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  1. #1
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    What do you think?

    I have been offered a job with a rather large e-waste recycler. He wants someone to tear down stuff for him and he will bring it all to me. I cannot do this until I get out of the military(which I hope is just a couple months away(Please God, let it be a couple months away)). I would be doing this under my business name sorta like an independent contractor. It would give me constant work as he is so overwhelmed with work. I would like to be on a monthly quota rather than a weekly so I can still devote a lot of time towards growing my own business. What kinda pay would you accept from a job like this and would you take it?(that would just kinda give me a pros/cons list) On the plus side i would have an outlet for my crts.

  2. #2
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    I would say it sounds like a hell of a good deal....I would, of course, make sure that everything is in order with the guy before you agree to anything, which I am sure you have already figured out. As for the pay it is tough to say....I would guess that you would need to do some kind of percentage of the final value unless he is willing to pay an hourly price.

    Nonetheless, it sounds like you have something great lined up there.

  3. #3
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    I think so too.... it would really help to spearhead my business and my partner is all for it! I'm thinking I might make more on a percentage basis, but I'll be talking to him tomorrow so I'll see where he is at on that issue.

  4. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    If you want a Job Take it See how he is going to treat you As a 1099 Employee or a W2 Employee Or under the table Employee.
    As MDG said you need to know what your status would be...1099 means you will be responsible for paying more SS and medicare taxes and they add up quick. Taking advantage of business deductions can help offset them.
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  6. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Hypoman, too many variables to advise, but from what you've said, it's definitely worth looking into. Your gut feelings about the guy will go a long way, but definitely aren't foolproof. Just wondering if you can you find a way to vet him and his operation ? Good luck.

  7. #6
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    I was in school ALL day long home around 9 pm. Call him tomorrow.......good night, I am tired.
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  8. #7
    BasicMetals's Avatar
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    What you need to do, is if it is going to be a percentage based payment, determine exactly what you believe you are worth at an hourly rate. Let's say you feel $16 an hour is a reasonable pay for your time. Now determine how much money your percentage equals based on how long it takes you - on average - to process this e-waste. Determine exactly what his percentage will wind up paying you hourly on average, and go from there. Either it's worth it, or it's not...based on the amount of time YOU have to spend to earn those dollars. And DEFINITELY pay attention to if you're receiving a 1099 or not. Uncle Sam's hit at the end of the year could make or break the deal.

    Good luck, though! Keep in mind experience and knowledge comes along with it as well. What's to keep you from acquiring and processing your OWN e-waste?

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  10. #8
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    Good luck, though! Keep in mind experience and knowledge comes along with it as well. What's to keep you from acquiring and processing your OWN e-waste?[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the insight. Basically in a nutshell, if the military finds out that I am acquiring an income outside of them, I could lose ALL my benefits. I am going to be getting close to 100% disability pay and I am not doing anything to jeopardize that! So, right now I am just going to school, learning as much as I can and making contacts. My discharge will be here soon so I just want to be ready to hit the ground running.

    I called this guy today and he is really interested in working with me. He has been looking for someone to open up an IT drop-off center in my county and that may be an even better deal than the one I posted. I am ready to start this mess, haha!

    Edit: I would be doing this as an idependant contractor. It would be like when someone calls you up for a scrap job......while doing my own collecting, I'd still be doing the cleaning of his........ and getting paid. So there is nothing that will stop me from collecting my own.... Like I said... I can't do ANYTHING till I get out of the military.
    Last edited by Hypoman; 09-01-2011 at 03:53 PM.

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