I stated clearly it was just one idea out of a 100 mr you seemed to be over sensitive about it, sory if I miss read the intent of your post. I apologise.
I am trying to come up with something that will elisit some vision of us as something other then the Fred Sanford memory, ,, not that there is any thing with that as we all know. buy in some places in the community we are all looked at as tweekers and drunks. I am just tring to figgure a way to change that.
Here is an example. I called the person incharge of maintenence at the county school board. to attempt tp get a shot at the CS scrap. I introduced my self, over the phone in an attempt to get an appointment, Imediatly. by the tone of her voice, I could visualise her nose wrinkling up in the unplesent task of having to talk to a lowly individual "garbage man" she quite curtly, informed me she only deals with a "large" company out of Orlando. (600 miles away) (she has never seen the company or photos of it) all that money goes out of the city and county to Orlando. of coursre that is irlivent sence she make $120 K a year and lives over on the beach. for that reasion she knows better them a lowly "I dont have time to deal with individual Garbage men" (her words) words roll off my back. but my loss of revenue for myself and the county dont. that is the general Idea of an association. we can be bigger then a company from Orlando, or the donate car guys or the cash for guys. That is my vision.