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Texas scrappers

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  1. #1
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Texas scrappers

    Just a heads up if you do not know about it. There is a new law that is going into effect on Sept 01, 2011. When I was taking in a load last Saturday I noticed a post at the desk when I went to cash out. It was talking about new laws concerning "aluminum coolers" or "aluminum radiators" (I do not remember which). Basically it was saying if you bring these in you have to have one of 4 different pieces of documentation. Two of them had to do with an A/C license. Third was a bill of sale or receipt from the person you got the stuff from. Fourth was a copy of a receipt for the a/c unit you purchased to replace the one you are taking in. I have a stack of clean radiators I was hoarding, but will now take them in since I do not have any of the above documentation. I can understand them trying to do something about theft, but I do not think this was well thougt out.

  2. #2
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    Yea we know about that one, you should be good with a letter heading from the company you bought it from including contact info & items sold. But I may be wrong

  3. #3
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    F*CK**S crack heads & freaks are making harder for everyone

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    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    not great time for I told you so but, sry I TOLD YA SO. if the rest of us dont get a handle on the problen this regulation will spread like the plague.

  6. #5
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    I am going to try to come up with some kind of receipt I can print off of my computer and have the person sign it that I get any A/C units from stating they gave it to me and will include their address. Hopefully that will suffice.

  7. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Ya, kinda like a bill of sale,,

  8. #7
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    Probably also want folks to stop venting refrigerant. Which, actually, you ought to be able to collect it with a recovery machine, and sell it too. Or better yet, make friends with an A/C man.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Yeah Lord Help us we Don't need to Mess up the Planet with anymore Toxins China Can do that well for us and the rest of the world.
    Kris Kringle, I've been to China, and I can promise you that you wouldn't want to trade their air for ours here in Texas.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    And Your Point? Did I not State that in the Thread???
    I thought you were being sarcastic, my apologies.

  11. #10
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    Just make up some sort of generic receipt and show it to your scrapyard and ask if it will work. Once they approve whatever you create, have the person who gives you the AC unit sign it (or a wino off the street, who's to know).

    I would word it something to the effect that "I the undersigned have given ownership of the goods described below (make a place to list whatever they make a law for) in exchange for the removal services provided by _________ recycling service"

    Where is all this headed? It's headed to the corporatization of the scrap buisness. Just like almost every other buisness in America, certain "entities" want to build large corparations and limit market entry. The scrap buisness is one of the few remaining "mom & pop" enterprizes in the US and big money wants in on it. From what I read, "Sims" is set to become the AT&T of the scrap industry.

    I highly suspect that in the near future you will need to be some sort of "liscened recycler" to be in this buisness. This will probably require some sort of expensive liscence and a bunch of hoops to jump through. This is the first step in the big grab. Right now the "feedstock" of this industry belongs to us but once you are not allowed to sell scrap this can be handed over to a private company (most likely with a kickback to some crooked municipal scumbag) who will "manage" it for a fee and all the scrap. Fight it any way you can.

  12. #11
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    fiat, what are you doing on olddudes soapbox ??!! lol

  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    fiat, what are you doing on olddudes soapbox ??!! lol
    Hahaha! I might be up there but he's right on this subject. When I first started scrapping I used to walk right up the demo site and ask for the scrap. I'd get a "yea, sure knock yourself out" and spend days right in the rubble as they'd tear down buildings. No fences, no rolloff boxes. Nothing. I can remember an old 1940s motel being torn down and I was allowed to go in each room with a giant pipe wrench and smash the shower and pull out the copper and a big 10 lb valve from each one. I calculated what I was making and it came out to $137/hr. Who gets to do that nowadays?

    I have to wear an orange vest, hard hat, present ID, get scanned for radiation and be photographed just to sell my scrap nowadays. Getting paid involve going through a set of locked and bulletproof doors that makes the space station airlock look simple. At least I can still sell it.

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