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What do you do besides scrap metal? - Page 9

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  1. #161
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    I go to school and work for our family's heating company. I do everything from painting to installations and removals of oil and propane tanks and furnaces and boilers. We generate a lot of company scrap but when doing installations or removals employees are allowed to keep copper scraps and I get to pick things from the dumpster to break down for metals like copper and brass. We also own a chain of car washes and I've been doing lots of work on that side of the business learning the mechanics. About 6 months ago one of our washes caught fire. We are a few weeks away from opening and I've been hauling a lot of scrap out from there and hauling the new equipment in. I also collect and rebuild pallets.

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  3. #162
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    Me To

    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Carpenter/General Contractor since 1990. Buy "Lots" of merchandise from several sources and sell on Craigslist/Ebay. First year in the last decade that I haven't coached a ice hockey team (15-18 year olds) trying to decide if I'm done or not.

    The constuction biz keeps me hopping, but I'm ready to phase out and concentrate on selling and recycling metal. Every new const. job seems to come with some guys wife that has watched way to much HGTV and thinks that things can be perfectly built overnite, for next to nothing. Working on one last big job then I'm going to take Mick's approach..."when and where I want to."
    Hey Wow Im the same as you & Mick I have been at general contracting since 1985 and I always worked with my father . He died last year . I enjoyed working with him and Im fed up to my eyes with dealing with homeowners . I have several rental properties that I built and rehabbed over the years and I like taking care of them . Im not sick of building Im sick of people . Tired of dealing with stressed out homeowners . I have been scrapping and cherry picking the good remodeling and painting jobs . I work when I want . I only have to deal with the owner or seller of the scrap for a few minutes then I'm on my way . "Adios and vaya con dios" as Im driving away from them.
    Cheers !

  4. #163
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    I own a daycare with my wife. Its doing well. I started scrapping by accident and what was just play money is now really good money. Its really awesome, I'm selling a product that does not cost me a dime. After subtracting for mileage, I am pulling in 95% interest.
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  6. #164
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    Currently working as a lab tech at an oil refinery. Blessed to have a job and be making good money. Between downsizing and plant closings, I've dodged the bullets a few times over the past five years, but one is bound to hit me soon I fear. I just want to have something else in place for when it does. Plus its a heck of a lot of fun at times! I've always enjoyed treasure hunting :-) Besides this, I was an architectural photographer for many years, operator for an enviromental remediation company, petroleum inspector, and carny (mini nascar racing).
    Today is a gift and the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do with it?

  7. #165
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    I would say if you want to earn good money then you should chose scrap business as a full time. Because in this business you can get much profit without any difficulty.

  8. #166
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    Which location. Used to be a dc in my town. Greenville, sc

  9. #167
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    Been scrapping for a long time before it became a full time gig.

    Now I'm starting a resale store inside the warehouse as a proof of concept.

    Sales have kinda ebbed and flowed since I started this venture (eBay and craigslist) and now I'm moving forward with doing it almost exclusively.

    I actually love scrapping computers and will do it as long as I can get them.
    “An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.”

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  10. #168
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    I currently am running a landscape company also running a snow removal company as well as snow making at a ski mountain. I help a logging company out on weekends and a dirt pit as well on weekends i cook at a restaurant occasionaly usually holidays and large functions. tuesdays and thursdays during the summer i work as a farmhand and cattle hand. when none of those things are happening i will help out any member of my family who are all tradesman plumbers electricians framers roofers. i am only apprentice as an electrician but have a journeyman in plumbing and will pursue these further for sure. I sell any number of things including scrap metal firewood vegetables mushrooms mineral samples and raw gemstones moose antlers refurbished house hold goods refurbished firearms and refurbished power equipment.
    I know i missed a lot of jobs but lets just say i'm busy!
    Edit: I forgot helping my father on odd mechanic jobs he gets from time to time. it's not like he needs me (he's a master at anything with an engine) but I know he enjoys spending time working on these things with me and wants to pass his knowledge on.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 12-01-2013 at 11:45 AM.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  12. #169
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Dam NH...what do you do after lunch?
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  14. #170
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    I work for my Native Corp., I deal with sales, leases and Gift Deeding and also Trespassing on lots on Native Allotments. I also sell firearms, yes I have my FFL.

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  16. #171
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    I am an 8th grade language arts teacher. I started scrapping about six months ago to purchase bookshelves and books for a classroom library. Now that I've completed that project, I've decided to keep it up as a way to pay down college loans for my wife and kids.

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  18. #172
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    I work part time making cash register rolls of paper. Tedious and repetitious work but someone has to do it. Gives a guy a lot of time to think about how to scrap better. I usually work 3rd shift but my boss occasionally calls me in to work 1st or whatever he needs a hand for. I also help him now and then replace washers and dryers at his laundry mats. He either repairs the old ones or scraps them himself, so I don't get any scrap that way.

  19. #173
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    Computer Programmer / Analyst at a huge insurance company. But I prefer to focus on the code and not the hardware (opposite of a scrapper). Been thinking of switching over to an actuary though - always a demand for those guys, and I might enjoy it more. At church, I'm in the local leadership and put crazy time into that. Home I'm chasing around 5 (soon to be 6) kids. Somehow I find time to scrap. I've been stockpiling, and I think next year we're going to tackle it as a family to pay for the family vacation.

  20. #174
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    I just started plasti dipping cars. its an Affordable way to paint your car, but its just a rubberized spray on coating that can be peeled off later. you spray it right over your original paint without any prep besides cleaning it. It protects your original paint job from uv rays and scratches. I covered my truck to protect the factory paint and prolong rust prevention. So far its working out for a side gig, & plenty of friends want it done to their rides.

  21. #175
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    These days, tree climber, firewood and build 2smokes among other things. Worked too many types of auto/truck buss to list. Towing, body shop, collision and rest. Built all kinds of toys from minibikes to stock cars, street muscle, drag pieces, boats, 4x4 trucks and street rods. My father had a towing outfit at the house/shop also. Pretty much grew up around anything with a motor. Did two years of general repair as an equipment diesel mechanic. Been scraping and flipping stuff forever. Hoping to get back into recycling PM this time around. Most times can pretty much fix, find or build anything I need. Sometimes it's just easier to go buy new or a very good used one. Long time consuming work tools projects are getting old. Say, building the 12" drum wood chipper. Worked in the housing market when I was younger building homes. Did just about ever job from felling the trees to capping the roof. I need something diverse with many income streams and angles these days. This time round shooting for me, myself and I. Getting back into doing porting work on small engines and heads. When you run something like doing tree work "storytime" and no shows gets old. Trees never talk back and neither has metal, yet. Just want to cherry pick climbing jobs and put more time into recycling and custom engine bench work.
    Last edited by KAM; 12-02-2013 at 01:10 AM.

  22. #176
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    I've been a sub contractor off and off for a few years, mostly off, was really busy for about 2 years then everything came to a fast stop. was in the Army cadets and reserves for 5 years, was laid off a hundred times at a hundred different jobs afterwards. drove taxi, did air port runs, ran a demolition crew, GPS Technician, road crew foremen for an advertising company, rock truck driver. Been full time scrapping for 3 years while working other full time jobs. money was good now i'm just scrapping, money is ok lol. I need a job scrap is to slow this time of year in my neck of the woods that sums up my under achievements lol every time i get into something i seem to get promised everything under the sun with apprenticeships and all that stuff then you get laid off and the phone doesn't ring for 4-6 months tired of it. farming occasionally for ten years on a sheep farm
    Last edited by cummins; 12-02-2013 at 12:05 PM.

  23. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    Dam NH...what do you do after lunch?
    send the paper work to the tax lady she just loooooves me

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  25. #178
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    I need a vacation after just reading about NH's stuff outside of scrap.

    Sirscrapalot - Stays busy emptying an filling the cooler.

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  27. #179
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    Us NH people sure know how to work.

    I take off only about 25 days a year. The odd thing is, I could back off some but just don't know how. As of right now, I have 11 gaylords of ewaste to process and next summer will be adding a southern NH location for ewaste processing.

    Even then, I am thinking about work.

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  29. #180
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    A sandbar off the atlantic..OBX,NC
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    Oh I stay busy with work. I just don't have 50 other things like that man. I leave all that to you main land people. I live on a sandbar..if I'm not working on the business, I'm off enjoying the beach. Sitting in the sand wiggling my toes, while keeping the cooler cold, is tough work, but someone has to do it..your all welcome.

    Sirscrapalot - no quotes!

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