Good luck, though! Keep in mind experience and knowledge comes along with it as well. What's to keep you from acquiring and processing your OWN
Thanks for the insight. Basically in a nutshell, if the military finds out that I am acquiring an income outside of them, I could lose ALL my benefits. I am going to be getting close to 100% disability pay and I am not doing anything to jeopardize that! So, right now I am just going to school, learning as much as I can and making contacts. My discharge will be here soon so I just want to be ready to hit the ground running.
I called this guy today and he is really interested in working with me. He has been looking for someone to open up an IT drop-off center in my county and that may be an even better deal than the one I posted. I am ready to start this mess, haha!
Edit: I would be doing this as an idependant contractor. It would be like when someone calls you up for a scrap job......while doing my own collecting, I'd still be doing the cleaning of his........ and getting paid. So there is nothing that will stop me from collecting my own.... Like I said... I can't do ANYTHING till I get out of the military.