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What do you do besides scrap metal? - Page 12

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  1. #221
    Geiser093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne1956 View Post
    Retired USMC and currently a mainframe computer programmer. I scrap to help keep me busy and keep my butt from polishing the couch too much. I am just socking away my scrap earnings for one of the items on my "bucket list", to enter up in the World Series of Poker in Vegas.
    Since Black Friday I do a lot more scrapping. How bout 2 scrapper at the final table?

    "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

    Albert Einstein

  2. #222
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    Scrap has pretty much dried up where I am located. From comparing to what others post in here about prices around the nation. I'm certain that here in Louisville, Ky we get the highest prices because of our great logistical location. That is my theory anyway, on why we get more here.

    This summer I'm going all out getting lawns to mow with my 21" self propelled push mower that I got out the trash years ago and is still running great. Trying to keep making that extra money and keep that feeling of independence.

    I work full time for General Electric at a appliance factory.
    Last edited by Catfish Bob; 04-16-2015 at 06:01 AM.

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  4. #223
    dwaggs's Avatar
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    I'm a water plant operator in our town, but also do a lot of animal control trapping on ranches and farms in the area with problem critters.

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  6. #224
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    The lawn mowing has been going pretty good. Up to eight weekly yards now. Reached all my customers through Craigslist.

    Recently I decided to try a couple new things.

    In the Small Biz Ads I'm offering parking lot cleaning. I came up with this after a late night stop at the 24/7 Kroger and their was a guy out there with a 50 gallon trash can on caster wheels with a back pack blower, broom and dust pan. Blow all the trash in a pile and sweep it up.

    In the Pet Services I'm offering Poop Scoop services.

  7. #225
    Scrap808's Avatar
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    My business partner and I are both soon to be teachers and part time campaigners/managers for local elections here.

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  9. #226
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    I work as a sheet metal worker. I create scrap in the shop mostly light gauge sheet metal. All my good stuff comes from curbco and friends. Keeps me busy and brings in some extra cash.

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  11. #227
    philshark2's Avatar
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    I go to high school, I also do CRV, sell/buy Pokemon cards, and I collect coins

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  13. #228
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    Seeing as scrap is dead, I've had to close my non-ferrous recycling location to the public.

    All scrap going in is generated from my construction company that I co-own with my Wife's stepfather who is very much like a father to me. He's looking at retiring in 8 years or so and I've worked for him every summer and weekend since I was 14. He didn't want all of the men, of which there are around 200, to be unemployed so here we are, partners.

    I own a nursery with 25 greenhouses, four garages, five gas stations, and a paving/grading business all inherited from my grandfather, My sisters and my grandmother were uninterested in sustaining these businesses so he signed them over to me and my grandmother gets 25% of the profits.

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  15. #229
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    I currently am running a landscape company also running a snow removal company as well as snow making at a ski mountain. I help a logging company out on weekends and a dirt pit as well on weekends i cook at a restaurant occasionaly usually holidays and large functions. tuesdays and thursdays during the summer i work as a farmhand and cattle hand. when none of those things are happening i will help out any member of my family who are all tradesman plumbers electricians framers roofers. i am only apprentice as an electrician but have a journeyman in plumbing and will pursue these further for sure. I sell any number of things including scrap metal firewood vegetables mushrooms mineral samples and raw gemstones moose antlers refurbished house hold goods refurbished firearms and refurbished power equipment.
    I know i missed a lot of jobs but lets just say i'm busy!
    Edit: I forgot helping my father on odd mechanic jobs he gets from time to time. it's not like he needs me (he's a master at anything with an engine) but I know he enjoys spending time working on these things with me and wants to pass his knowledge on.
    well two years have passed
    I don't have to work too much anymore, cleared all my debt, and live a pretty simple life. My plan worked
    no more cooking, no more snowmaking, construction is pretty slow this year, scrapping is a rainy day fund deal now.
    The two businesses are plenty but still log and help the farmer out because they need the help badly.
    doing a lot of hunting, gathering and producing my own goods mostly trading for what I need and to off set spending money.
    have a good pile of refurbs ready to go and those bring in a good bit of pocket change.
    got into making canoe paddles by hand will give those a go at the open air market, thinking about doing some chainsaw carving as well.
    just out adventuring and treasure hunting with the boy for now...
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  17. #230
    wavecrazed's Avatar
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    Drivin my toyota prius for Uber taxi, delivering pizza a couple of nights a week, taking in scrap to the yards for a friend and some myself. selling junk on craigslist. Tim

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  19. #231
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    My full time job is rebuilding refrigerators and freezers for resale at the biggest used appliance shop in Boise. I started first in deluvery , where I met my current partner (closest definition I could find for our business relationship). This guy supplied our used appliance stock and processed our refrigerants. A couple years later we start getting appliances from four major retailer stores in the valley, and along came the window A/Cs we weren't equipped to process. The first two I bought changes everything for me.

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  21. #232
    scrapman1077's Avatar
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    I own a small machine shop, scrap is always been part of my income stream.

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  23. #233
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    Im a Reactor Operator at a chemical plant.

  24. #234
    wildliferacer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    I am running about 3 projects.

    #1 computer recycling.

    #2 I buy/fix cars/boats (I have a auto teck guy that makes all the repairs)

    #3 buy whole sale an resell whole sale

    I am planing on doing...

    A small resale store for many of the items I do get.
    A mobile mechanic *get more use out of the auto tech*
    A mobile computer teck (I have a in-house on a small scale...would like to grow that out)

    An a few other things I am not sure if I want to do it yet or not. But one thing I have learned is...Money sitting in the bank makes no money. So...I keep what I need to do what I am doing an I will reinvest into something else...My plan is to have more than one thing making money at any one time.
    I like your business/project line-up. And I agree with this: Money sitting in the bank makes no money. This is what my mom always tell me. Do not let your money sleep on the bank.

  25. #235
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Old thread, but he's right. Money in the bank isn't doing anything. I invest some of mine so it'll grow, and "invest" the rest into my business so I can make more with it. If you park it, that's all you're doing: Parking.
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  27. #236
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    Day job.... Scrap on the side when I have time and feel like it. I invest heavily and plan to retire early (from the working world) once I have enough invested to live off interest. Then can do scrapping full-time if I want (or not if I don't want to)

  28. #237
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Pallets. Im out before all the others so i see them everywhere, so why not take them. A load of pallets pays more than 800lbs of shred currently
    Last edited by greytruck; 03-03-2020 at 06:35 PM.

  29. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    Pallets. Im out before all the others so i see them everywhere, so why not take them. A load of pallets pays more than 800lbs of shred currently
    Really? Wonder where buys them.... There is a place by me that always has signs up with "free pallets".... I imagine if there was somewhere close/easy to sell them they wouldn't have that sign out there.... Or if they did someone would already take all their pallets.

  30. #239
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kss View Post
    Really? Wonder where buys them.... There is a place by me that always has signs up with "free pallets".... I imagine if there was somewhere close/easy to sell them they wouldn't have that sign out there.... Or if they did someone would already take all their pallets.
    The only pallets that are really worth anything are 40 x 48 four way. There are different grades. Grade A, grade B, and C. $3 for grade A, $2 for grade B. Off size are $1 a piece. And block/chep pallets are .50 ea

  31. #240
    ScrapLW's Avatar
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    I thought the same thing that nobody would buy them. Then I started seeing bulk auctions for pallets for .50-1$ each. There are some on marketplace, or craiglist etc... selling the "scrapped" out pallet wood for all these knickknack pinterest projects people want to build.

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