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Please help: Scrap Value List - Mowers, Grills, Stoves, exc - Page 2

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  1. #21
    newattitude's Avatar
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    ^^I totally get that part, I think what the OP was asking was, on average what can you expect and also how to maximize the profit from a particular item and how much one might weigh. I've searched for the thread that had this idea tossed about in and can't find it but I do recall one of the members here suggesting this very thing (it was mentioned in a thread for a different topic but batted around nonetheless). Like some of them do with the computer breakdowns - show how and the weights/prices of each item/part of the computer (ballpark estimate). I admitted that say fridges, will all be different weights but on average you can expect such and such a price. Heck, I have no idea how much the metal bottom of a grill might weight (the steel) but I can rough estimate the price for different sizes based on the cast tops as well the OP will be able to do once they have more experience under their belts and know the prices for their area. My yard I can call for the prices of the day but they aren't going to know or tell me how much an individual item is going to weigh and I think thats what the OP was after. I was just trying to be friendly and help is all.

    ETA: If it weren't for easy-recycle and a couple others I'd never have known about the value of computer towers beyond scrapping them for their weight for example.

  2. #22
    Mick's Avatar
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    Just as a suggestion, keep a current price list of each yard you use. Have a spreadsheet listing as many metals as you deal with. Call the yard periodically and ask prices to update your spreadsheet. Then you won't need "ballpark" figures. Look on manufacturer's websites for weights. Now, you'll need to deduct weight you take off (ie: copper tubing from refrigerators).

    I keep price sheets and have spreadsheets back three years to spot trends such as "seasonal" pricing. Between those, LME charts and industry reports/news stories, I can get a pretty good picture of where prices are likely headed.
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  4. #23
    TMoney's Avatar
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    Thanks to the OP for posting this. It's yard sale season here, and I was hoping to get a ballpark idea of what some random items are worth in scrap. I fully understand that prices vary widely, but if I know that a washer brings $15 on average, then I know that I could pay $5 and still leave some wiggle room. For example, I saw several computer monitors today for $10/ea. I see the average scrap value posted above for monitors was only $5, so now I know that $10 is too much to pay.

  5. #24
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    People around here are giving the monitor/TV's away just to get rid of them, not worth paying anything for them.
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  6. #25
    parrothead's Avatar
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    yeah, I used to pay a dollar for a monitor. I won't pay a cent now. I will pick them up for free if I am there for something else as well, but there are so many that people want to get rid of them it is insane.
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  8. #26
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    How about a link to a list that updates on the prices each month on a national level? I'm sure there has to be something out there. Add that to the spreadsheet/yard idea per city/state and the "ballpark" prices can be a little more precise.

    Just a thought.

  9. #27
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerrellman View Post
    How about a link to a list that updates on the prices each month on a national level? I'm sure there has to be something out there. Add that to the spreadsheet/yard idea per city/state and the "ballpark" prices can be a little more precise.
    Just a thought.
    Maybe something like this??

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  11. #28
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Sounds to me that the noobies on this forum want everything handed to them. It's been stated on this thread to call your local yard and ask for the price of what your selling. After you get some experience you'll get to know what's what. No way can someone tell you what something is worth unless that person uses the same yard as you do. What do you think the ones on this forum did before we had a forum, we learned the hard way, trial and error. I threw away a lot of money learning this business and after 5 years I'm still learning but I make alot more money now than I did when I first started. Go out and get some scrap, break it down. I think it's better to break something down more than you have to than not brake it down enough. If yard says clean aluminum or clean brass they mean no steel.

  12. #29
    TMoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Sounds to me that the noobies on this forum want everything handed to them.
    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    What do you think the ones on this forum did before we had a forum, we learned the hard way, trial and error.
    So then what's the point of the forum if not to benefit from the collective knowledge of others? Of course I CAN go it and do it all on my own, but I found this forum and figured that it would make more sense to learn what I can from others and shave some time off the learning curve.

    As we said in the Army, "work smarter, not harder".

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  14. #30
    Jillyenator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdaddy View Post
    Fall cleanup is coming and I was hoping to compile a good list of prices on average you can expect to get for items. Here in town the dump charges $10 per appliance to get rid of them and the scrap yard takes them for free. If I break them down how much can I expect to make? I know there are variables but a rough idea would be great. Also, explain anything that would be needed to scrap this item, such as remove freon, drain fluids... exc....

    If I pick up grills and find case aluminum... does it have to be cleaned and degrease to turn in? If so, how do you do this quickly?

    so. Price list. When you drive by and see this you think... look, there's a ____ and it's worth $XXX in scrap!

    Complete Computer CPU - $10 -$14
    Computer Monitor - $5 (but then you have to dispose of the tube)
    Stove Gas - steel price/ weight
    Stove Electric - steel price /weight
    Grill - $5 - $45 depending on size and type (found on the web)
    Refrigerator - $20 (thanks newattitude)
    AC unit - $5 (thanks Scrap man)
    Washer- $15 (thanks Hobo)
    Dryer - $20 - $25 (Thanks dryvr12)
    Mower riding - $30 (thanks newattitude)
    Cars - Dumb question. depends on weight and how much you want to strip out.
    Car battery $6-$10

    These prices are just a range. As noted below, there are many many variables and the value will increase more if you break things down all the way to get all motors and brass out. It all depends on what your yard pays.

    Also, keep in mind AC units and fridges should have the freon drained correctly. This can cost more then they are worth. Check with your yard to see if they take these items and if you need to prove with paperwork this was done correctly.

    Thanks to everyone that helped with this list.
    I find this all very useful, and am appreciative that the info is listed. I know the prices aren't quotable, but I like knowing what things are worth more than others. So, a washer and dryer is worth more than a monitor. I like comparables.

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