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New South Carolina Law

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  1. #1
    Ir0nman1 started this thread.
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    New South Carolina Law

    Anyone in SC had any experiences yet with the new law that requires a permit for buying, selling and transporting non-ferrous metals within the state in excess of 25#? I transport on occaision out of SC to my shop. Other times I transport personal items through the entire state on my way south. According to the law EACH county is required to enforce the law and provide permits.

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  3. #2
    Ir0nman1 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Yeah there is another post on here about that subject. If I am not mistaken the post Said something about the Police stopping Cars Prior to entering the yard.

    I called about it and some people said you had to have a permit from every county you may have to travel through, even if you were carrying your own personal material en-route to another state. Finally I got in touch with an officer in York County who followed up on my concerns and as far as I can tell, being stopped for "passing thru" the state is not/should not be an issue. I smell a big lawsuit regarding the transport part of the bill. Buying/selling I understand. BTW, in order to get a 1-year permit you have to personally appear in each county to get photo ID, etc. In my case I pass thru 18 or so counties. I do not buy or sell in SC.

  4. #3
    Ir0nman1 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Down here they Just passed a Law No A/C can be scrapped & No more Burned Copper wire will be Accepted. It is getting tough everywhere Buddy.

    I will get the one year permit from the county that I do get a recurring amount of non-ferrous material from. If I'm travelling through the state with my own stuff, I guess I'll deal with it when the time comes. I do have the officer's name and number and he is also the chief investigator of environmental regulatory violations in the state. On another note, I contacted the state AG, Gov's. office, and state legislature. NONE of the above could or would give any definitive information regarding the bill.

  5. #4
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Down here they Just passed a Law No A/C can be scrapped & No more Burned Copper wire will be Accepted. It is getting tough everywhere Buddy.
    They just fined a nearby yard out this way for employees suggesting to scrappers the idea of burning copper wire for better money.....They seem to be getting pretty touchy on a lot of stuff.

  6. #5
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Think its time I start working on a wire Stripper I have a Few good Electric motors I will go lay down and try to figure out a way to build one. lolol
    Not a bad idea there Dew....I have been watching YouTube videos on how to make one for a while. When things calm down a bit I think we might try it.

  7. #6
    stephenholseberg's Avatar
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    YUP i just got mine friday,you take your liscence and registration to the sherrifs office,they take your picture and copy your liscence and registration,enter you in the data base and send you on your way two hours later,i am #821 in my county,hows that for compitition.

  8. #7
    Ir0nman1 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephenholseberg View Post
    YUP i just got mine friday,you take your liscence and registration to the sherrifs office,they take your picture and copy your liscence and registration,enter you in the data base and send you on your way two hours later,i am #821 in my county,hows that for compitition.

    Regardless of buying/selling, do you transport outside of your county? If so, are they going to require the permit for every county you may travel through? Been told yes and no, but would rather hear from someone who is really involved with the transport end of things.

  9. #8
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Uh, are you saying that(for example an average joe shmo) if I'm driving through the next town to get to my town with 30lbs of copper in my car because I'm redoing pipes at my house I'd have to have a permit if I lived in SC? Does that mean I'd a hve to go get a permit to take to say Home Depot that allows me to buy that much copper and transport it back home? I can understand the buying/selling part maybe if it discourages thievery but what about the average non scrapper? This applies to them too?

  10. #9
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    We are considered a "Secondary Metal Recycler" here in SC.
    We are required to buy a "Permit to Purchase Non-Ferrous Metal" at the cost of $200.00 every 2 years. We CAN NOT buy anything from a person who doesn't have either a "Permit" from their home county or falls into a list of exempted sellers, ie; contractors, HVAC, etc.
    The law also requires that ALL non-ferrous sales be paid in the form of a check, which is issued on the spot. That will help deter those looking for some "quick cash".
    You can read more about the actual law in the link below.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ir0nman1 View Post
    Regardless of buying/selling, do you transport outside of your county? If so, are they going to require the permit for every county you may travel through? Been told yes and no, but would rather hear from someone who is really involved with the transport end of things.
    You are required to get a "Permit" from your home county or in the case of someone from out of state purchasing, from the county you are buying it in.

  12. #11
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    we should have an area on the forum that lists everyones scrap metal laws. Looks like everyone will be facing more strict laws in the future... Once one state makes one the next state will follow soon.

  13. #12
    Ir0nman1 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Uh, are you saying that(for example an average joe shmo) if I'm driving through the next town to get to my town with 30lbs of copper in my car because I'm redoing pipes at my house I'd have to have a permit if I lived in SC? Does that mean I'd a hve to go get a permit to take to say Home Depot that allows me to buy that much copper and transport it back home? I can understand the buying/selling part maybe if it discourages thievery but what about the average non scrapper? This applies to them too?
    This has been my main question, the answer to which depends on who you talk to. Don't waste time talking to dispatchers at your county sheriff's department. The most clear answer I got as to how the law relates for transporting through the state, not buying or selling, came from Master Deputy Bennett. He is in charge of Code Enforcement for Environmental Regulatory Investigations in York County. Very helpful and understands the pitfalls with the transport portion of the bill. He can be contacted at the York County Sheriff's Dept. Don't have the number handy, but information can give it to you.
    Here is a link to the bill in question, 16-17-685:

  14. #13
    Ir0nman1 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    we should have an area on the forum that lists everyones scrap metal laws. Looks like everyone will be facing more strict laws in the future... Once one state makes one the next state will follow soon.
    I expect NC to follow suit real quick.

  15. #14
    metal gypsy's Avatar
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    Of course since States are always looking for more money (less people working), it seems that they will eventually figure out a way to get it from scrappers.
    Last week one of the yards I go to, mentioned that the county next to ours is talking about permits. If you dont have a permit, you can not drop off your metal. They figured it would cut their (scrapyard) business in half. It would keep the scrapping legit, because thieves cant go through the legal system, Im sure some will find a way. On the other hand, If it does decrease a scrap yards intake, wouldn't the price of metals go up? If demand is there and supply is not, I think it would definitely drive prices higher.....

  16. #15
    Mick's Avatar
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    Not necessarily. One scenario might be that the illegal scrapper would sell to a permitted scrapper at a discount. Until the legal scrapper is required to keep records and is prosecuted for "Receiving Stolen Goods" the permit is simply a source of revenue.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  17. #16
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Down here they Just passed a Law No A/C can be scrapped & No more Burned Copper wire will be Accepted. It is getting tough everywhere Buddy.
    I you are talking about SB694, you still can recycle that stuff, it is just a lot harder. If it is A/C copper/aluminum coolers, then you have to have either: 1) A/C and refrigeration contractors license, 2) A/C and refrigeration tech registration, 3) documentation that the seller purchased the coils or 4) documentation showing the seller purchased a replacement unit. As far as burnt wire goes, you have to provide documentation that the wire was salvaged from a fire.

  18. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    They just fined a nearby yard out this way for employees suggesting to scrappers the idea of burning copper wire for better money.....They seem to be getting pretty touchy on a lot of stuff.
    Wow! The yards here talk openly about burning copper for a better price. Hard to resist getting #2 process.

  19. #18
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Ok I am not either AC certified as A Tech,Contractor. And I have about 17 AC Units here Is There a Grand Father Clause in the Bill I Don't See it in the Bill.

    Provide Documentation What Do I Have to Do Have a Police Report? For this Bill Of Sale Would it have to be Notarized?

    For All Intent Purposes It is a Regulated Material And being Regulated To me it means that If I Find say a A/C unit at a Local Dump Area It is Worthless Basically. Same As Wire if it happen to be burnt. I know there is ways around every Law I guess what I was Trying to Convey For the Average Scrapper If you think your going to go out and Grab a A/C unit and Scrap it {It Don't Work That Way Anymore}
    Unfortunately you are correct that it don't work that way anymore, they are making it infinitely harder on us small timers. I did not see any grandfather clause in there, I guess there is no way to prove you had your scrap before Sept 1st. I do not think there has to be any kind of police report or notary, I am reading just need the persons name and address in case they want to verify it. I personally will still take A/C units in, but am trying to word a good receipt that I can have the person I am getting it from sign so I will be covered.

  20. #19
    scrapdollar's Avatar
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    In reality, we have laws dealing with theft, there forth that is covered. Period.! Theft is theft no matter the color of lip stick.
    Now, the honest people get to pay a fine, because there are dishonest people! What is this world coming to?

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