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charging for or accepting for free?

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  1. #1
    Hurrikane started this thread.
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    charging for or accepting for free?

    Final stages of working a deal with a local computer shop where I'll split 50/50 profit with the owner for scrap. I'll be in charge of almost everything all he has to do is save and sort everything properly.He and I are thinking of accepting any and all electronics at his store for added income. Now,should we charge people say a dollar per item dropped off or just accept it for free? We will probably go with the dollar to start and see how it goes and we can always stop charging if it turns people away. Just thought I'd ask the gang here and get your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    same here, my computer shop is probably a lot smaller than the one you're working with, but he's giving them to me 'cause he was just trashing them....and my plastic and tube piles keep growing. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    Unless you've figured out your costs with a business plan, I suspect you're in for a couple of nasty surprises related to transportation and disposal. Start with picking them up (and number/types of items); work through storage, tear-down and waste disposal. Now figure transport to your market(s).
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  5. #4
    CMHN's Avatar
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    I would definitely charge for the CRT monitors, for me it costs $10 each to dispose of properly. As for the other stuff, I would just accept it as a service. You can make enough money on them tearing them apart. Just my 2 cents.
    CMHN Recycling

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  7. #5
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    I would say free.

    Stack the crt screens up and sell them whole. Do not take apart and there are many companies that will buy the whole trailer load and PAY for the shipping and PAY you per crt screen.

    I can easily help set that up for you as a broker.
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  9. #6
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    H: im new to e scrap but have been scrapping one way or another most of 50 years.

    do a lot of research before getting into electronics scrapping, other then computers.

    and be very carefull with them. 2 weeks ago I bought half a pick up load of e junk. sterios, tape players ect. for $60 2 weeks later worth of labor. Ill be lucky if I come out with $1 per hr profit. The better sterios had some nice transformers in them and a few gold plated pins but a lot of steel wire. and little else. wont do it again unless I learn something new. just my .02

  10. #7
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    Easy: how many monitors to fill a trailer, I want to see what my chances are of living that long

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  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Easy: how many monitors to fill a trailer, I want to see what my chances are of living that long
    900 to 1000 crt will fill a full size trailer.

  13. #9
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    good to know, easy... because monitors are a problem here in jersey. maybe with a little time and collaboration, you would have a NJ deal to broker

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  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    good to know, easy... because monitors are a problem here in jersey. maybe with a little time and collaboration, you would have a NJ deal to broker
    That can be worked out. I have buyers who will buy it...profit should be around the dollar + or - alittle but thats the ball park when you send out a whole crt screen. But I DO mean WHOLE....counting the cord..they can get...funny about that but if the cord plugs in..and I can just pull it out...then I pull it...if its PART of the have to let that cord go...

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  17. #11
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    little confused about that easy. Who among us, has been known to store our CRT's without stripping them first ?? Am I missing something here ? I found a place in Tallahassee FL that will take mine. No charge with a 100 minimum.

  18. #12
    MrMetal's Avatar
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    I reckon im lucky my local dump takes them at no charge.. I have a full truck bed full right now thats goin in the morning..

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  20. #13
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    Mrmetal...what most of us are trying to do here is SAVE things from our landfill. Not good unless your "dump" recycles them.

  21. #14
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    They SURRRRRE do!! We have 2 different places the "trash" dump and the county recycling place that takes all metals but dosent pay for the cans, co, alum etc etc The only thing from my home that goes to the landfill is plastic and glass and the only reason for that is because we do not have facilities for those yet.

    Like I said lucky!

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  23. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    little confused about that easy. Who among us, has been known to store our CRT's without stripping them first ?? Am I missing something here ? I found a place in Tallahassee FL that will take mine. No charge with a 100 minimum.
    Reason being if you strip them then they are not worth shipping....if they are whole...I will pay for all the shipping cost and pay you around $1.00 for each one (+or- alittle) but thats the ball park.

    I dont strip them. I don't want to deal with the glass. I sell the whole.

  24. #16
    Hurrikane started this thread.
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    Thank you all for your insight.Things are moving forward nicely.The guy I'm working with has his business doing very well so he really just wants to see the stuff get recycled not dumped,the money is a bonus.His employees will do all the teardowns and sorting since they are there anyway.All the ewaste will go to a place two hours away so it's just a matter of loading up the box truck and going on a road trip.I've got a few leads on people who will pay for the plastic waste,if not I have access to twenty recycling dumpsters nearby.The accepting of all electronics is just something we're tossing around right now.We are going to see how the basics go at first and progress from there.Thanks again for all your input,scrapmetalforum is an invaluable resource that I hope will be around for a long time.---H

  25. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurrikane View Post
    Thank you all for your insight.Things are moving forward nicely.The guy I'm working with has his business doing very well so he really just wants to see the stuff get recycled not dumped,the money is a bonus.His employees will do all the teardowns and sorting since they are there anyway.All the ewaste will go to a place two hours away so it's just a matter of loading up the box truck and going on a road trip.I've got a few leads on people who will pay for the plastic waste,if not I have access to twenty recycling dumpsters nearby.The accepting of all electronics is just something we're tossing around right now.We are going to see how the basics go at first and progress from there.Thanks again for all your input,scrapmetalforum is an invaluable resource that I hope will be around for a long time.---H
    hmmm I would love to buy all the e-waste...I will most likely pay more than what you can get there....

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