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sole propieror vs. LLC - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Bobby started this thread.
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    Thanks! I don't know how, but I never came across the page on the site while I was reading.

  2. #22
    ixcelr84scraps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby View Post
    Thanks! I don't know how, but I never came across the page on the site while I was reading.
    They don't call me Google Queen fer nothin'!

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ixcelr84scraps View Post
    They don't call me Google Queen fer nothin'!
    Google my name. You will get an eye full =)
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  4. #24
    High Voltage Processing's Avatar
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    What we did was form a S corp. Yes it costs more but the tax benefits are awesome! For example, if I make 100k I am taxed at around 32-35%. With an S Corp I pay myself a 50k salary and take the other 50k as a dividend. The salary is taxed at around 28% and the dividends are around 15%. However, I am doing this on a much grander scale them most people.

    Another benefit is I have a registered agent. This is a person who is paid a yearly fee to be the point of contact for legal docs. Now no one can look up my home address in public records.

  5. #25
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    I have never done LLC yet, but have considered it.

    I will tell you thatr as the last 3 years I was operating as a contracted employee through 1099 and I was out of state all the time. I saved receipts on EVERYTHING. Gas, housing, food, oil changes, new tires, new laptop every year, internet service, tools, you name it. NOW, I dont understand what you guys are saying as paying small payments all year then getting it all back but they will not pay you more? I have never heard this, even through other employees i worked with. I never paid a dime on taxes, and at the end of the year when I filed, I submitted all of my receipts, separated with explanations of how they helped me or were required by my job. not only did I pay nothing but I REGULARLY got back THOUSANDS. I have always heard LLC's are better in case you were to ever be sued/

  6. #26
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    The Feds have done a great job in making taxes as complicated as they possibly could be. My best advise to anyone wanting to file your own taxes would be to use a Turbo Tax product. They have many products for many situations and they are pretty easy to use. Keep in mind that even though TT is doing the work, you are still filing the paperwork when it is all said and done. If you are not comfortable with that then get an accountant to do it.
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