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Another call.

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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Another call.

    Just got a call in not all that long ago. From a nice old lady up in OK. She got our phone number from another guy that we go and see from time to time (picking up scrap from him) and so she called me.

    We will be heading up there on the 20th to pick up the first 18foot trailer load of computers. They think they can fill it up two times.

    The used a chevy 1500 with a 16foot trailer with low sides but they filled it up 3 times and they still have more they need to remove. How high did they stack it...don't know. All I know is this....Tuesday is going to be a very fun day. I will take photos and share as I love to do on my large loads/odd loads =)

    If you cant tell...I am happy..things started to slow down alittle around the shop as I was busy working with a new vendor (mind you prices will be changing for the better in the next few days) but me and the new vendor have things all worked out. Now lets see how the first and 2ed load works out.
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
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  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    that's great easy...happy for you

  3. #3
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    Good Job Easy

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    A load of mixed computers, hmm might be some nice little gold mines in the mix. Good job.
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  5. #5
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Thats what I am hoping for...they said some are real lets see what kind I am going to get in this load. I have to run now I have about 600 to 700 pounds of batteries I need to go pick up across town.

  6. #6
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    Nice one, look forward to the day it happens to me )

  7. #7
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Congratulations Easy. You treat others good, and it reaps benefits 1,000,000,000,000 over with referrals.

    Is she giving it all to you for FREE, or you paying her something for it?
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  8. #8
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Congratulations Easy. You treat others good, and it reaps benefits 1,000,000,000,000 over with referrals.

    Is she giving it all to you for FREE, or you paying her something for it?
    Just got back from that run.

    I will pay her for it just not as much as we have to go there and load it up our self. They will be unable to help us in the loading. But from what she told me they have...shes looking at a very pretty penny.

  9. #9
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    Just got back from that run.

    I will pay her for it just not as much as we have to go there and load it up our self. They will be unable to help us in the loading. But from what she told me they have...shes looking at a very pretty penny.
    Yeah, I can't blame you for not paying her as much, especially since you have to load it all up yourself.

    I am sure she will be happy as can be to get something for it.

    Most people know you are making more money then they are getting, and lots of people don't care. They just want it gone!

  10. #10
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Gratz on the mega find easy. I cant wait for that to happen to me too.

  11. #11
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Gratz on the mega find easy. I cant wait for that to happen to me too.
    Cant say its a mega find...just not in my every day pick up spot. They got my number from a guy thats about 50+miles away. They called me hoping that I will "cover" there city an its on the outer edge but I like a nice road trip from time to time.

    The part I like. I did nothing to get this load. I did not have to call anyone, had no ads running in there papers (no money spent on ads) no radio they call me. Kinda nice when you get a days worth of work and it cost you nothing.

  12. #12
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    Amen to that. 2 truck and trailer loads would be a mega find to me.

  13. #13
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    I love 57' van full top to bottom is nice =) takes a few days worth of work.

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    I think you mean a 53' van, but you know what they say, everything is bigger in TX. Haha, anyways how big of a shop do you have? See we only have a 2500sqft warehouse and we have had to pass up some opportunities because of this. I was just wondering if you have some pics of your place to see how you have things set up. We are moving forward with an acre of land and are going to put a 4000sqft warehouse on it and I wanted to get a feel for how your operation is set up.


  15. #15
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    This is the funny part. We do not even use a warehouse. I am using 3 storage units and a warehouse that charges me $15 per pallet for them to unload and store for me.

    I go there and take a few pallets and my guy gos at them and we load up our gaylords and send out often.

    This is how its kinda set up

    #1 10x30 for brake down/load up of items TO be broken down. All on pallets and using a pallet jack to jack them out of unit so you have space to work

    #2 10x30 for load of pallets that need to go out...this is my scale room as well We weight up anything that comes in here and it will either go into Unit #1 for brake down or get boxed up here and placed onto a pallet.

    #3 is 10x15 this is a "done" room this room is for items that we need to repair/test. Once its been tested/repaired here it is then sold (we kinda do a auction kind of thing from time to time...its where we call alot of people out..they all fight at who buys what..I just sit there and wait for the guy who will pay the most comes up to great)

    This lets me have low over head fast processing times and all of that means I can pay more per pound than other companies this is why I am as good on pricing as I am. When I get better vendors my prices JUMP big time. I HAVE another vendor as of right now I am working there should be a good price change here very shortly.

    I am planning on getting a warehouse but doing this system works great. My over head (not counting labor) is only $500 and thats counting water and power. A warehouse here in Dallas will cost upwords of $1,500 with no power/water.

    P.s there are some 57' an we had first I thought it was a 53' but no that sucker was larger as hell

  16. #16
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    Yeah a 57' is big as hell. I don't even know if those are legal here in Illinois, but nothing is legal here..haha. Anyways, yeah that is a pretty nice set up if you can get the materials in and out. We have been in our space for 1.5years and 2months after we got in the space we out grew it. Now that we finally have enough to purchase some land and a building it is only the right step. Our business strategy is to never take out a loan, even if it means us growing slower. For our first year, we were working out of my parents garage, talk about a cluster ****. It was pretty horrible. But we saved, and saved a lot.

  17. #17
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Escrap View Post
    Yeah a 57' is big as hell. I don't even know if those are legal here in Illinois, but nothing is legal here..haha. Anyways, yeah that is a pretty nice set up if you can get the materials in and out. We have been in our space for 1.5years and 2months after we got in the space we out grew it. Now that we finally have enough to purchase some land and a building it is only the right step. Our business strategy is to never take out a loan, even if it means us growing slower. For our first year, we were working out of my parents garage, talk about a cluster ****. It was pretty horrible. But we saved, and saved a lot.
    Lol I started out of the family room watching Netflix movies.... We where real close to having to get a wearhouse but what saved us from that was finding a storage warehouse that will store things by the pallet. One pallet = $15. So if you have 10pallets its 10 x $15 but if you had NO pallets that month..then you pay nothing...its great. Its our over flow space =D an...for $15 a pallet and they load or unload the trucks...thats great....

  18. #18
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    goode things happen to good people. congrats. guess you dont want my 50 lbs now just kidding.

  19. #19
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    That's great easy, I too rented a storage unit, a 10x30 here is only $60/mo and I only hope I can grow to be big enough to buy some land and build a warehouse on it in the years to come. Great find

  20. #20
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    could u send me some stuff on how the ewaste stuff works?Like how much of this and that it takes to make a pound and so on and so fourth thx easy

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