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Free diesel

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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Free diesel

    I am getting free diesel and this is how I am doing it for anyone else who wants to follow. (check your state laws)

    I found a guy who all ready was making B100 for him self but he needed more oil. So...I bring him what he needed....ALOT more oil (about 600 a week) and he is doing it on a 2:1 so 600gallons = 300gallons of diesel. Costs me nothing other than the 3 to 5 hours to fill my 250gallon tote.

    Anyone else who is running a diesel truck may want to look into doing that or if you all ready make b100...look into that

    P.s down here in Texas you can sell B100 as "farm fuel" or "Stove fuel" and only have to pay sales tax. Once you sell it to someone they can drink it for all you if they put it into there truck...thats on them not you.

    He is selling the other 300gallons for $2.50 a gallon...he cant keep a fast as it comes out its sold.
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  2. #2
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Sweet....I was nosing around some government auctions the other day and there was a bio-diesel setup being sold. It wasn't getting any kind of interest at that point. Could be a good deal for someone with the time and the knowledge.

  3. #3
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Yea making it is not really all the hard at just takes some time but a kid (teen) could do it very easy.

    You dont even really need a costly setup...I have seen them made out of old water heaters and gas tanks. I rather have the guy make it..I can do what I need to do.

    Picking up the oil is no big sits on my truck...I run around all over the DFW and I will just stop around at places that I pump from and fill my tank up...simple..easy and fast.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Might have to pick yourself up one of those retired gas or oil straight truck tankers that haul 1500-2500 gal. Usually have good pumps on them. Might be the makings of another sideline business,,,,hmmm

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