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What to know when starting out?

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  1. #1
    sinisa2170 started this thread.
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    What to know when starting out?

    What do i need to have to make some decent $$$?

    Me and my mate currently have abit over 1 tonne of Steel, alright condition, how much money you reckon we can earn?

    But bad thing is we dont have a ABN and my mate told me if we dont have it and the guy asks us for it he is aloud to take 46.5% of the total

    Plus what do i need to wear cause i cut myself a few times when my brother drove us around

    Another thing are we aloud to hand in fridges and bath tubs ?


  2. #2
    sinisa2170 started this thread.
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    Another thing i live around ALOT of mechanics, you guys think there is anything there that they would let us take if we just offered to get rid of it for them?

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    Are you serious with these questions? Why not call your local scrap yard and ask pricing? To make some decent money, you just need some stuff to sell, a way to get it there and a market to sell it. As far as an Australian Business Number, check your local laws. There are a couple members from Australia, but most are from the US and would have no idea. IE: fridges and bathtubs - again, ask your scrap yard. What to wear seems rather obvious. As far as mechanics - ask them.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  5. #4
    sinisa2170 started this thread.
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    sad ^

    we're only 16 and asking for some tips

  6. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    sinisa, don't be sad....Mick DID give you some good tips....and the best way I can help you is to tell you and your mate to read the archives here. You will find answers to every question you want to know about scrapping....EVEN about what to wear. Seriously, there is a whole post on safety and it includes that. I hope you and your mate stay with us and become serious scrappers if that's what you want to be.... and make some serious money. Keep us up to date....I wish you the very best.

  7. #6
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    To bad the Forum hasn't got a Option to Ignore a Thread.
    You could have read it and ignored it. Why all the hostility? These are young kids - what do they know? Instead of snuffing out interest we should be applauding the young ones starting out in this kind of thing. I had a 15 year old ask me about learning to ''scrap.'' Listen, the first time I took in a load I had no idea what to do, what it was all about or if they even had a phone number and were you even allowed to call for prices and I'm in my 40's!! This young man was looking for some guidance, not snark.

  8. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    In MDG defense, the OP did not say anything about being 16 until after his post, and who's to know if what they say about their age is true. Their first post is like many others we get wanting answers to questions that do not contain enough info or are tough to answer because they live on the other side of the planet...not to mention the fact that they have more then likely been answered before if they just snoop around a bit.
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  10. #8
    Fumes's Avatar
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    check with your local scrapyard about fridges - air conditioners- water coolers. They have freon in the tubes and the yard may not take them or pay less if they have to recover the freon. IF your stripping the fridges then you may need a recovery machine to pump freon into tanks. In NYS you have to pass a test and provide proof (give make model and serial number of the machine ) Definitely a serious fine if your caught just opening the tubes and letting the freon out into the atmosphere.

  11. #9
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    Haha im 16 and i dont take MDG hostility seriously. Its pretty funny actually.

  12. #10
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    when I was a kid I called the local grocer and asked him if he had pigs feet ! In the south pickled pigs feet are a delicacy and most stores carry the grocer said, "yes". Trying not to giggle, I replied, "well, if you wear shoes, nobody'll ever know it!!" I think that's what a lot of these "kids" are doing. We never heard back from we should just take 'em all more lightly at first...until or if they prove themselves either young or stupid ! or both

  13. #11
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    Doubt that your still checking the post, but just because you have 1 ton of steel doesnt mean you have to take it in one trip...

  14. #12
    BasicMetals's Avatar
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    Well I'll go ahead and ditch the hostility...and give you some honest least from my experience here in the US.

    As far as what to wear...#1 is always a good pair of work gloves. Don't cheap out! Busting up your hands could make you unable to work down the road...and that'll cost you more than a decent set of gloves. Next a pair of safety glasses for when you're busting things apart is a good idea. If you really want to get serious...steel toe boots are a decent investment. As far as clothes go...obviously long sleeves will help you from scraping up your arms...but you'll also be outside all day. So most people tend to dress to the weather. My idea is always safety first, but clothes are sort of a personal choice.

    Next in regards to tools...some MUST haves are:

    1.) a magnet. Touching metals with a magnet easily identify what's steel and what isn't. Keeping these segregated make for an easier day, and a higher pay out at the end.
    2.) a hammer. A lot of items can yield higher returns if they're broken apart and have things stripped out of them. Exactly what can be broken apart, you can learn a lot more just browsing YouTube for an hour.
    3.) wire cutters. You can get paid more on all wires (cords, too) if you cut off all the plastic ends and attachments. It's the easiest possible upgrade you could do. Also use these to cut out screen doors/windows.

    I'm sure by the time you get more into it, you'll develop a more sophisticated set of tools...but a lot of it just depends on what works for you and you find to be most helpful. Some guys smash stuff with sledge hammers, others use axes. It's all kind of just getting your own groove and developing your own approach. The best knowledge is definitely gained through experience...just always keep SAFETY #1!

    In regards to the mechanics, a lot of smaller mechanic shops don't spend the time recycling their few pieces here and there...and a lot of scrappers do make the rounds to them. Just always remember when approaching them, be courteous and kind...and keep in mind YOU are asking THEM for something. A smile and kind words definitely go a long way. Also keep in mind every one of these guys have had scrap stolen from them from guys they view exactly like they view approach with caution and with the mindset that you are trying to convince them you are going about handling things the correct way. Also, when you have a better idea of pay outs and value in mind, offering to grease their hands a little bit with a few bucks could help out a lot. The decision makers on this aren't always the owners...and offering to buy a pack of smokes or some lunch money could work wonders in getting their scraps.

    It's a hustle. No doubt about it. And it's not for the lazy or weak-willed. But there is good money out there, and a lot of opportunity to be your own boss and work a completely different kind of job than a typical one. It just takes time and experience. Another good thing to do is get a map of your area, and determine the garbage schedule. Get out there and cruise the streets looking for the few odds and ends items being thrown out worth scrap. These will add up to full loads in NO time.

    Good luck!

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