopping".

    This is the conundrum. I can't afford to rent a bldg. and if I can't advertise, I will never be able to afford it. It feels like being between a rock and a hard place.

    On top of that, I am on disability because I am bipolar. That means I'm capable of running a business 3/4 of the time and the other percentage...well... I'm not. That's why I'd like to keep it at home....and maybe move up after I get some capital. The other negative is that my psychiatrist has advised me never to go off disability 'cause it's very difficult to get back on it, and bipolar syndrome is very unpredictable.

    I guess the ideal senereo is to have a partner who could get the license and pay me under the table ?

    Any other ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. This has been difficult to share, but I've found that most people on here are very kind and sensitive to the "plights" of others. And I'm sure that many of you have faced the business aspect....timing of when to stay small and when to go bigger. It used to be easy. You just do we have so many regulations....

    Thanks for your input.


  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Is it necessary to list a physical address? If not, list an email and phone # (preferably a cell phone). Or a "Google phone #". This is just a number that is forwarded to (as many as you want) physical phones and to your email.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  3. #3
    Dumpster-Dee started this thread.
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    I did have just my cell phone, but I live in such a small town everyone knows everybody else's I guess I'll have to pass out cards out of town. Thanks Mick.

  4. #4
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    Rent a small storage unit even if you put just some junk into. Use that as your "company" address even tho you are running it out of your home. No where in the law books it says you can not take work home with you. So the "scrap" that is at your house is there just because thats the way it is. Your company address is "blank".

    Then all you have to do is follow what the cop said. Keep it cleaned up.

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  6. #5
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    Great tip easy! I have the same problem really, I end up working twice as hard because I'm sort of running a scrapyard out of my house. It's tough to get this buisness to a scale where I can make it my sole employer as I need a secure place to prep scrap. I have 5 acres but "other scrappers" broke in and robbed me so I can't use it because I don't live there to guard it.

  7. #6
    dherik's Avatar
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    or even cheaper, do what I do, rent a PO box.

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  9. #7
    Re-cycler is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    You might wanna put the thought and action of this to more consideration........most of the scrappers I've known are doing it because it's a cash deal.....if you are drawing ss you are doing so because you have been able to prove that you have little or no chance of maintaining a full time tax paying job to support yourself....... A job which in turn pays for all the other people who can't or won't work in the mainstream tax paying workforce.
    When I am working commercial jobs for a legit employer I am paying out about 30% of my gross wage and a big chunk which galls the hell outa me because I have fewer luxuries after working 60 hours a week for the man in the white suit than the average welfare recipient and make less than half of what it cost to confine the tweeker that ripped me off.
    How many of the posting members here are paying taxes/SS/medicare/unemployment ins. etc etc on every penny they make salvaging/scrapping/recycling?
    even the clever ones are most likely using anything and everything imaginable as tax write offs to avoid giving up our their hard earned cash.
    If anyone is offended by what I'm insinuating, it's because it's true.
    I'll let it go where it will from here.
    Ebay is turning peoples records over to the IRS and yards have signed records of even cash payments ............

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  11. #8
    Re-cycler is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Dewgood worded that far goodlier than I could have.

  12. #9
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    I paid my dues for 51 years

    De in these times it better to apologise then ask permission, ot the regulations will kill a small timer like me. "rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6"

    re: paid in to the gov retirement plan and health insurence program for 51 years age 14 thru 65, on the promise I would have a vomfprtable retirement payment and good health care, both were lies.and that money in the "ss trust fund" was stolen by the crooks in washington, there are now nothing but litteral I.O.U s stored in a city block size building in Virginia. and what I get is $750 a month to support a family of 5, I wouldnt call that a living comfortable retirement. we must do what we must do. I will never live long enough to draw out what I paid in. and I believe that was the plan from the begining. dont care much for shirkers and lazy welfair cheets. but ligitimate SIS and ss people are a whole diffrent animal.

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  14. #10
    Dumpster-Dee started this thread.
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    very helpful...and interesting comments. I did not know that about using another address or mobile business. I get your point olddude and I'm glad you are able to do some scrapping again. And Re-cycler, that's why I was teasing you on that other post (when I said 'watch out for Re-cycler')...because you have a good sense of humor...and because your posts are always so informative. Yes, sometimes controversial, but always honest....well written also.

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  16. #11
    Fumes's Avatar
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    Dee: I'm kinda in the same predicament. I'd like to have a building and start out semi legitimate. It ain't gonna happen for me. I'm planning on starting slow - out of my house. ( I have a two car garage I can use and a full basement and two old pickups ). Also - no burning barrels or junk cars, or boxes of aluminum or copper in the yard.
    I look at it this way. I'm just a crazy hoarder who decided to get rid of some of this junk. People won't be coming or going- no buying or selling from the house. If I want to sell anything it'll go to an auction house if it's big, ( say a decent piece of furninture ) or e-bay smaller stuff. No flyers or posters for me, I plan on going out early on trash day or when I see someone sold their house ( I like those the best ) and gather what I can. I do work 8:30 - 5 so I can get out early before the drive to work. But that's me - so use what you can from this post and leave the rest.
    Maybe we'll be the ones that people say "you'd never know he/she was a millionaire"
    Good luck

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  18. #12
    Dumpster-Dee started this thread.
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    fiat, too bad you can't put a building on your acreage so you could lock up your stuff. I have 31/2 acres...some wooded and I'm thinking of moving my tent barn further back in the woods.

  19. #13
    Re-cycler is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I'm very glad you know I wasn't saying anything to hurt or dishearten you, I very much admire your enthusiasm .
    Sometimes working under the radar is the only way to survive.
    My honesty and sense of humor (Rye as it is) are sometimes the only things that keep me out of prison.........or worse.
    "no harm ,no foul "
    Oh and it rained another 2 or three inches last night..............9 inches in 5 days AAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Re-cycler; 07-14-2011 at 08:00 PM.

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  21. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    fiat, too bad you can't put a building on your acreage so you could lock up your stuff. I have 31/2 acres...some wooded and I'm thinking of moving my tent barn further back in the woods.
    I probably could but these theives are ruthless. They tore down my chain link fence several times and even stole a roll of razor wire before I could attach it to the fence. I've notice that several buildings in the area appear to have been dismantled and stolen for the wood.

    I think the only effective defense here is to get a mobile home and rent it out to keep the lot occupied. However, if I don't have a renter in it the siding will start walking.

    As I've said before, people who steal their scrap are the worst dirtbags in the world.

  22. #15
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    Dee I agree with olddude. Better to ask forgiveness than permission. Hand out the flyers, do not list an address, and just have your own phone # on there.

    I work real hard to keep the neighbors on good terms with me. A jealous neighbor is worse than 3 OSHA inspectors and will turn you in faster.

    Me just being philosophical here, If what we do needs to be in a commercial zoned area, then what about the e-bay store owners that work out of their houses?

    That will not carry weight in court if the English teacher has a hissy fit.

  23. #16
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    Was not able to read all the post but someone said a P.O box. That will NOT work.

    In court they will say or you where REALLY taking ALL the scrap that your "company"/your self picked up an had it in your P.O box?

    In a CAN take it ALL then take SOME of it home for what ever reason. But all your scrap WAS at the unit at one point in time an for what ever reason YOU took it home. Plain an simple. You DO NOT NEED to state WHY you took it home an not keep it at the unit (at the company address) there is no law saying you can NOT take work home with you.

    But in a P.O box...there is no room to put scrap an so the court can say its just a mail box an in fact YOU where RUNNING your "company" OUT of your home only.

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  25. #17
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    thats one large mailbox.

  26. #18
    Dumpster-Dee started this thread.
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    lol dustmuffin......where ya been ??

  27. #19
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    how about becoming a broker (wink wink) a broker just like an auto broker can work out of the house. dont need a building or any thing else. you just buy scrap from one person and sell it to some one else (wink wink)

  28. #20
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I have 31/2 acres...some wooded and I'm thinking of moving my tent barn further back in the woods.
    I have two thoughts here, take them with a grain of salt, but my first thought is; do you live in the city/town or out in the county? Kinda confused by the 3 1/2 acres being in town, but if your in town go to the town board and get a "special exception" for a home based business(probably have to present your operation to the town council). Take pictures of the clean operation you have now to present to them. #2 If you live outside of the town/city limits then there is nothing they can do as long as you don't put up a big sign advertising your "business". The only sign I have is a small realtor sized sign advertising that I buy batteries; no name just what I want and the price. It's small and not obnoxious.
    PS; If you build your "business" up enough you would not have to do any neighborly advertising. Hit the thrift stores for leftovers, yard sales, small factories, then you'll have more work than you can keep up with and don't have to worry about shaking up the neighbors. Look at my/our business card; Business name, just first names, a phone # and a town name but no address. Right now it;s all Phil and I can do to keep up, and I have a large list of places to talk to yet, but like I said before; you have to learn to walk before you can run.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 07-16-2011 at 02:45 PM.

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