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  1. #1
    BasicMetals started this thread.
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    What your scrap yard does - or doesn't do - that keeps you coming!

    It's no secret I'm from a Metro Detroit scrap yard. I've worked here about 5 years, and prior to my start date...I admittedly knew NOTHING about the field. It was a bit of a culture shock at first...but now I like to consider myself a bit of a resource on the topic.

    As a decision maker here at our yards, as well as the person who handles a lot of the little details that set us apart...I'm really curious to hear what you guys like most about your favorite yards. What sort of things do they do to keep you coming back? What's exactly most important about your daily visit to the yard...and what don't they do that you wish they would? I obviously try my best to put myself in the scrapper's shoes to come up with giveaways and specials and things like that, but I want to hear a first hand opinion straight from the source.

    Lay it on me!

  2. #2
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    Customer service.. I like being able to ask questions wth out them making me feel like an idiot or give you that look like wow you don't know this. Also I have one place i go that after being there once I am always greated by name. I know at larger scrap yards it could be hard to remember everyones name. I am the type of person customer service goes a long ways. I will go to a yard that pays me less if they have great customer service over one that treats you like a number. I know some go where the money is, but for me I'm old fashion. If I am not treated well by your staff, I will not do buisness with you.

  3. #3
    Filthy's Avatar
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    my yard will buy everything. thats a plus. its a bigger yard than some of the others around which allows them to deal with ferrous and shred. their size also helps them maintain competative prices. another HUGE plus is that their scales are visible in/out of the booth at the same time. no guessing/trusting. its strait up. also, the customer service is great. they wont guide me if i dont need it, but if i have any questions they always answer honestly and helpfully.
    all of that is what keeps me going there instead of the closer spot which only buys non-ferrous

    oh yeah, and they pay cash
    Last edited by Filthy; 08-31-2011 at 11:06 AM.

  4. #4
    BasicMetals started this thread.
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    As just a general consumer, I definitely put an emphasis on customer service with all of our employees here. Our pay girls definitely get to know most of our regular customers, and are even able to pull up their accounts from memory. One thing we definitely try to do is educate our customers on how to process their materials as much as possible, as this just eliminates a lot of our man hours dedicated to them. Almost more of a general rule of thumb in ANY business...but an opinion I certainly appreciate hearing.

  5. #5
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    Love my scrap yard yesterday was a customer day got a hot dog a soda a magnet and a coozie for my beers!!!

  6. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    At my yard I can see the scales and I also see the certificate where the state of Ind. supposedly has checked the accuracy of the scales. On anything copper they ask for a current ID and they photocopy it, which kind of deters tweakers and thieves( which in the long run, hurts all of us).

  7. #7
    BasicMetals started this thread.
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    kcscrapper - do you know what exactly they do to settle on when a "customer day" is? Is it a certain day each month, quarter, annually? We used to cook hot dogs every Saturday for customers...but we started doing so many more customers in a day it made it difficult. We always do giveaways like coozies, t-shirts, magnets, etc. Maybe it is a little better to kind of combine everything into one big day to make a bigger impact at ONE time, rather than small little things here and there each day. At least to some degree.

    We've been running one program now where every 5th customer gets to roll a set of dice. If they hit a 7 or 11 we give them one of our new "Eat. Sleep. SCRAP!" t-shirts. It's kind of added a gaming element aside from just handing them out that kept certain people coming back really worked up to get that t-shirt! Especially as more people won them, and were wearing them in the got people even more fired up. I think that really seemed to work well.

    I've also always worked really hard on designing real cool bumper stickers we've given out. With beat up scrapper trucks, a little extra flare goes a long way. People really seem to like those a lot.

    One thing I'd like an opinion on...what do you think would be more likely to generate higher foot traffic. A $10/Gross Ton increase on steel grades...or a coupon on the bottom of each receipt for an extra $15/Gross Ton on all steel? The advertised price winds up being lower, but as long as you stay on top of your receipts you're netting more money.

  8. #8
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    courtious employees, decient prices, and most of all they treat me like a valued customer big load or small.

  9. #9
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    coffee in the AM, beer in the afternoon and the pay girls in short shorts and low tops! & good prices!

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  11. #10
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I think a higher price for the steel will increase foot traffic, a coupon will only get the same people who will most likely come back to you anyway

  12. #11
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    I think you’re going to get a lot of good info with this thread. (I’ve only been doing this for 6 months so my experience is limited)

    1. My yard will take anything as #2 insulated. Christmas lights, phone cords you name it no questions asked.
    2. Same with steel, they pay a good consistent price and don't sweat small amounts of plastic and wood mixed in.
    3. Pricing on average is 10% to 15% better then the next closet yard.

    1. The yard is either extremely small or extremely full. I get a really closterfobic feeling when I am there with all the trucks, machines and people moving around. Makes for an unpleasant experience while I am there.
    2. The small scale is up on a dock and can only handle two medium sized vehicles at a time. Not only do you usually have to wait in line you have to lift all your scrap up to the dock and then drag it 30ft to the scale. I would prefer to be able to just back in and drop it on or next to a scale.
    3. More often than not the scale operator does not speak very good English. Makes it hard to know what they are classifying the metals as and when they are docking me.

  13. #12
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    The yard that I used mostly for non-ferrous stuff has an "Express Center." Rather than having to wait in line to drive over the vehicle scales and go to the back, they have the building right up front. You still have to go to the main office to get paid, but it's right beside the express center. I can usually get in and get out in much less time.

  14. #13
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    Look around the forum "Scrap Yards and Recycling Centers Directory". Pay attn to the Maine one I did. I don't care about give-aways but I do care about being lied to, price and attitude.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  15. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    and the pay girls in short shorts and low tops!
    He ain't running a Hooters !! LOL
    I don't care about give-aways but I do care about being lied to, price and attitude.
    Amen brother, I agree 100%

  16. #15
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    I just remembered....Pacific used to have a wheel you could spin to get a bonus. I don't remember the amounts, or if it was specific to steel or not.

    I wish the yards I went to actually showed appreciation that I am bringing metal TO THEM, and not act like they are doing ME any favors.

    What keeps me coming back is I need money. And all the yards suck so it's a matter of going to one that sucks the least and/or pays the most.

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  18. #16
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    Honestly think that since the economy sucks so bad here, and that now, "everyone is a scrapper", they feel like they have a strangle hold on their customers. Kind of like a slum lord.

    If that dont make any sense, im drunk.

    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    I just remembered....Pacific used to have a wheel you could spin to get a bonus. I don't remember the amounts, or if it was specific to steel or not.

    I wish the yards I went to actually showed appreciation that I am bringing metal TO THEM, and not act like they are doing ME any favors.

    What keeps me coming back is I need money. And all the yards suck so it's a matter of going to one that sucks the least and/or pays the most.

  19. #17
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    Yeah, that makes sense. We need them more than they need us. If I don't take scrap to them, 20 others will.

  20. #18
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    I have been lurking on this site for quite some time and finally found the time to post . First, let me thank each and every one of you for providing such valuable information and ideas. The knowledge I have gained here has helped me build a profitable business and I owe many thanks.

    My name is Pete and I operate in the greater Denver area as a full time scrapper, cleanout and demo company.

    There is one huge factor in choosing a scrapyard and of course along with many small others..

    1. Cleanliness. All it takes for me to not return to a yard is a nail, stud or piece of metal stuck deeply in one of my tires. Waking up to a flat tire on one of my vehicles and having to take the time, money for repairs hurts the bottom line. The unload area should be swept often and preferably concrete or asphalt pad. In my area I give Rocky Mountain Recycling props for cleanliness.

    2. Speed and efficiency. There is huge truth to the saying "time is money" in this business. I like a yard that is organized, visible scales, many counter clerks and clear entry and exit .
    I fail to understand why some yards in my area have been operating for decades and operate like its the first day (Atlas iron and metal for example. Yes they have the best non ferrous pricing and I take mine there, but I refuse to sell ferrous to them.)

    3. In this business, a little respect and memory goes a long way. i no longer have to produce a D.L. or tell them my license plate number at payout and am usually greeted with pleasantry. We work our butts off and dont need attitude, cockiness or discourtesy.

    4. Honesty and knowledge. Jesus, if you are going to process metals and pay me accordingly, please know the difference between stainless and aluminum. If you dont, test or find someone that does.

    5. Overlook minor foreign materials. i process many commercial kitchen appliances and there may be a bit of foam, wood and plastic on board. I try the best I can to clean within limits and if I am treated and paid fairly, I will treat my customer, the yard, the same.

    I look forward to future posts, Have a great day!

  21. #19
    BasicMetals started this thread.
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    First girls in short shorts and tight tops would only make my work day better! Now if only the girls I'd like to squeeze into those could operate a computer and count money extremely well...we'd maybe have a shot. From my experience, it doesn't matter who we have at the window...if it's a girl - the customers are flirting! Any place is definitely doing themselves a disservice by having a guy at the pay window. I've had to fill in a few times...despite being quicker than any of the girls and getting the customers out with less waiting, I definitely didn't feel the love.

    With the economy going in the tank lately, we're definitely experiencing a way higher amount of traffic. I definitely feel your pain on when there's a long line and people standing around waiting. It's tough, especially on a hot day. We try to keep a water cooler out there and shop fans going in their general direction. It ain't much, but it helps.

    As far as yards feeling like they are doing YOU the favor...they should realize there are plenty other options on places to bring scrap. Brokers and yards are popping up all you definitely never want to treat your customers that way. Thanks for all of the feedback though. It helps a lot!!

  22. #20
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    only reason i go is cuz of how close my yard is. i pass it on my way to school. they got a new scale which is cool.

    i could do without the snippy comments like (YOURE DRIVING?!, i guess mom wants her car back... and just the @$$hole mentality of the older workers)

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