I currently am running a landscape company also running a snow removal company as well as snow making at a ski mountain. I help a logging company out on weekends and a dirt pit as well on weekends i cook at a restaurant occasionaly usually holidays and large functions. tuesdays and thursdays during the summer i work as a farmhand and cattle hand. when none of those things are happening i will help out any member of my family who are all tradesman plumbers electricians framers roofers. i am only apprentice as an electrician but have a journeyman in plumbing and will pursue these further for sure. I sell any number of things including
scrap metal firewood vegetables mushrooms mineral samples and raw gemstones moose antlers refurbished house hold goods refurbished firearms and refurbished power equipment.
I know i missed a lot of jobs but lets just say i'm busy!
Edit: I forgot helping my father on odd mechanic jobs he gets from time to time. it's not like he needs me (he's a master at anything with an engine) but I know he enjoys spending time working on these things with me and wants to pass his knowledge on.