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  1. #1
    wdaddy started this thread.
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    Scrap Value List - Mowers, Grills, Stoves, exc

    Fall cleanup is coming and I was hoping to compile a good list of prices on average you can expect to get for items. Here in town the dump charges $10 per appliance to get rid of them and the scrap yard takes them for free. If I break them down how much can I expect to make? I know there are variables but a rough idea would be great. Also, explain anything that would be needed to scrap this item, such as remove freon, drain fluids... exc....

    If I pick up grills and find case aluminum... does it have to be cleaned and degrease to turn in? If so, how do you do this quickly?

    so. Price list. When you drive by and see this you think... look, there's a ____ and it's worth $XXX in scrap!

    Complete Computer CPU - $10 -$14
    Computer Monitor - $5 (but then you have to dispose of the tube)
    Stove Gas - steel price/ weight
    Stove Electric - steel price /weight
    Grill - $5 - $45 depending on size and type (found on the web)
    Refrigerator - $20 (thanks newattitude)
    AC unit - $5 (thanks Scrap man)
    Washer- $15 (thanks Hobo)
    Dryer - $20 - $25 (Thanks dryvr12)
    Mower riding - $30 (thanks newattitude)
    Cars - Dumb question. depends on weight and how much you want to strip out.
    Car battery $6-$10

    These prices are just a range. As noted below, there are many many variables and the value will increase more if you break things down all the way to get all motors and brass out. It all depends on what your yard pays.

    Also, keep in mind AC units and fridges should have the freon drained correctly. This can cost more then they are worth. Check with your yard to see if they take these items and if you need to prove with paperwork this was done correctly.

    Thanks to everyone that helped with this list.
    Last edited by wdaddy; 08-18-2011 at 10:38 AM.

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  3. #2
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    I'd be careful on the computer pricing... sometimes it could be gutted, so $.09/lb or about $1.00
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  4. #3
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    I would imagine there is a whole gambit of values in those other items... eg stainless steel grills vs cast

  5. #4
    wdaddy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ewasted View Post
    I'd be careful on the computer pricing... sometimes it could be gutted, so $.09/lb or about $1.00
    yea, I added the word complete to it. This shouldn't really be a buying guide, just a quick and dirty guide...

  6. #5
    newattitude's Avatar
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    With different prices everywhere a fridge I just turned in (300lbs) netted $22.00 with copper/etc removed. so that was just for the fridge weight on that one. I got about $30.00 for a smaller sized riding mower last week. Most of your other stuff listed is going to be mostly steel anyways and added up in a big pile so cant guess on that stuff separately. Cast grill tops - depending on size I've gotten at least $3.00 each piece up to over 5.00 each piece. And you do have to remove any steel from those tops and bottoms but I never degrease them or any kind of cleaning like that. Same with the sizes of the aluminum/copper radiators from AC units - couple bucks on up and thats just those pieces from one not counting any copper tubing/wiring/steel left over.
    Last edited by newattitude; 08-17-2011 at 10:46 AM.

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  8. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Are you saying that the scrap yards take appliances for free? You don't get money for them?? If so you need to pick up as many as possible and break them all the way down so it is no longer an appliance! If the dump charges $10.00 for them you could pick these up all day from people who don't want to pay to dispose them...

  9. #7
    wdaddy started this thread.
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    That's exactly how it works here. Also, the city takes pcs for free from residents if they drive them 10 miles out to the dump where the Ewaste collection site has be designated, but charges business .25/lb for business computers. The scrap yard only takes empty pc cases, no electronics at all... so businesses are happy to give them to me to break down. Prime market here.

  10. #8
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    Same here at my dump. Charge to take appliances, then turn around and sell as scrap.

    As for the others have said, there are too many variables.

    Take cars for instance. What kind of car? How much does it weigh? How much is YOUR yard paying per ton? How much are you willing to pull?

    I pull as much as I can. Battery & cables, radiator, heater core, wiring, aluminum intake & brackets, starter, alternator, catalytic converter, and tires if they're still good.

    I am told there is a core value in rack and pinion but I haven't pulled one yet.

    On mowers, how far are you going to break it down? Some have aluminum decks. I take it clear down to the motor, even tearing the carb down for the itty bitty bits of brass.

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  12. #9
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    AC units are about $5 for the smaller ones and maybe a dollar or two more for larger ones.
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  14. #10
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    I got payed about $20-$25 for a dryer. I could have made a few bucks more if I put the motor in the motor category of split it open for the I dumped it in steel instead

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  16. #11
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    Honestly i think all of what yer asking needs to be LEARNED, not told. Not being rude, just saying that sometimes you need to work for yer information like everyone else has.

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  18. #12
    wdaddy started this thread.
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    hmmmm. Now that kinda confuses me. I thought that was what this board was for. I thought it was for the experienced to help the newer members. I know I have shared tips. (no one ever told me not to.. but maybe they were thinking it.)

    Since there is so many agreeing and also saying there is no way to answer my question, I guess that's it for this tread... You do know, as more and more register here this question will keep coming up and if you had a list it would be a place to refer them to.

    Like I said before, why reinvent the wheel?

    I guess I have a new answer to use now when someone asks something.
    Last edited by wdaddy; 08-18-2011 at 09:51 AM.

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  20. #13
    wdaddy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHoss View Post
    Honestly i think all of what yer asking needs to be LEARNED, not told. Not being rude, just saying that sometimes you need to work for yer information like everyone else has.
    And, honestly, out of my 35+ posts in the last few days, how many times have I asked anything? What... once? This list is my second question and I'm told to learn for myself? Yea, maybe I do need a beer....

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  22. #14
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    People do tend to get a little hostile on here at times.
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  24. #15
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I broke down a washer here are the weights...

    Elect motor 18 lbs x .30 lb = $5.40
    #2 ins wire 2 lbs x 1.10 lb = $2.20
    1/2 lb painted alum x .65 lb = $.33
    Sheet iron & plastic tub 75 lbs x .10 lb = $7.50

    Total $15.43

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  26. #16
    Scrap Master J's Avatar
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    I would remove price because it will vary both by time and location. A range of weight per item would be more useful over the long term. Knowing the weight one would do some simple math using current price at current location. Also the list says complete computer CPU. Should read complete disassembled computer.

  27. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap man View Post
    AC units are about $5 for the smaller ones and maybe a dollar or two more for larger ones.
    5$? I got like 60$ out of a bigger ac unit just the other day. At least 20$ off the small one and that had aluminum pipes

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  29. #18
    Scrap man's Avatar
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    Really? How big was it? I'm talking about the little window units.

  30. #19
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    Having any one list is going to be hard due to price changes, and where you are at.
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  31. #20
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHoss View Post
    Honestly i think all of what yer asking needs to be LEARNED, not told. Not being rude, just saying that sometimes you need to work for yer information like everyone else has.
    Even with the variables there's nothing wrong with wanting a ''ballpark'' figure. Didn't I just see a thread wanting to do this very thing not long ago? Breaking down items and listing the ''pay'' for each of them? I'm pretty sure I did. And as a newbie on this forum and reading a LOT of threads I still asked a couple questions myself. If we want to be a ''better breed'' of scrapper/recycler this kind of attitude is a huge turnoff. Just sayin.

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